满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Last summer, the whole Cathy’s family we...

Last summer, the whole Cathy’s family went to New York City for their summer vacation. They stayed there for two weeks.

New York City with a large population of 8,000,000 is the largest city in the United States. It is also the home of the United Nations.

First they visited the Statue of Liberty, and the Statue of Liberty is one of New York’s most well-known historical sites. Millions of people visit it every year.

On the second day they went to the Empire State Building. From the top of the building, they saw most parts of New York. On the third day, they visited the Metropolitan Museum. In this museum, they saw a lot of famous paintings. During the rest time of the week, Bob went to Bronx Zoo with his younger brother and sister.

In the second week, the family visited Long Island, What a great summer vacation they had!

1.The family went to__________ for their summer vacation.

A. New York    B. London    C. Paris    D. Beijing

2.New York has_________ people.

A. about 7,000,000    B. about 7,500,000

C. 8,000,000    D. 6,500,000

3.The family visited __________the first day of their summer vacation.

A. the Statue of Liberty

B. the Empire State Building

C. the Metropolitan Museum

D. Bronx Zoo

4._________they visited Long Island.

A. On the first day

B. In the first week

C. On the second day

D. In the second week

5.The underlined word “It’’refers to _      .

A. New York

B. the United States

C. Cathy’s home

D. New York’s historical site


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 【解析】短文大意:去年夏天,凯西和家人到纽约城度过暑假。他们一共待了两周。纽约是美国最大的城市,它也是联合国的所在地。接下来描述了他们一家人在第一个星期去的地方,又提到他们一家人在第二个星期的计划与打算。 1.细节理解题。根据短文开头的句子“Last summer, the whole Cathy’s family went to New York City for their summer vacation”可知,凯西一家人到纽约城度过暑假。答案为A。 2.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“New York City with a large population of 8,000,000 is the largest city in the United States.”可知,纽约有800万人口,答案为C。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段开头的句子“First they visited the Statue of Liberty”可知,他们首先参观了自由女神,答案为A。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段的描述“In the second week, the family visited Long Island,”可知,第二周一家人参观了长岛,答案为D。 5.细节理解题。考查的是代词指代题,一般遵循就近的原则,结合上句“New York City with a large population of 8,000,000 is the largest city in the United States.”判断,此处it指代的就是New York,答案为A。 点睛:我们最熟悉的指代关系题的标志就是出现“refer to”这个词组。指代关系题可以分为两类:代词指代题和词汇指代题。本题属于代词指代题,代词所指代的可以是一个词,一个词组,还可以是一个句子。这类题一般可以采用“就近原则”来解决,通过上下句来确定所指代的对象。从位置关系上看,答案应该出现在it前面的句子当中,联合国所在地应该是一个城市,故答案为A。

Jane is a lovely girl and likes small animals. She often walks to school. There is a pet shop near her home.

On _____way back from school every afternoon, she always stops in front of the pet shop to ____ the animals. She likes the ____ there. One of them is a little white dog and Jane likes it ____. She likes watching the white dog ____ in the cage. So she often forgets the time and goes back home very_____. But her parents don’t know the_____.

One day, her parents asked_____ she was late. Jane told them about the dogs in the pet shop.

The next day, Jane ____ to watch the dogs as usual, but she could not ____ the white dog. She was very ____ and went home early. When she got home, her mother ____her a big cake and her father ____ her a present.

It was the white dog. How______she was! It was her birthday. Jane was very happy. From that day on, she did not come home _____any more. She ran home early to play with her dog.

1.A. she    B. hers    C. his    D. her

2.A. feed    B. buy    C. watch    D. keep

3.A. birds    B. dogs    C. shopkeeper    D. cats

4.A. best    B. better    C. very    D. a lot of

5.A. sleeping    B. playing    C. eating    D. barking

6.A. late    B. early    C. fast    D. soon

7.A. way    B. animal    C. shop    D. reason

8.A. what    B. why    C. when    D. where

9.A. liked    B. remembered    C. stopped    D. forgot

10.A. hunt    B. look at    C. look for    D. find

11.A. surprised    B. sad    C. happy    D. lucky

12.A. showed    B. ate    C. borrowed    D. called

13.A. found    B. asked    C. gave    D. helped

14.A. surprised    B. sad    C. interested    D. tired

15.A. early    B. late    C. happily    D. angrily



—_____ do you _____ the book?

—It’s very interesting.

A. What; like    B. What; think of

C. How; think    D. How; think of



Ms Wang  is  an  excellent teacher.________ in our class loves her.

A. Someone    B. No one    C. Everyone    D. Anyone



The air in Dongying is much worse than that in many other cities. We must do     to protect our environment.

A. nothing    B. anything    C. something    D. everything



I don’t think history is more useful than physics.

—I disagree. In my opinion, history is _______________physics.

A. as useful as    B. not so useful as

C. less useful than    D. the most useful of



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