满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Benedict Allen was born in England in 19...

Benedict Allen was born in England in 1960. His dad was a pilot, and Benedict dreamed of traveling around the world like his dad. His dream came true —  Benedict became an explorer. But he doesn’t travel the world in a plane. He finds a place he wants to explore, and then he lives with the local (本地的) people. He learns important skills from them, and then uses those skills to explore the place he’s visiting. He doesn’t use modern things like cellphones (移动电话), and he likes to travel alone.

Benedict’s explorations are often dangerous, but he likes them. One of his favorite explorations was in 2001. He wanted to be the first person to travel alone across the ice from Siberia to Alaska. So he went to Siberia and lived with the Chukchi people. He learned how to live like the Chukchi people and drive a dog team. He traveled 622 miles with only a dog team. The weather was really bad. There was a lot of snow, wind and ice, so the journey was very difficult. Benedict almost lost the dog team, and he almost died, so he ended his journey early. It was scary, but he learned a lot.


1.What did Benedict dream of?


2.Does Benedict use a cellphone when traveling?


3.When did Benedict go to Siberia?


4.What did Benedict learn from the Chukchi people?


5.What made Benedict’s journey from Siberia to Alaska difficult and dangerous?



1.Traveling around the world like his dad. 2.No, he doesn’t. 3.In 2001 4.He learned how to live like them and drive a dog team. 5.The weather 【解析】试题分析:这篇短文讲述了探险家本尼迪克喜欢探险,并与2001年独自穿越冰川从西伯利亚到阿拉斯加的探险故事。 1.题意:本尼迪克的梦想是什么?考查细节理解题。根据短文开头第二句His dad was a pilot, and Benedict dreamed of traveling around the world like his dad.,可知填Traveling around the world like his dad.。 2.题意:本尼迪克旅行时使用手机吗?考查细节理解题。根据短文的最后一句He doesn’t use modern things like cellphones, and he likes to travel alone.,可知填No, he doesn’t.。 3.题意:本尼迪克什么时候去西伯利亚?考查细节理解题。根据第二段内容One of his favorite explorations was in 2001. He wanted to be the first person to travel alone across the ice from Siberia to Alaska. So he went to Siberia and lived with the Chukchi people.,可知在2001年去的,故填In 2001。 4.题意:本尼迪克向楚克其族人学习了什么?考查细节理解题。根据第二段He learned how to live like the Chukchi people and drive a dog team.,可知填He learned how to live like them and drive a dog team.。 5.题意:是什么让本尼迪克从西伯利亚到阿拉斯加的旅程艰难又危险?考查细节理解题。根据The weather was really bad. There was a lot of snow, wind and ice, so the journey was very difficult.,可知是恶劣的天气,故填The weather。 点睛:该题是阅读短文回答问题,即根据文章的表层意思进行深层次的推理判断,组织语言回答问题。首先要粗读文章了解大意,其次通过细读,理解全文。在粗读的基础上,仔细阅读题后所给的题目,根据题目要求,再有重点地返回来仔细阅读。在阅读时要注意辨认和记忆具体事实,重要情节,事物的起因、过程、结果及发生的地点、时间等,这对题目的判断至关重要,需要考生综合所有的细节来理解把握。



A: Hey, Susan! 1.

B: No. What’s it like?

A: 2. It’s my favorite.

B: Can I listen to it on your CD player?

A: 3.

B: It’s really a good jazz (爵士) piece. But I still like rock music best.

A: Who is your favorite singer?

B: Cui Jian. 4.

A: Why do you like him?

B: 5.

A: I see.


A. Of course.

B. Have you read the article about him?

C. I went to his concert last week.

D. I agree.

E. Have you listened to the song called “Take Five”?

F. Because his music is exciting.

G. I think it’s amazing.




I’m Dave. I’m from the west of Ireland. When I finished university, I ____ to leave Ireland to find work. Although I ____ home, I enjoyed living in London for two years. But after that, I felt I needed a ____, so I bought a ticket to Ecuador, a country that many of my friends were talking about. Two months later, ____ was in Quito, a beautiful city high up in the mountains. First, I explored (考察) the city. Next, I decided to walk on the Camino Real, the most important lnca road. It was hard work, ____ the views (景色) were really wonderful. During the walk, there were more and more clouds and it was ____ to see. Suddenly I heard some magical Irish music. It ____ me of home. “How could it be?” I just ____ believe it. I thought I was dreaming. The next day, when I came down for breakfast at my hotel, I ____ found out the truth.____ was practicing Irish music at the hotel garden (花园). It was an American tourist who was making the magical music of my home!

1.A. chose    B. forgot    C. answered    D. refused

2.A. stood    B. built    C. missed    D. challenged

3.A. reason    B. result    C. prediction    D. change

4.A. I    B. it    C. he    D. she

5.A. or    B. but    C. if    D. because

6.A. hot    B. free    C. clear    D. difficult

7.A. reminded    B. talked    C. described    D. heard

8.A. mustn’t    B. needn’t    C. couldn’t    D. shouldn’t

9.A. again    B. always    C. unluckily    D. finally

10.A. Anybody    B. Somebody    C. Everybody    D. Nobody



—Eric, you have seen the movie. _______?

—It’s interesting. You can watch it.

A. How do you know that    B. What do you think of it

C. What does it look like    D. How does it begin



—Jane, _______ and get ready. We’re waiting.

—I’m coming.

A. run away    B. hang out    C. lie down    D. hurry up



Kate is so funny that she often makes us _______.

A. laughing    B. laugh    C. to laugh    D. laughed



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