满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When this story happened,they were worki...

When this story happened,they were working around a very large house.Their job was to do the cleaning.It was not a difficult job,but sometimes it was a little dangerous,because they had to walk below where workmen were working.Often these workmen dropped something from the top of the house many meters high to the ground.One morning Joe was working near the house with a cigarette behind one of his ears.Suddenly somebody on the top shouted,"Look out!"But Joe did not"look out".He looked up.And as he did so,a long knife missed Joe's head,but it cut off one of his ears.At once he put his hand to one side of his head and cried out,"I've lost an ear.Help!Help!"Jeff ran up to help his friend."Look for my ear,"Joe told him."It must be on the ground somewhere."Jeff looked everywhere for the missing ear.At last he found an ear on the ground.He picked it up and carried it to Joe."Here you are,"he said,"I've found it."Joe looked at it."No,that's not my ear."he said,"Mine had a cigarette behind it."

1.What were Joe and Jeff?     

A. Soldiers.    B. Drivers.    C. Farmers.    D. Cleaners.

2.How did Joe lose his ear?     

A. He cut it off by himself.

B. Jeff cut it off with a knife.

C. A falling knife cut it off.

D. A cigarette burned it up.

3.At the end of the story Jeff found     

A. someone else's ear

B. Joe's ear

C. a long knife

D. a cigarette

4.From the passage,we know Joe  was not     

A. strong    B. kind    C. foolish    D. clever

5.Which is the most possible title for this passage?     

A. A Lost Ear    B. A Busy Cleaner

C. A Falling Knife    D. A forgetful Man


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】【分析】本文主要描述了城市清洁工在工地上打扫卫生时的潜在危险:其中一名清洁工的耳朵被空中掉下来的一把刀砍掉. 1.D 细节理解题.根据Their job was to do the cleaning.可知他们两人是清洁工;故选D. 2.C 理解推断题.根据And as he did so,a long knife missed Joe's head,but it cut off one of his ears.可知乔的耳朵是被空中掉下来的一把刀砍掉的;故选C. 3.B 细节理解题.根据"Here you are,"he said,"I've found it."Joe looked at it."No,that's not my ear."he said,"Mine had a cigarette behind it."可推断出这是Joe的耳朵,耳朵后夹的香烟应该是掉了,故选B. 4.D 理解推断题.根据短文最后乔的话语"No,that's not my ear."he said,"Mine had a cigarette behind it."可知他是不聪明的,耳朵都掉了还在想着他的香烟;故选D. 5.A 主旨大意题.根据短文内容And as he did so,a long knife missed Joe's head,but it cut off one of his ears可知,本文描述的是城市清洁工在工地上打扫卫生时丢耳朵的事情;结合本文的具体故事可知用"一只丢失了的耳朵"更形象,更能吸引读者;故选A.

A man in a very famous restaurant started to take off his jacket.As soon as he saw this,the head waiter rushed over to his table and said,"I'm afraid I must ask you to keep your jacket on,sir,because it is not good manners (礼貌) to do it in such a nice restaurant."

"Now,listen,"said the man."I will let you know that the Queen (女王) of England gave me permission (许可) to take off my jacket here."

"The Queen of England?"said the waiter in great surprise.

"Sure."replied the man,"When I was in England last month,a friend of mine took me to see the Queen.It was very hot.I started taking my coat off.The Queen looked over and said,‘You may do that in the United States,but you may not do it here!'So I got the Queen's permission,right?"

1.We can be sure that the story happened in     

A. America    B. the Queen's palace    C. England    D. an small restaurant

2.When the head waiter asked the man not to take off his jacket,the man     

A. took his advice at once

B. left the restaurant angrily

C. refused to listen to him

D. wanted to see the manager

3.The man told the waiter that he could take off his jacket because     

A. the weather was very hot

B. the Queen of England let him do so in the USA.

C. he was very rich

D. he was free to take off his clothes anywhere

4.What did the Queen really mean?

A. People in the USA were less polite.

B. She let him take off his jacket in America.

C. The English and the Americans enjoyed different ways of life.

D. He shouldn't take off his coat on such a formal occasion (正式场合) in England.

5.From the story we can see that     

A. the man went to have dinner with his friend

B. the head waiter was afraid of the Queen.

C. the man went to see the Queen of England with his friend.

D. the Queen invited the man to have dinner in a restaurant.



A survey has found more teens are smoking in Beijing.A lot of primary and middle school

students are picking up the habit of smoking.The number is more than twice than a few years ago.

The survey showed about 17percent of students at the primary and middle school picked up cigarettes last year,however it was only 7percent in 2005.

Among the students,23percent of boys and 11percent of girls tried smoking in 2008,compared with 11percent of boys and 3percent of girls in 2005.The survey also found 51percent of vocational high school students tried to smoke last year.The number is 11percent higher than in 2005.

"Influenced by television,magazine and other public media,and environmental factors,more and more teenagers are picking up cigarettes,"an official said.

