满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Once upon a time,some children were play...

Once upon a time,some children were playing at seaside when they found a turtle(海龟).They began to beat the turtle.Just at that time,a young man came and said to them,"Stop!"The children ran(1)_____ quickly.The turtle was very thankful and said,"Thanks for your kindness.I really would like (2)_____ you to a wonderful palace now."

The young man rode on the back of the turtle and was taken to the secret palace in the sea.When he (3)_____ the palace,he was very surprised and said to the turtle,"What a nice palace!"To thank him,the king of the turtles gave him(4)_____.He had never seen such a dinner before.He received a warm welcome there and was very(5)_____ everything.

After dinner,the king of the turtles said,"I am going to give you two boxes,(6)_____ you can open only one.""You mustn't open both.Don't forget it!"the turtle warned him."All right.I will open only one,"the young man promised(许诺).At this time,a large wave sent him out of the sea.

After he(7)_____,he opened the bigger one of the two boxes.(8)_____ the box was full of gold."My God!"he cried."I'm(9)_____ now."Then he thought,"Things in the other box must be expensive,too."He could not wait any longer.He broke his promise and opened the other box.As soon as he opened it,he became an old man.His hair turned white.His face(10)_____ an old man over eighty years old.It all happened in a moment.He was sorry for what he did,but it was too late.

1.A. through    B. away    C. into    D. out

2.A. wanting    B. asking    C. to let    D. to invite

3.A. left for    B. arrived on    C. arrived at    D. got away

4.A. a very big dinner    B. a very poor dinner    C. a very bad dinner    D. a very small dinner

5.A. pleased with    B. strict in    C. angry with    D. sorry for

6.A. so    B. or    C. but    D. as

7.A. went back to home    B. was back home    C. went back to the sea    D. was back the sea

8.A. To his surprising    B. To one's surprising    C. To one's surprise    D. To his surprise

9.A. a poor man    B. a rich man    C. an old man    D. a young man

10.A. liked    B. felt like    C. looked like    D. looked


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇诚信故事,讲述了一个年轻人无意中救了一只龟,为了报答,那只龟把年轻人带到海底宫殿,给了他两个盒子,叮嘱年轻人只能打开一个。回到家,年轻人打开了较大的一个,得到很多金子。可是他经不住诱惑,终于打开了第二个盒子,没想到立即变成了八十多岁的老人。年轻人为自己的失信付出了青春的代价。 1.句意:孩子们很快就跑了。考查副词辨析题。A. through通过;B. away离开;C. into进入;D. out出来。run away逃跑/走掉。根据句意和上下文,可知ACD三项的与句意不符,故选B。 2.句意:我真的很想邀请你去一个很棒的宫殿。考查动词形式辨析题。would like to do sth.想要/乐意做某事;invite sb. to+地点,邀请某人去某地。like后接不定式,可排除AB两项;根据句意结构,可知选D。 3.句意:当他到达宫殿时,他非常惊讶。考查动词短语辨析题。A. left for离开去某地;B. arrived on到达,on后接时间/日期;C. arrived at到达某地;D. got away逃离。根据句意和上下文,可知选C。 4.句意:为了感谢他,海龟国王给了他一顿丰盛的晚餐。考查形容词短语辨析题。A. a very big dinner丰盛的晚餐;B. a very poor dinner非常糟糕的晚餐;C. a very bad dinner非常糟糕的晚餐;D. a very small dinner非常小的晚餐。to thank him为了感谢他;根据句意和语境,可知选A。 5.句意:他在那里受到热烈欢迎,对一切都很满意。考查形容词短语辨析题。be pleased with对……喜欢/满意;be strict in对……严格;be. angry with对……生气;be sorry for为……而抱歉。a warm welcome热烈欢迎;根据句意和上下文,可知选A。 6.句意:我要给你两个盒子,但是你只能打开一个。考查连词辨析题。A. so所以,表因果;B. or或者,表选择;C. but但是,表转折;D. as由于,表原因。根据句意和上下文提示,本句是转折关系,故选C。 7.句意:回到家后,他打开了两个盒子中较大的一个。考查固定短语辨析。回到家,有两种表达:go back home和be back home,这里的home是副词,前面不可加介词to。根据句意,结合短语结构,可知选B。 8.句意:使他惊奇的是盒子里装满了金子。考查形容词短语辨析题。to one’s surprise让某人惊奇的是,本句是那个年轻人惊奇,需用his。根据句意和语境,可知选D。 9.句意:我现在是个有钱人了。考查形容词短语辨析题。A. a poor man穷人;B. a rich man富人;C. an old man老人;D. a young man年轻人。根据句意和语境,结合上文the box was full of gold.,可知选B。 10.句意:他的脸看起来像一个八十岁以上的老人。考查系词辨析题。A. liked喜欢,动词/像,介词;B. felt like感觉像;C. looked like看着像;D. looked看起来。look like看起来像,固定表达。根据句意和语境,可知选C。


Hello, I am Jack. I’m the leader of a sport team. The team        are my father , my mother , my brother          my sister .

My father is a famous          player in our city. He has a lot of fans. He plays in the national(国家的) team and he will         in the World Cup.

My mother has a         habit(习惯). She gets up early in the morning. She jogs(慢跑) in a park. She also        doing yoga (瑜伽) in the evening. She is a happy mum. We love her very much.

My brother likes table tennis.       plays it with his friends on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

My sister        to school every morning to keep fit. She is a dancer. Running helps her dance well.

Like my        , I love football, too. I am         the Football Club of my school.

I love my family—such a sport family.

1.A. jobs      B. members        C. numbers      D. tests

2.A. or          B. and           C. but          D. though

3.A. basketball B. football       C. tennis     D. piano

4.A. play        B. stop           C. lend         D. use

5.A. good        B. bad           C. beautiful  D. young

6.A. watches    B. works          C. makes        D. enjoys

7.A. She        B. They          C. He          D. It

8.A. walks     B. runs          C. jumps        D. rides

9.A. father      B. mother       C. brother      D. sister

10.A. at        B. in            C. of           D. behind



Kitty enjoys playing volleyball. It          her happy.

A. make    B. makes

C. take    D. takes



Don’t go _______ today. There are too many people in the pool.

A. shopping       B. climbing

C. swimmingD. running



Tony is a quiet student,     he is active in class.

A. so    B. and    C. but    D. or



He__________Beijing now.

A. don’t live in    B. doesn’t live in

C. don’t lives in    D. doesn’t lives in



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