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On a Friday night, a poor young violinis...

On a Friday night, a poor young violinist(小提琴家) was playing his violin at the entrance of the subway station. The music was so great that people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat.

The next day, the violinist came to the entrance again. He put down his hat as usual. Beside the hat was a piece of paper with some words on it. It said WA George Sang has put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Welcome to claim (索取)it. "Soon people were all attracted by the words and wondered what it could be. After a while a man rushed through the crowd, took the violinist's shoulders and said, "I knew yon would certainly come here. The violinist asked, "Did you lose something? “ Lottery(彩票).” The violinist took out a lottery ticket with Sang' s name on it.Sang took it and danced happily.

Sang was an office worker He bought the lottery and won a prize of $ 500,000. But when he gave $ 50 to the violinist for his wonderful music, the lottery ticket was thrown in, too. The violinist was a college student. That morning, he was going to fly to Vienna for higher education, However,when he found the ticket, he canceled the flight and returned to the entrance.

Later someone asked the violinist why he didn't take the lottery ticket to pay the tuition fee(学费). He said, "Although I don't have much, but I live happily. If I lose honesty, I won't be happy forever.”

1.The young man played the violin for        at the entrance.

A. pleasure    B. money    C. love    D. friends

2.George Sang put         into the violinist's hat on a Friday night.

A. money    B. lottery    C. money and lottery    D. nothing

3.George Sang was very        to see the young violinist the next day

A. worry    B. sorry    C. sad    D. happy

4.The underlined word“ canceled” means        .

A. 取消    B. 延误    C. 预定    D. 结束

5.What’ s the best title(标题) for this passage?

A. The meaning of honesty

B. An office worker and a lottery ticket

C. The importance of being happy

D. A violinist and an office worker


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.A 【解析】短文大意:一个星期五的晚上,一个贫穷的年轻小提琴家在地铁站门口拉小提琴。音乐是如此之美妙以致人们放慢脚步倾听并放一些钱在他的帽子。第二天,小提琴手又来到这里。他像往常一样放下帽子。在帽子上有一张纸写道:“乔治桑错将一份很重要的东西放在我的礼帽。欢迎索认领它。一段时间后,一个男人冲进人群,把着小提琴手的肩膀说,“我就知道你一定会来”。乔治桑是一个办公室工作人员。他买了彩票,中奖50万美元。,由于美妙的音乐,他拿50美元给小提琴家,把彩票也抛了出去。小提琴手是一个大学生。那天早上,他将飞往维也纳接受高等教育。然而,当他发现了票,他取消了航班返回入口。后来有人问他为什么不把彩票当学费。他说:“虽然我没钱,但我活得很快乐。如果我没了诚信,我永远不会快乐。” 1.题意:那个年轻人在门口拉小提琴为了____________。A. pleasure快乐;B. money金钱;C. love爱情;D. friends朋友。根据a poor young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance of the subway station. The music was so great that people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat 可知那位年轻人拉小提琴是为了赚钱,所以选B。 2.题意:乔治.桑在星期五晚上往拉小提琴手的帽子里放了________________。A. money金钱;B. lottery彩票;C. money and lottery金钱和彩票;D. nothing 什么没有。根据He bought the lottery and won a prize of$500,000.But when he gave$50 to the violinist for his wonderful music,the lottery ticket was thrown in, too.可知George Sang 误将彩票放到了小提琴手的帽子里,所以选C。 3.题意:第二天,乔治.桑非常_________想见到那个年轻的小提琴演奏家。A. worry担心;B. sorry对不起;C. sad悲伤,伤心;D. happy快乐,高兴的。根据The violinist took out a lottery ticket with Sang’s name on it. Sang took it and danced happily可知第二天George Sang见到那位拉提琴人非常高兴,所以选.D。 4.题意:下画线的单词“canceled”意思是_______________。A. 取消; B. 延误; C. 预定;D. 结束。根据However,when he found the ticket,he cancelled the flight and returned to the entrance.(然而,当他发现了票,他取消了航班返回入口)可知cancelled的意思为“取消”,所以选A。 5.题意:这篇文章最好的标题是什么?A. The meaning of honesty诚实的含义;B. An office worker and a lottery ticket一个办公室职员和一张彩票;C. The importance of being happy幸福的重要性;D. A violinist and an office worker小提琴手和办公室职员。根据这篇短文最后一句If I lose honesty,I won’t be happy forever.可知短文的主题在于说明诚实的重要性,所以选A。

“How are you?” is a nice question. It’s a friendly way that people in the U.S.A greet each other. But “How are you?” is also a very unusual question. It’s a question that often doesn’t need an answer. The person who asks “How are you?” hopes to hear the answer “Fine”, even if the person’s friend isn’t fine. The reason is that “How are you?” isn’t really a question and “Fine” isn’t really an answer. They are simply other ways of saying “Hello” or “Hi”.

Sometimes, people also don’t say exactly what they mean. For example, when someone asks “Do you agree?”, the other person might think, “No, I disagree. I think you’re Wrong...” But it isn’t very polite to disagree so strongly, so the other person might say “I’m not sure.” It’s a nicer way to say that you don’t agree with someone.

People also don’t say exactly what they are thinking when they finish talking with other people. For example, many talks over the phone finish when one person say “I’ve to go now.” Often, the person who wants to hang up gives an excuse(藉口): “Someone’s at the door.” “Something is burning on the stove.” The excuses might be real, or not. Perhaps the person who wants to hang up simply doesn’t want to talk any more, but it isn’t polite to say that. The excuse is more polite, and it doesn’t hurt the other person.

