满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Most adults once studied at school, had ...

Most adults once studied at school, had classes and did their homework every day. The same____is going on at school now.____it seems that doing weekend home-work is____problem for the modern students.

All the students should agree that weekend homework should be canceled. It's____for them to study at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. With homework to do on Saturday and Sunday, how can they find____to help around the house, go and see a football or basketball game or a good film, join in family recreations (娱乐), or just have____at home? Because of these other activities, the homework can't be finished until____So their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Monday teachers are____and often threaten (威胁) to fail whole class of students because they know nothing about the____If there were no weekend homework for the students to do, they would be happy to go to school on Monday____having a good rest and to learn what the teachers teach.

1.A. thing    B. school    C. class    D. homework

2.A. Also    B. But    C. Still    D. Though

3.A. no    B. another    C. one    D. other

4.A. not enough    B. enough    C. no good    D. nouse

5.A. friends    B. time    C. places    D. money

6.A. a rest    B. an exam    C. a lesson    D. a picnic


A. Monday afternoon    B. Saturday afternoon

C. Friday night    D. Sunday night

8.A. pleased    B. sorry    C. unhappy    D. not worried

9.A. lesson    B. games    C. interests    D. activities

10.A. until    B. when    C. before    D. after


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 【解析】试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要介绍了学生们的家庭作业问题以及作者的一些关于这个问题的看法。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 考点:考查教育类短文。

Tom and Fred were talking about the year 2050."What will _____ be like in the year 2050?" asked Tom."I don't know," said Fred. "What do you think?" "Well, no one knows. But it is _____ to guess," said Tom. "In the year 2050 everybody will _____ a pocket (袖珍) computer. The computer will give people the _____ to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets, _____. And we'll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we'll be able to _____ them at the same time. Machines will do _____ of the work, and people will have more _____. perhaps they will work only two or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there."

"I'm very _____ to hear that . I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope I'll be able to live ______," said Fred . "Won't that be interesting? Just like a fish."

1.A. our home    B. the traffic    C. a factory    D. the world

2.A. pleased    B. no use    C. interesting    D. unusual

3.A. carry    B. bring    C. give    D. send

4.A. news    B. ways      C. things          D. answers

5.A. either    B. again    C. too    D. also

6.A. call    B. see    C. look    D. listen

7.A. most    B. many    C. lot    D. every

8.A. work    B. duty    C. holidays    D. times

9.A. sorry    B. glad    C. sure    D. afraid

10.A. in the sea    B. on land    C. on the mountain    D. under the ground



I was ten years old when we had to move to a place far away. I was ________ to leave because I spent all those years in that house. When the day came, I ran to a corner and sat by myself. I thought and thought and began to ________. Suddenly I felt a hand on my head, I ________. It was my grandpa. I knew he was sorry, too. He sat beside me and said, "It isn’t easy, is it, Tommy?" Before I could find any ________, he went on to say, "Goodbye is a cold word, it is so cold that we couldn’t use it."

Then we walked in the garden, hand in hand. We stopped in front of ________. "It’s so beautiful here," I said. "Yes, you think it is beautiful only because it is a ________ place in your heart," said my grandpa.

After a moment he said, "I planted those flowers a long time ago, when your ________ was born. Then the ________ came, and like many other young people, he went to fight. Ten months later, news came that your father had died. That afternoon, I picked some flowers from here, put them in front of his picture and said ________ to him."

With tears in his eyes, grandpa held me in his arms and said, "We are going to ________ but we won’t say goodbye to our old house, never, never…"

