满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---We can use computer to listen to musi...

---We can use computer to listen to music.

---                  , we can chat with our friends.

A. But    B. Beside    C. In addition    D. Except for


C 【解析】句意:-我们可以用电脑来听音乐。-而且,我们可以和我们的朋友们聊天。But但是,表示转折;Beside在…旁边;In addition而且;Except for除了。根据句意可知,第二句话是对前面一句话的补充,故应选C。  

---What           the number of the students in the playground?

---About 80. And a number of them                   playing basketball.

A. are, is    B. is, is    C. is, are    D. are, are



---He                   nine years old tomorrow.

---Oh, where will he spend his               birthday?

A. is going to be, nineth    B. will be, ninth

C. is going to be, ninth    D. will be, nine



---How do you                   the books which you have read?

---I usually share them _               my classmates and talk about the stories each other.

A. deal with, with    B. deal with, to    C. do with, with    D. do with, for



---Would you like to drink?

---Yes, I would like     .

A. anything, some apples    B. something, some cakes

C. something, some orange    D. anything, some oranges



A: ---Excuse me?

B: ---Yes.

A: ---Could you tell me            Mr. White has stayed at home since he           back?

A. how soon, comes    B. how often, got

C. how long, came    D. how far, arrived



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