Whether they are greeting each other, talking about an idea, or finishing a talk, people don’t say exactly that they are thinking. It’s an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it’s part of the game of language.

1.When a person in America asks “How are you?” he or she wants to hear “      

A. How are you?    B. Hello.    C. I don’t know.    D. Fine.

2.When a person disagrees with someone, it is polite to say“    .”

A. You are wrong. I disagree

B. I’m not sure

C. I’m sure I disagree

D. No, I disagree

3.A polite way to finish talk is to say“           .”

A. You have to go now

B. I want to hang up

C. I have to go now

D. I don’t want to talk any more

4.When a person says “I’ve to go now. Someone’s at the door.” the person may be________.

A. giving an excuse

B. hurting someone’s feeling

C. ill

D. asking you a question

5.The rule of the game of language is probably      .

A. Always say what you mean

B. Don’t disagree with people

C. Never say exactly what you’re thinking

D. Be polite



Material One

If your child often gets bad grades, you must feel sad. As a middle school teacher,I feel sad, too. However, I'd like to say that bad grades are not the end of the world.

Recently, researchers from the University of Bristol (in England) and the University of Chicago(in the USA)did a survey. Over 10,000 people took part in the research. The study shows that promising children money, iPads or cell phones to pass exams is useless. However, promises of trips can encourage students to study hard. So from now on, please make proper promises.

Material Two

As an education expert, I care much about your kids. A lot of parents I know want their kids to do well in their studies. After all, good grades in school could increase kid's chance of achieving big things when they grow old.

Helping your kids improve their studies can be possible by following these tips:

See to it that your kids eat right. it's important to eat a balanced and healthy diet.Make sure that your kids don't skip breakfast.

Let your kids get enough sleep. Make sure that they get at least eight hours of sleep.Getting a good night's sleep is as important as eating three healthy meals a day.

Influence your kids to read often. Reading is a good habit. It can not only improve your kids communication skills but also extend their vocabulary.

1.According to Material one,promises of        can encourage students to study hard.

A. Money    B. iPads    C. cell phones    D. trips

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to Material Two?

A. Breakfast is important to kids.    B. Kids should have two meals a day.

C. It's necessary for kids to get enough sleep.    D. Reading a lot is helpful to kids.

3.The underlined word“ extend” can be replaced by“      ”.

A. break    B. waste    C. increase    D. remember

4.From the above reading, we can learn that       .

A. the writer of Material One works in a university

B. the University of Bristol lies in the USA

C. the writer of Material Two is a teacher

D. parents can do much to help kids with their studies

5.Who is the above reading written for?

A. Parents    B. Students    C. Teachers    D. Education experts



假设你叫Simon,你想在某个英文杂志上刊登一则交友广告。请你根据下面的要点提示,适当发挥你的想象,写一篇80—100 词的英语短文介绍一下你自己。


1. 外貌:……;

2. 特点:聪明勤奋、乐于助人;

3. 梦想:……






Dear editor (编辑),

My name is Peter. I am a reader of your

m 1.. I would like to tell you s 2. about my friends.

I came to study at a middle school here two years ago. I found it more difficult to make friends here t 3. at my old school. However, I still made two new friends.

One of them is Jenny. She is very k 4.to me. She is a good listener and she can always keep my s5.. I think Jenny is a very special girl. I like her very much.

The o 6. is James. We met at an ice skating club. I am a s7. person and I often feel nervous ( 紧张的) in front of others, but I find it really easy to chat with James. He is

as kind as Jenny, and he often helps me practice my skating s 8.. When I am unhappy, he always tells me funny j 9. to make me laugh.

I am very glad to c 10. Jenny and James as my friends, and I hope we will be friends forever.





My name is Lisa. Kitty is my best friend. She is a lovely girl with two big, beautiful eyes. But she always hides them behind a pair of glasses.

One day, I nearly ended our friendship. I remember that day clearly. We were sitting in the classroom. The teacher was giving us our results of a Chinese test. I had done badly. I felt so sad that I wouldn’t talk to anyone. At lunchtime, I even stayed in the classroom by myself. Suddenly, I heard a voice. It was Kitty. “You look very unhappy,” she said. “What’s wrong?” I looked up at her, but said nothing. I knew Kitty got a good mark in the test. I thought she was making fun of me. I kept quiet, but Kitty didn’t go away. She kept asking me questions, “Is it because of the exam? Do you want me to show you the right answers?” I looked away from her. When I looked up again, Kitty had gone. I thought a best friend shouldn’t do this!

In the afternoon, I couldn’t find my exam paper. However, Kitty came up to my desk with my exam paper! She said, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I took the paper. But as your friend, I must do something for you.” I looked at the paper and got a big surprise. Kitty had written the right answers next to every one of my mistakes ( 错误). My face turned red. She had been trying to help me all along. How nice

she was!

I held her hands, gave her a big hug ( ), and said, “Thank you, Kitty, for not leaving me alone.” That afternoon, Kitty and I went home on foot together. I felt so happy that we were still best friends.

Lisa and her best friend


●Her name is Kitty, a lovely girl with

two1. , beautiful eyes.

●She always wears2. .


▲Lisa did very 3.in the 4. test.

▲ Lisa felt very sad and wouldn ’t  5. to anyone.

▲Lisa stayed in the classroom 6.at lunchtime.

▲Kitty 7. about Lisa and asked her some questions.

▲Kitty wrote the right answers in Lisa’s exam paper.

▲Lisa felt  8. when Kitty gave her exam paper back.


Lisa  9. Kitty and gave her a big hug.

They 10. home together and they were still best friends.





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