满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.因为雨下得很大,我们只好推迟会议。(because) We have to...



We have to put off the meeting____________ ___________the heavy rain.


He____________ _________goes to the movies.


His sister is_____________ __________English than his brother.


Mary is very kind. She is______________ ___________her mother.


They are busy____________ __________for the exam.


1.because of 2.hardly ever 3.better at 4.similar to 5.getting ready 【解析】 1.短语because of +名词,代词,动名词,表示因为……;根据汉语提示, 故填 because of 。 2.hardly ever表示几乎从不;根据汉语提示, 故填hardly ever。 3.短语be good at...表示擅长……;根据题意可知用形容词的比较级。be better at...表示更擅长。根据汉语提示,故填better at。 4.短语be similar to...表示和……相似。根据汉语提示,故填similar to。 5.短语be busy doing sth.表示忙于做某事;短语get ready for...表示为……做准备。根据汉语提示,故填getting ready。


1.He brushes his teeth __________ (two)a day.

2.We should work hard to be ___________( win) in our lives.

3.He was very __________( luck) . He lost his schoolbag last week.

4.I think Lisa sang___________(well)of all.

5.Thanks for_________ ( help) me with my English.




1.Alice is a shy girl, but her brother is_______________(外向的).

2.Are you as ___________(友好的)as your sister?

3.I think a good friend makes me ___________(笑).

4.Our English teacher is very strict, so I can’t _______________(忍受)him.

5.The book is________________(有教育意义的).You should read it.



Most children like watching TV. It’s very interesting. By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course, they can also learn over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily on TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can’t see anything over the radio. TV helps to open children’s eyes. It helps to open their minds (智力),too. They learn newer and better ways of doing things.

Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evenings. They are always busy with their classes. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late. They can’t have a good rest. How about you, my young friends?

1.A few children go to bed late because they_____________.

A. are busy with their classes

B. do their homework

C. watch TV

D. listen to the radio

2.Children can’t see anything___________.

A. in class    B. on the radio

C. on TV    D. by watching TV

3.TV helps to open children’s_____________.

A. eyes and minds    B. minds    C. body    D. eyes

4.—Why do many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evenings?


A. TV is not good

B. they don’t like watching TV

C. they are always busy with their classes

D. they want to play tennis

5.Children can study better and easily on TV because___________.

A. they like to watch TV

B. they can hear at the same time

C. they can watch at the same time

D. they can hear and watch at the same time



Zhou Yan, a Junior 2 student, wishes he never got a mobile phone. Last week, he went to see a doctor because his arms and fingers(手指)were injured.The doctor told him that he had “mobile phone disease(疾病)”. A growing number of teenagers are getting “mobile phone disease” because more and  more are using mobile phones.

Zhou got his mobile phone five months ago.He sent(发) messages to his friends with it all the time, even when going to bed. Zhou started to do badly in exams because he  spent too much time playing with his mobile phone. His mom got very angry with him, but he didn’t stop playing with the mobile phone until his arms got injured(受伤).

Yang Ling, a doctor, says that if someone uses his mobile phone too much,like Zhou Yan, he might get “mobile phone disease”.If teenagers find their arms or fingers hurt(疼痛), they should go to see a

doctor as soon as possible. Yang says teenagers should try to use their mobile phones less, especially  (尤其) at school.

1.Zhou Yan wishes he never got a mobile phone because _______________.

A. his mother got angry with him

B. it doesn’t work well

C. it made his arms and fingers hurt

2.Zhou Yan didn’t do well in exams because _____________.

A. he argued with his mother

B. he was ill and didn’t go to school

C. he spent much time on the mobile phone

3.If someone has “mobile phone disease”, it means ______________.

A. the mobile phone brought him a disease

B. something is wrong with his mobile phone

C. he can’t live without the mobile phone

4.Yang Ling thinks teenagers should ______________.

A. go to see a doctor very often

B. not use mobile phones any more

C. use mobile phones less and less

5.The writer wants to tell us ___________in the article.

A. only a few teenagers have mobile phones

B. using mobile phones too much is bad for teenagers’ study and health

C. mobile phones can help teenagers get out of trouble(麻烦)



I was in the park with my elder sister, Cathy, on Friday. My sister left her jacket on a chair while we talked to some friends. When we went back to the chair, a girl in a red T-shirt was sitting there. She had some money in her hand. When she saw us, she stood up and walked away.

I asked my sister, "Did you have any money in your jacket?"

She said, "Yes, Anna, I did."

I said, "Look in your jacket quickly."

Cathy looked in her jacket, but her money was not there.

"That girl stole() it!" I said, and we both ran after her. We caught her quickly.

My sister was very angry and she said, "Give me the money." The girl gave the money to Cathy and ran away. We both ran after her, but we lost her.

Then we went home. But before we could tell our parents, my mother said to Cathy, "You left your money at home. It's on the table in the sitting room. You must be more careful with money."

So the girl in the red T-shirt was not a thief! She probably thought we were thieves! We felt terrible.

Please telephone us if you know this girl! We are very sorry for our mistake. We would like to say sorry to her and give the money back to her.

Our number is 512667. My name is Anna.

1.Cathy thought the money in the girl's hand was         .

A. from her jacket    B. the girl's own money

C. from their home    D. from the chair

2.The girl gave the money to Cathy because        .

A. she was afraid    B. Cathy asked her nicely

C. it was Cathy's money    D. she wanted to help them

3.According to the reading, Cathy’s money was really     .

A. in her jacket    B. in the girl’s hand

C. at home    D. on the chair

4.The two sisters found that the money wasn’t Cathy’s        .

A. when the girl ran away from them

B. after they heard their mother’s words

C. when the girl came to ask for it

D. when they caught her

5.The writer writes the passage to          .

A. telephone the girl

B. say thanks to the girl

C. say good-bye to the girl

D. return(归还) the money to the girl



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