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There are many national parks in Africa ...

There are many national parks in Africa where you can go on safari(游猎). In the northeast of South Africa, there is a national park named Kruger National Park. It is about 20,000 square kilometers. Many kinds of plants and animals live in Kruger, including the famous "Big Five". For hunters, these five animals are some of the most difficult and dangerous to catch. Many travelers think mainly about seeing the Big Five while on safari. But there are many other interesting, and much smaller animals too.

Tanzania(坦桑尼亚) is another country with many parks where you can go on safari. The good place is Gombe Stream National Park in the west of the country. It has thick forest, old trees, and beautiful lakes. When you go deep into the forest, you can sit to wait for some animals to come near. You'll be glad to watch these animals playing, eating and communicating(交流) with each other.

Chobe National Park in the country Botswana is another popular place for safari. You can see one of the largest elephant groups in the world there. You can see elephants face to face in this national park. When you go around the park and feel the grass moving, there may be elephants. Then you can see them nearer. They walk past you to look for food.

1.If you go to the north-east of South Africa, the best place to go on safari is_______.

A. Chobe National Park    B. Gombe Stream National Park

C. Tan.    D. Kruger National Park

2.What does “the Big Five” mean in the passage?

A. They are five big parks.

B. They are five kinds of big and dangerous animals.

C. They are five good hunters.

D. They are five high mountains.

3.How many countries does the writer mention(提到) in the passage?

A. One.    B. Two.    C. Three.    D. Four.

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Gombe Stream National Park is a good place with thick forest and beautiful lakes.

B. Gombe Stream National Park i.s one of the parks where you can go on safari in Tanzania.

C. Chobe National Park has many elephants.

D. You can see interesting small animals around the lake in Chobe National Park.

5.Which is the best title?

A. Safari in Africa    B. Face to Face with the Elephants

C. Travelling in Africa    D. Animals in Africa


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】本文主要介绍了在非洲有许多国家公园,在那里你可以去游猎。在南非的东北部,有一个叫克鲁格国家公园的国家公园。许多种类的动植物生活在克鲁格,包括著名的“五大”。坦桑尼亚的西部是贡贝溪国家公园。它有茂密的森林、古老的树木和美丽的湖泊。你会看到动物觅食,玩耍和彼此交流。在博茨瓦纳这个国家的乔贝国家公园你可以看到世界上最大的大象群。 1.题意:如果你去南非的东北部,狩猎的最好的地方是_______。A. Chobe National Park 乔贝国家公园;B. Gombe Stream National Park贡贝溪国家公园;C. Tan Tanzania. 坦桑尼亚; D. Kruger National Park克鲁格国家公园。根据第一段第二句In the northeast of South Africa, there is a national park named Kruger National Park. 在南非的东北部,有一个叫克鲁格国家公园的国家公园。结合下文的介绍可知选D。 2.题意:文章中的“五大”是什么意思?A. They are five big parks. 他们是五个大公园;B. They are five kinds of big and dangerous animals. 它们是五种大而危险的动物;C. They are five good hunters. 他们是五个很好的猎人;D. They are five high mountains. 他们是五座高山。根据第1段第5句For hunters, these five animals are some of the most difficult and dangerous to catch. 对于猎人来说,这五种动物是最困难和最危险的。结合题意可知选B。 3.题意:作者在文章中提到了多少国家?A. One. .一个;B. Two..两个;C. Three. 三个;D. Four. 四个。根据1段第二句In the northeast of South Africa,提到South Africa(南非)第2段第1句Tanzania is another country with many parks where you can go on safari.提Tanzania(坦桑尼亚);第3段第1句Chobe National Park in the country Botswana is another popular place for safari.提到Botswana(博茨瓦纳)可知共提到3个国家,选C。 4.题意:下列哪项是不正确的?A. Gombe Stream National Park is a good place with thick forest and beautiful lakes. 贡贝溪国家公园是个不错的地方,有茂密的森林和美丽的湖泊。 B. Gombe Stream National Park is one of the parks where you can go on safari in Tanzania. 贡贝溪国家公园是在坦桑尼亚你能去旅行的公园之一。C. Chobe National Park has many elephants. 乔贝国家公园有许多大象;D. You can see interesting small animals around the lake in Chobe National Park. 在乔贝国家公园湖周围你可以看到有趣的小动物。根据本文倒数第三句When you go around the park and feel the grass moving, there may be elephants.可知D错误,选D。 5.题意:哪个是最好的题目?A. Safari in Africa在非洲的狩猎; B. Face to Face with the Elephants和大象面对面;C. Travelling in Africa在非洲旅行;D. Animals in Africa非洲的动物。本文第一句There are many national parks in Africa where you can go on safari(游猎).(在非洲有许多国家公园,在那里你可以去游猎。)是本文中心句,下面的内容是围绕这句展开的,具体介绍了非洲的三个国家的自然公园。结合选项和本文主要内容可知选A。 点睛:阅读理解最能体现学生的英语能力的题型,分值较高。如何通过解题方法的掌握来提升自己解答阅读理解题的技巧是学生最关心的问题。初中阅读理解一般考查学生的细节理解能力,主旨理解能力和推理判断能力。做阅读理解题,首先要准确理解题意,然后根据题意根据短文内容做出正确的答案。(1)考查细节理解能力,此类型题较简单,准确理解题意后,直接到文中找出答案。(2)考查猜词能力。做这种题型时,要根据上下文意思准确猜出词意。3)考查推理判断能力,此类题型较难,准确理解题意后,在文中找出相关的内容做出合理的推断。本文主要考查学生的细节理解能力。准确理解题意后,到文中找出相关的叙述,做出正确的判断。

Tom was a farmer. He worked on the farm all day, but sometimes he went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetables. One day, a terrible sound attracted his attention in the town market. He saw a young bull for sale. The bull was white and yellow. It was looking at Tom in fear. Tom walked up and touched its head gently. Just at that time they both seemed to have known each other for a long time. How amazing! Tom bought it at once and called it Amba.

