满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—When will you leave for Beijing? —It’s_...

—When will you leave for Beijing?

—It’s___________ the weather.

A. up to    B. interested in

C. close to    D. good at


A 【解析】句意:——你什么时候动身去北京?——这要由天气决定。up to 由…决定、取决于;interested in对…感兴趣;close to接近于;good at擅长…。结合句意判断,答案选A。  

-Is Jack often late for school?

-No,_____ . He always goes to school early.

A. sometimes    B. always    C. never    D. often



—___________do you go to the shopping center?

—About once a month. I’m busy with my studies.

A. How soon    B. How often

C. How many    D. How much



—Dale, did you see __________umbrella in your office? I can’t find mine now.

—Is it___________ red one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a; the    B. an; the

C. an; a    D. a; a




你校学生会将在6月5日“世界环境日(World Environment Day)”举行关于 “环境保护”英语征文比赛,要求大家踊跃参加投稿。请你以“Environmental Protection” 为题,结合下列要点,完成一篇90字左右的文章。


1. 污染是目前世界上最严峻的问题之一。

2. 污染对我们的生活产生了很大的影响,如:垃圾…;空气…。(省略处至少各举一例)

3. 在一些西方国家,垃圾被分成了不同的类别,然后收集起来。

4. 我国政府已采取措施来保护环境。鼓励人们节约水,减少污染等。

5. 作为青少年,我们在日常生活中应该如何做? (至少补充两点)


Environmental Protection





Parents are the most generous people on Earth. However, we often fail to thank them for their efforts and love. And by the time we realize this, it’s too late. So don’t wait for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day to say sweet things to your parents.

  “I miss you all the time.” Although you are busy, don’t forget to call your parents and tell them how much you miss them when they are not around.

“I thank you for all your efforts.” Maybe you haven’t thanked them in words, but you surely did it in your mind. Hug(拥抱) them and tell them how much you thank them for their efforts. You can’t possibly give back everything they’ve done for you, but this small act will make them feel special.

“I’m sorry.” You might have said things that hurt them deeply, but they still believe in you and continue to shower their love on you. You may want to go back in time and make everything right. But since that can’t happen, all you can do is to say sorry from the bottom of your heart.

“Thank you for making me what I’m today.” You can never thank them enough for this. They’ve always been your strength to move forward in life. They have taught you all the small and big things about life. Let them know they are the real heroes in your life.

“You are great role models.” Your parents have been great role models and you should always respect them. They always encourage you to work hard and become a successful man in life. Even though you may have lost in a race or failed an exam, they were and still are your number one fans.



Things you must say to your parents before it’s too late


●You 1.express your thanks for your parents’ efforts and love.

●You don’t say sweet things to them until some special days.






What to say

“I miss you all the time.”

2.to phone your parents though you have no time.

“I thank you for all your efforts.”

●Show your thanks for their efforts to give you the best life possible.

●A small act like a hug will mean everything to them.

“I’m sorry.”

●Your parents will always love you 3. you may hurt them before.

●Say sorry sincerely to your parents since you can’t correct your past mistakes.

“Thank you for making me what I’m today.”

●Realize that your parents make you what you are today.

●Your parents are your real 4. who make you move forward in life.

“You are great role models.”

●You are always encouraged to be hard-working and successful.

●Your parents always 5. you even though you may not succeed in a race or pass an exam.





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