满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 在生活中, 我们都曾有独自购物的经历, 这些经历或曲折或开心, 给我们...


在生活中, 我们都曾有独自购物的经历, 这些经历或曲折或开心, 给我们留下了难忘的回忆。请你以“My Shopping Experience”为题, 把记忆最深刻的一次购物经历写下来。

要求:1. 90词左右;2. 字迹工整, 语言流畅, 表达准确, 逻辑清晰。



My Shopping Experience About five years ago, I went shopping at a mall on my own. The mall was one of the biggest malls that I had ever seen. Moreover, there were some small restaurants where you could enjoy a tasty meal. As I walked around the mall, I found a pair of beautiful jeans. After I tried them on, I found they were suitable, so I bought the jeans. I had fun there! When I finished shopping,I took a break at one small restaurant. I felt tired but excited and happy. It was certainly a nice experience. 【解析】这篇习作的层次清晰,内容饱满,表达流畅。文中使用了大量短语,例如go shopping,at a mall on my own,one of the biggest,walk around,a pair of,try on,have fun,finish shopping,take a break等。而The mall was one of the biggest malls that I had ever seen. / there were some small restaurants where you could enjoy a tasty meal. / After I tried them on,I found they were suitable, so I bought the jeans.等复杂从句结构的运用,使本文内容丰富,表达流畅,是短文的最大亮点。


1.money, how, we, can, make


2.afford, can't, car, new, unluckily, the, I


3.my, sold, out, I, soon, cookies, of


4.an, friend, yesterday, from, received, Ms. Liu, e­mail, her


5.finish, can, in, you, less, an, it, than, hour




根据短文内容及所给提示, 补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。

Brian's school life is very busy. Recently Jenny, Danny and he 1. (raise) some money for their school basketball team. Brian baked cookies and sold 2. of them in l3. than an hour. Danny invented a new desk but everyone thought it was t4. dangerous  t5. do homework on a bicycle. Li Ming thought that 6. (sell)cookies was a great idea to help others. His teacher, Ms. Liu wanted 7. (open)a shop to raise money for school 8. (activity). Li Ming 9. (think)his classmates would 10. (support)the idea.



Shopping online is popular now. Recently, Sanoma Media did a survey on buying electronic products online. 3673 people from six European countries took part in the survey. The result shows it is interesting that most of the people are men, and 95 percent(百分之……) of the people often buy the electronic products online. You can draw a conclusion(结论) that most men like buying electronic products. The following are all these people's background details.


1.The ________ shows it is interesting that most of the people are men.

2.As for work situation, 7% refers to ________ and 9% refers to_______________.

3.In total, what percent of the people are married?






High­speed trains, Alipay(支付宝), shared bikes and online payment are seen as the new Four Great Achievements of China by young foreigners, according to a video survey by the Silk Road Research Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University. In the video, young people from 20 countries along The Belt and Road (一带一路)were asked to name great inventions that had influenced their lives in China. The following is what they said from 4 young

people of them.

1.What does Justin think of the high­speed railways in China according to his words?

A. Fast and tidy.

B. Convenient and wonderful.

C. Cheap and amazing.

2.What do “A” and “B” refer to()in Yala's words?

A. Two bikes.

B. Two riders.

C. Two places.

3.What does the underlined phrase “be in a tough spot” mean?

A. Get into trouble.

B. Lose your way.

C. Stay in silence.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the above information?

A. The bicycle­sharing system provides bikes for free.

B. There're no high­speed railways in Romania now.

C. Zhi Fu Bao is the only way of paying for things.

5.What conclusion (结论) can we draw about the new four great achievements?

A. They were created by young foreign people.

B. They are the signs that China is improving rapidly.

C. They were brought to the countries along The Belt and Road.




A little girl went to a hospital. “I want to____a miracle(奇迹).” “What?” said the doctor. “My brother is badly ill,____my daddy says only a miracle can save my brother.” “We don’t sell miracles here, little girl. I’m____but I can’t help you,” said the doctor. “I have the____to pay for it.” said the girl.

The doctor’s brother asked, “What miracle does your____need?” “I don’t know,” she answered. “My daddy can’t____for it, so I want to use my money.” “How much do you have?” asked the man. “A dollar and a half.” “Well,”____the man, “a dollar and a half can buy a miracle.”

That man was a very good____Theoperation(手术) was free and her brother became well. “What’s the price____the operation?” her mom asked. The little girl smiled. She knew exactly how____a miracle was—a dollar and a half with thefaith(诚意) of a little girl.

1.A. sell    B. make    C. buy    D. take

2.A. or    B. so    C. then    D. and

3.A. glad    B. sorry    C. worried    D. sure

4.A. money    B. illness    C. time    D. house

5.A. mom    B. daddy    C. brother    D. sister

6.A. pay    B. spend    C. give    D. have

7.A. asked    B. smiled    C. cried    D. talked

8.A. friend    B. parent    C. teacher    D. doctor

9.A. to    B. of    C. with    D. at

10.A. little    B. few    C. much    D. many



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