满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

翻译句子。 1.我喜欢把窗户开着睡觉。 I like to sleep ____...



I like to sleep ________  __________  _________.


The man’s face _________  __________ because of shame.


Spring is ________  _________  _________ to fly a kite.


The sun __________  _________ the east.


I like to climb the mountains when they’re ____________  ____________ snow.


1.with windows open 2.turned red 3.the best season 4.risesin 5.covered with 【解析】 1.复合结构“with+宾语+宾语补足语”是一个很有用的结构,它在句中主要用作状语,表示伴随、原因、时间、条件、方式等;其中的宾语补足语可以是名词、形容词、副词、现在分词、过去分词、不定式、介词短语等。此句就是运用“with+宾语+形容词”这一结构,答案为 (1). with (2). windows (3). open 。 2.turn red变红,turn为系动词,red为形容词,构成系表结构,描述发生在过去的一件事情,句子的时态为一般过去时,答案为(1). turned (2). red 。 3.根据句意可知,此处要用形容词的最高级形式,后面的动词不定式作定语,故答案为(1). the (2). best (3). season 。 4.“”太阳从东方升起属于客观真理,句子要用一般现在时来表达,The sun作句子的主语,注意动词要用三单形式,故答案为(1). rises (2). in 。 5.be covered with被……所覆盖,故答案为 (1). covered (2). with。


1.Li Ming is going to see a film this weekend.(对划线部分提问)

___________ __________ Li Ming _________ ___________ _________ this weekend?

2.What a lovely girl Lisa is!(改为同义句)

__________  ___________ Lisa is!

3.Can you give me a piece of paper?(改为同义句)

Can you ___________ a piece of paper _________ me?

4.We didn’t go to school today because of the heavy snow.(对划线部分提问)

_________  _________  __________  __________ to school today?

5.I like to stay at home on a rainy day.(对划线部分提问)

_________ do you ________  _________  _________ on rainy days?



Summer holiday is coming. What do you like to do? Here are four students telling us what they will do in the coming summer holiday.

Mai haijuiBaihetiya, 14

I am from Xinjiang. I am studying at Tianjin No.2 Middle School now. I will go on a trip to Beijing. I am going to the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum. I will also go to Wangfujing Street to buy a sweater for my mother, a scarf for my father and a T-shirt for my brother.

Wu Jun, 13

I come from Shanghai. My favourite season is summer. I like going swimming with my friends in the swimming pool. It’s very exciting.

Mike, 13

I am studying at Nanjing No.5 Middle School. I miss my parents very much. I will go back to America to see my family. Summer is a good season to go out. I will have a picnic with my friends in the countryside. I can also play football and baseball with my friends. How happy we will be!

Liu Shuyi, 14

I am from Shanghai. I like summer best because I can eat ice cream and wear a dress. I am not good at English. I will join the English club to learn English.

1.How many family members will Mai haijuiBaihetiya buy presents for?

A. Three.    B. Four.    C. Five.    D. Six.

2.Who likes swimming according to(根据) the passage?

A. Wu Jun.    B. Mike.    C. Mai haijuBaihetiya    D. Both A and C.

3.Who likes playing baseball according to the passage?

A. Wu Jun.    B. Mike.    C. Mai haijuBaihetiya    D. Liu Shuyi.

4.Liu Shuyi likes summer best, because she can ___________.

A. eat ice cream    B. go boating    C. eat fish    D. go fishing

5.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Mike is from America.

B. Liu Shuyi speaks English very well.

C. Mai haijuiBaihetiya lives in Tianjin now.

D. Wu Jun and Mike are of the same age.



I am Alice and I am a reporter. Today I talked with three students. And I asked them some questions about school meals. Let’s see what they think of their school meals.

Jack, a ten-year-old boy, said, “I don’t like my school meals at all, because the food is terrible and the drinks are too expensive.”

Mary, a shy girl in a red dress, said, “I don’t eat school meals, but I would like to eat them because my brother says they are nice.”

Tom, a little boy with glasses, said, “My school doesn’t have school meals, so we have to eat sandwiches. I would like to eat school meals, but I don’t want to see potato in the school meals. I would like to have hamburgers and French fries.”

1.What does Alice do?

A. She is a reporter.    B. She is a student.

C. She is a teacher.    D. She is a policewoman.

2.Why doesn’t Jack like his school meals?

A. Because the food and drinks are really terrible.

B. Because the food is terrible and the drinks are too expensive.

C. Because the food is expensive and the drinks are terrible.

D. Because there is always potato in the school meals.

3.What can we learn about Mary?

A. She would like to have hamburgers.

B. She is a shy girl with glasses.

C. She doesn’t eat school meals.

D. She doesn’t like school meals at all.

4.Who thinks school meals are nice?

A. Mary.    B. Marry’s brother    C. Tom’s brother.    D. No one.

5.Why does Tom have to eat sandwiches?

A. Because he doesn’t like eating potatoes.

B. Because he doesn’t like school meals.

C. Because there aren’t hamburgers in his school.

D. Because there aren’t school meals I his school.



There is a very famous holiday named Christmas in western(西方的) countries. It’s always _________ the same day every year---December 25th. Everybody in Britain __________ Christmas, but ___________ ready for Christmas is very hard. There are so many things to do.

The __________ thing is that you have enough food. People usually have ____________ during the Christmas dinner. Also, of course, you have to make a big Christmas cake. There are all kinds of fruits in the Christmas cake. You also need many ___________ things for Christmas.

Father usually buys a Christmas tree. He __________ it home, and then children decorate it with some lights and they usually put a star on top of the tree. Everybody ___________ presents to each other for Christmas. We put the presents on the floor under the tree _____________ Christmas Eve(平安夜). Nobody can open their presents ___________ Christmas Day!

1.A. about    B. in    C. on    D. at

2.A. enjoys    B. hates    C. brings    D. practices

3.A. getting    B. got    C. get    D. gets

4.A. second    B. good    C. first    D. third

5.A. fun    B. rice    C. sale    D. soup

6.A. other    B. another    C. else    D. the other

7.A. teaches    B. learns    C. hands    D. carries

8.A. orders    B. borrows    C. gives    D. lends

9.A. on    B. in    C. for    D. about

10.A. after    B. when    C. until    D. as



Fall is the best season __________ apples.

A. picking    B. to pick    C. picked    D. pick



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