1.A. happy    B. angry    C. surprised    D. sorry

2.A. cry    B. guess    C. laugh    D. write

3.A. watched    B. saw    C. looked up    D. turned back

4.A. places    B. ideas    C. pictures    D. words

5.A. a tree    B. a river    C. some houses    D. some flowers

6.A. special    B. quiet    C. big    D. new

7.A. uncle    B. brother    C. father    D. mother

8.A. day    B. war    C. news    D. rain

9.A. thanks    B. goodbye    C. hello    D. good morning

10.A. stay    B. build    C. move    D. keep



There have been many great inventions that change the way we live.The first great(1)_____ was one that is still very important today﹣the wheel.This made it easy for man(2)_____ heavy things and to travel long distances.For hundreds of years after that,there were(3)_____ inventions that had as much effect as the wheel.Then in the early 1800's the world started to change(4)_____.There was little unknown land left in the world.People did not have to explore much any more.In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made.(5)_____ them were the camera,the electric light and the radio.These have all become a big part of our life today.The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions.The helicopter in 1909.Movies(6)_____ sound in 1926.The computer in 1928.And jet planes in 1930.This was also a time when a new(7)_____ was first made.Nylon came out in 1935.It changed the kind of clothes people wear.Of course new inventions continued to be made.Man began looking(8)_____ ways to go into space.Russia made the first step.Then the United States took another.Since then other countries,including China and Japan,(9)_____ their steps into space.In 1969man took his biggest step away from earth.(10)_____ first walked on the moon.This was certainly just a beginning.New inventions will someday allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.

1.A. scientist    B. artist    C. musician    D. invention

2.A. carry    B. carrying    C. to carry    D. carried

3.A. few    B. a few    C. little    D. a little

4.A. largely    B. differently    C. greatly    D. freely

5.A. Between    B. Among    C. Before    D. After

6.A. in    B. of    C. on    D. with

7.A. mistake    B. product    C. world    D. material

8.A. for    B. out    C. after    D. around

9.A. made    B. were made    C. have made    D. hade made

10.A. Chinese    B. Japanese    C. Americans    D. Russians



We should remember that we all learned our own language well when we were children.If we could learn(1)_____ second language in the same way,it would not seem so(2)_____.Think(3)_____ what a small child does.It listens to what people say and tries(4)_____ what it hears.When it wants something,it has to ask(5)_____ it.It is using the language,talking in it,and thinking in it all the time.If people(6)_____ use a second language all the time,they would learn it quickly.

We learn our own language(7)_____ hearing people speak it,not by seeing what they write.We imitate(8)_____we hear.In school,though you learn to read and write(9)_____ to hear and speak,it is the best way(10)_____ all the new words through the ear.You can read them,speak them,and write them later.

1.A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /

2.A. easy    B. fast    C. simple    D. difficult

3.A. of    B. out    C. over    D. about

4.A. imitate    B. imitating    C. to imitate    D. imitated

5.A. of    B. for    C. after    D. about

6.A. could    B. should    C. would    D. had to

7.A. of    B. by    C. on    D. with

8.A. what    B. when    C. where    D. how

9.A. and    B. but    C. as well as    D. as long as

10.A. learn    B. learns    C. learning    D. to learn



Once upon a time,some children were playing at seaside when they found a turtle(海龟).They began to beat the turtle.Just at that time,a young man came and said to them,"Stop!"The children ran(1)_____ quickly.The turtle was very thankful and said,"Thanks for your kindness.I really would like (2)_____ you to a wonderful palace now."

The young man rode on the back of the turtle and was taken to the secret palace in the sea.When he (3)_____ the palace,he was very surprised and said to the turtle,"What a nice palace!"To thank him,the king of the turtles gave him(4)_____.He had never seen such a dinner before.He received a warm welcome there and was very(5)_____ everything.

After dinner,the king of the turtles said,"I am going to give you two boxes,(6)_____ you can open only one.""You mustn't open both.Don't forget it!"the turtle warned him."All right.I will open only one,"the young man promised(许诺).At this time,a large wave sent him out of the sea.

After he(7)_____,he opened the bigger one of the two boxes.(8)_____ the box was full of gold."My God!"he cried."I'm(9)_____ now."Then he thought,"Things in the other box must be expensive,too."He could not wait any longer.He broke his promise and opened the other box.As soon as he opened it,he became an old man.His hair turned white.His face(10)_____ an old man over eighty years old.It all happened in a moment.He was sorry for what he did,but it was too late.

1.A. through    B. away    C. into    D. out

2.A. wanting    B. asking    C. to let    D. to invite

3.A. left for    B. arrived on    C. arrived at    D. got away

4.A. a very big dinner    B. a very poor dinner    C. a very bad dinner    D. a very small dinner

5.A. pleased with    B. strict in    C. angry with    D. sorry for

6.A. so    B. or    C. but    D. as

7.A. went back to home    B. was back home    C. went back to the sea    D. was back the sea

8.A. To his surprising    B. To one's surprising    C. To one's surprise    D. To his surprise

9.A. a poor man    B. a rich man    C. an old man    D. a young man

10.A. liked    B. felt like    C. looked like    D. looked



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