From then on, Tom and Amba got on well with each other. But some friends told him that it was dangerous to have such a close relationship with an animal.

One afternoon, Tom was walking through the forest with Amba. Suddenly, Amba stopped walking and kept pushing Tom with its head. Tom was very surprised and looked around. There was a big snake in front of him. It was beautiful but poisonous. Quickly Amba stepped on the snake’s tail with its foot and at the same time Tom picked up a stick and hit the snake’s head heavily. Soon the snake died.

Tom was very grateful for Amba’s help. When people heard this, they were shocked at the bull’s expression of love for Tom. But for Tom, Amba was not a bull but a member of his family.

1.Tom worked __________.

A. on the farm    B. in the market

C. in the forest    D. in the town

2.Amba was __________.

A. a small and nice cow    B. a big and beautiful snake

C. a white and yellow bull    D. a black and white dog

3.From the passage, we know Tom and Amba __________.

A. hated each other    B. got angry with each other

C. got on well with each other    D. disliked each other

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Tom went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetables.

B. Tom’s friends thought animals were safe.

C. Tom hit the snake’s head heavily with a stick.

D. For Tom, Amba was a member of his family.

5.The passage mainly wants to tell us __________.

A. the love between humans and animals

B. the fight between a bull and a snake

C. how to keep an animal

D. how to train an animal



In Barnes London Wetland Centre, you can enjoy a large number of wild birds and wild animals. Adults fare is £7.95, and children’s fare is £4.50. But if holding a London pass, you can have free admission(入场).

London Wetland Centre is thought to be the European Citys best place to contact wild animals. London Wetland Centre is the UKs most worthy(值得) of showing off, and the most exciting wildlife projects, including 43 hectares of grassland, as well as pools.

Barnes wetlands are located(位于) in the Thames. This award-winning centre always interest many scientists. There are many different kinds of animals, including the cormorant(鸬鹚),the Kingfisher(翠鸟) and the endangered water vole(河鼠).

In London Wetland Centre there are a large number of different habitats. When visiting the centre, visitors can watch movies through the video to learn more about wetlands and the knowledge of biological species(生物种).

For children, London Wetland Centre is a good choice to learn a lot about the knowledge of nature.

There are many other interesting places about wildlife. If you are interested in wildlife, why not go to London Zoo, Regent(丽晶)Park or River Thames downstream to experience the worlds most beautiful gardens. Holders of London Passes can visit them freely.

1.The Wetland Centre in the passage is in the__________ .

A. USA          B. PRC             C. UK             D. UN

2.London Wetland Centre includes __________ hectares of grassland.

A. 4           B. 3          C. 43             D. 34

3. At the _____, visitors can learn more about wetlands and the knowledge of biological species.

A. Tower Bridge 

B. London Wetland Centre

C. Big Ben 

D. London Tower

4.Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word downstream?

A. 干流          B. 支流       C. 上游          D. 下游

5.Two children without London Pass want to go into the London Wetland Centre. They will pay ______.

A. £4.50   B. £9.00      C. £7.95      D. £9.95



I live in a big city. It’s noisy and dirty and I got very________.At the weekends I like to leave the city and get some________air and a good rest. A few weeks ago I decided to go to see my________.I was really looking forward to it.

My parents live a long way________. I went to see them with James, a friend, and we drove on Friday night. In the middle of the ________it began to rain. The road became very ________and it was difficult to drive. We arrived home just after midnight,  feeling very ________.The next _______it was still raining. James took his _______to a garage which was very good.

In the afternoon the ________improved, we wanted to go for a _______.My parents lent us their car. That was no good. Their car didn’t________. We rang up the garage. “Oh,” they said, “your car_______be ready till tomorrow. ”So it wasn’t possible to go for a drive. We decided to play a word game. When we didn’t agree upon a word we looked for a dictionary. It wasn’t there.Finally,my mother remembered, “I lent it to your sister. She took it with her when she left. ”The word game wasn’t any good without a dictionary.

On Sunday my mother dropped a heavy box on her foot and we had to hire a ________to take her to hospital. When James and I drove back we got stuck in a car accident. Next time I want a rest. I’ll stay in _______

1.A. angry    B. surprised    C. sad    D. tired

2.A. warm    B. cool    C. cold    D. fresh

3.A. comrades    B. friends    C. parents    D. hometown

4.A. away    B. here    C. there    D. far

5.A. day    B. night    C. journey    D. road

6.A. narrow    B. wet    C. dirty    D. dry

7.A. happy    B. excited    C. tired    D. thirsty

8.A. morning    B. day    C. afternoon    D. evening

9.A. clothes    B. car    C. books    D. machine

10.A. car    B. clothes    C. weather    D. work

11.A. drive    B. look    C. trip    D. walk

12.A. move    B. run    C. start    D. work

13.A. mustn’t    B. couldn’t    C. wouldn’t    D. won’t

14.A. truck    B. taxi    C. bike    D. bus

15.A. the country    B. the city    C. my home    D. the garage



Lucy, isn’t the talk boring?

         —_________. You can learn a lot from it.

A. I think so   B. That’s right    C. Yes, I agree   D. No, not at all



Ann likes watching action movies, __________ her sister likes comics.

A. and    B. or    C. while    D. however



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