The survey found that:83percent learned about smoking and health information from television.70percent from teachers.65percent from parents.56percent from newspapers.

Wang Guan,a school health official of Beijing CDC(疾控中心),told China Daily that most teenage smokers are light smokers,with 77percent smoking fewer than five cigarettes a day.But the age when teenagers smoke their first cigarette is getting younger,she said.Some parents seem not to be worried about their children's bad habits.

This year,Beijing will organize several health education activities on tobacco control,involving a tobacco control poster competition,community﹣level communication and the launch of a website promoting a smoke.free atmosphere.

In May 2008,the capital banned smoking in public places,including restaurants,hotels,offices,hospitals and schools,to meet China's pledge of a smoke﹣flee Olympics.

1.From the passage,we can learn that the problem of teenagers smoking is becoming     

A. better and better

B. less and less

C. more and more interesting

D. more and more serious

2.Among the students,more     tried smoking than     in 2008.

A. parents;children

B. teachers;students

C. boys;girls

D. parents;teachers

3.The students learned about smoking and health information from the following ways


A. television    B. teachers    C. parents    D. Internet

4.The age when teenagers smoke their first cigarette is getting     

A. elder    B. younger    C. higher    D. lower

5.In May 2008,the capital     smoking in public places,including restaurants,hotels,offices,hospitals and schools.

A. allowed    B. didn't allow    C. asked    D. let



Everybody knows Charlie Chaplin,a world  funny(1)_____.People everywhere laugh(2)_____his films until tears run down their(3)_____.From his appearance they know what will happen.The little man is always(3)_____ black moustache,wide﹣open eyes,round black hat and shoes too (5)_____ for his feet.He will struggle through snow,and fall from windows.He will fight with men who are twice his size and(6)_____ notice him.

The poor man that Charlie Chaplin(7)_____ in hundreds of films makes all kinds of mistakes.He is always in (8)_____,but he never gives up.He dreams of(9)_____ a great man.

Even people who don't understand English can enjoy his films,because they are mostly silent.It isn't what he says that makes people(10)_____.His comedy doesn't depend on words.It depends on little actions which mean the same thing people all over the world.This is secret of Charplin's great success.

1.A. writer    B. teacher    C. actor    D. actress

2.A. at    B. with    C. to    D. of

3.A. head    B. eyes    C. faces    D. mouth

4.A. have    B. has    C. with    D. to have

5.A. small    B. bigger    C. smaller    D. large

6.A. hardly    B. always    C. mostly    D. often

7.A. make    B. made    C. played    D. plays

8.A. danger    B. safety    C. trouble    D. hard

9.A. to be    B. becoming    C. to becoming    D. become

10.A. laugh    B. to laugh    C. laughing    D. cry



Most adults once studied at school, had classes and did their homework every day. The same____is going on at school now.____it seems that doing weekend home-work is____problem for the modern students.

All the students should agree that weekend homework should be canceled. It's____for them to study at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. With homework to do on Saturday and Sunday, how can they find____to help around the house, go and see a football or basketball game or a good film, join in family recreations (娱乐), or just have____at home? Because of these other activities, the homework can't be finished until____So their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Monday teachers are____and often threaten (威胁) to fail whole class of students because they know nothing about the____If there were no weekend homework for the students to do, they would be happy to go to school on Monday____having a good rest and to learn what the teachers teach.

1.A. thing    B. school    C. class    D. homework

2.A. Also    B. But    C. Still    D. Though

3.A. no    B. another    C. one    D. other

4.A. not enough    B. enough    C. no good    D. nouse

5.A. friends    B. time    C. places    D. money

6.A. a rest    B. an exam    C. a lesson    D. a picnic


A. Monday afternoon    B. Saturday afternoon

C. Friday night    D. Sunday night

8.A. pleased    B. sorry    C. unhappy    D. not worried

9.A. lesson    B. games    C. interests    D. activities

10.A. until    B. when    C. before    D. after



Tom and Fred were talking about the year 2050."What will _____ be like in the year 2050?" asked Tom."I don't know," said Fred. "What do you think?" "Well, no one knows. But it is _____ to guess," said Tom. "In the year 2050 everybody will _____ a pocket (袖珍) computer. The computer will give people the _____ to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets, _____. And we'll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we'll be able to _____ them at the same time. Machines will do _____ of the work, and people will have more _____. perhaps they will work only two or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there."

"I'm very _____ to hear that . I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope I'll be able to live ______," said Fred . "Won't that be interesting? Just like a fish."

1.A. our home    B. the traffic    C. a factory    D. the world

2.A. pleased    B. no use    C. interesting    D. unusual

3.A. carry    B. bring    C. give    D. send

4.A. news    B. ways      C. things          D. answers

5.A. either    B. again    C. too    D. also

6.A. call    B. see    C. look    D. listen

7.A. most    B. many    C. lot    D. every

8.A. work    B. duty    C. holidays    D. times

9.A. sorry    B. glad    C. sure    D. afraid

10.A. in the sea    B. on land    C. on the mountain    D. under the ground



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