满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 今年9月,举世瞩目的G20峰会将在杭州举行。作为一名中学生,应该用自己...



内容包括:1. 举止文明,比如……(behave well; be supposed to…)

2. 学好英语,能为外宾指路,做导游(be a guide)

3. 参与公园、马路的清扫活动

注意:1. 必须包括以上三种活动,可适当增加内容;

2. 字数80词左右。开头已给出,只需接着写。不计入总词数。

The G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou in September, 2016. ___________________________________________





The G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou in September, 2016 As community volunteers,my classmates and I go to the drop-in centre to help with things of which we are capable every or every other Saturday afternoon.There are many old people and children who are not able to return home temporarily.The old often feel lonely and helpless.So some of us read newspaper for them and chat with them.With the spiritual company,they find everyday filled with happiness. 【解析】1. 本题为材料作文,尽量用上所给的材料。 2. 不要逐句的翻译。 3. 作文中要包括以上三种活动,可适当增加内容。 4. 时态用将来时或一般现在时。 5. 字数80词左右。  

It was the college sports meeting. My______still hadn’t got well from an earlier injury. In fact, I had thought over______I should attend it. But there I was, preparing for the 5,000-meter run.

We were off. The other girls ran______ahead of me. I realized I was limping(腿瘸) and felt______as I fell farther and farther behind.

The first-place runner was two laps() ahead of me at the finishing line. “Hooray!”______the crowd. It was the loudest cheer I had ever______. “Maybe I should stop running,” I thought______ I limped on. “They can’t wait to______this race.” Somehow I decided to keep going.______the last two laps, I ran in pain, deciding not to ______in the running race next year.

Just as I nearly reached the finishing line, I heard a ______ --as loud as the one I had heard when the first girl passed the finishing line. I ______to find what was that all about and saw some boys preparing for their race. “That______be it; they’re surely cheering for them.” I finished my running and went to the bathroom where a girl knocked into me. “Wow, you have great______!” She told me. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”

Suddenly I got hope again. One girl saved my dream. I only dream that someday I will win the race with a cheer as big as the one I got when I ______ the race.

1.A. finger    B. arm    C. neck    D. foot

2.A. when    B. where    C. how    D. whether

3.A. excitedly    B. early    C. quickly    D. politely

4.A. puzzled    B. worried    C. moved    D. interested

5.A. talked    B. said    C. shouted    D. spoke

6.A. done    B. heard    C. answered    D. received

7.A. as    B. before    C. after    D. for

8.A. begin    B. finish    C. enjoy    D. watch

9.A. During    B. With    C. At    D. Besides

10.A. give    B. fight    C. compete    D. take

11.A. cry    B. laughter    C. noise    D. cheer

12.A. moved out    B. ran out    C. turned around    D. walked around

13.A. may    B. can    C. will    D. must

14.A. courage    B. talent    C. secret    D. ability

15.A. won    B. lost    C. entered    D. held





Watching an average TV show requires very little brain power and brings the same result as paying no attention to physical exercise. Your brain will become weak just as your muscles do. If you watch TV, choose something educational and knowledgeable.


Acquiring a new language includes different learning ways. Learning a language sharpens your brain and helps stay away from memory problems in later years.


Each week, choose an animal, a bird or a fish, and read everything you can about it. Stretch your brain as you become an expert on the subject.


If you are right-handed, use your left hand for everyday activities, or use your right hand if you are left-handed. Doing familiar things in a new way will cause your brain to create new neural(神经的) networks.


As you read, take the time to look up people or places that aren’t familiar. Reading increases your vocabulary if you search for words and meanings that you don’t know.

A. Read often

B. Master a new subject

C. Use the hand that isn’t used much

D. Play video games

E. Learn a new language

F. Spend less time on your TV viewing



A great number of people in the world have never seen snow.Others see more of it than they want to. Hail is much more common; it happens even in deserts.

Hail is a small round ball of alternating layers(交互层) of snow and clear ice. It forms inside large dark clouds that you can see before or during a storm. There are two ideas about how hailstones from.

One idea shows that hail forms when drops of water freeze in the upper air.

As they fall, they collect more drops of water. They also collect snow. The ice and snow build up in layers. If you cut a hailstone, you can see these alternating layers.

The other idea says that hail starts as a raindrop. The wind carries it higher into the atmosphere(大气层), where it gets covered by snow. It becomes heavy and begins to fall. As it falls, it gets a layer of water, which freezes.

Then the wind carries it back to the snow area, and it gets another layer of snow. This can happen a number of times. Finally the hailstone is too heavy to travel on the wind, and it falls to the ground.

Only a thunderstorm(暴风雨), a storm with loud noises and lightning can produce hail, but very few of them do. Perhaps only one in 400 thunderstorms creates hailstones.

A hailstone is usually less than eight centimeters in diameter. However, hailstones can be much bigger than that. Sometimes they are as big as baseballs. The largest hailstone which people have ever recorded weighed over 680 grams and had a diameter of thirteen centimeters.

Hail can cause the death of plants, especially since hail usually appears in the middle of summer, when the plants are partly grown. If the crops are destroyed, it is too late to plant more, and the farmer has lost everything. In one terrible hailstorm in 1923 in Rostov, in Ukraine, twenty-three people and many farm animals were killed.

1.Which of the following is about HAIL?




A.     B.     C.     D.

2.According to the passage, which of the following is the fact about hail?

A. Hail is formed of snow and ice.    B. Hail can’t be found in desert any more.

C. Hail often comes in cold winter.    D. People can see snow more often than hail.

3.What does the underlined word “them” in the fifth paragraph refer to?

A. Noises.    B. Hailstones.    C. Thunderstorms.    D. Deserts.

4.What do farmers most probably think of hail according to the last paragraph?

A. Unusual.    B. Common.    C. Useful.    D. Terrible.

5.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Different ideas about how hail forms.    B. A brief introduction about hail.

C. The size and the weight of hailstones.    D. The influence that hail causes.



Are you a positive person? If so, you are always hopeful and think of good points of a situation instead of bad ones. The power of positive thinking has been widely researched. It’s funny that some of us accept this power quickly while others are doubtful. Do you know the reason? Our opinions about positive thinking might explain its point.


When facing a problem, we weigh success or failure against the problem itself. We might think that positive thinking always leads us to expect success. Actually, it’s more important to realize that positive thinking results in acceptance of our situation. If we think positively, we may predict success or ways to move on when we are in difficulties. There’s a difference between blind positivity and seeing things in a positive way.

Results from positive thinking

Does research see any real value in positive thinking? Many studies show that a positive attitude leads to less stress and sadness. Physically, positive thinking also leads to a longer life and quicker recovery(恢复) from sickness. Positive people with a family history of heart problems are even less likely to experience heart attacks.

Positive VS Negative(消极)

It seems strange to think that a state of mind can have such effects. But there are several reasons why a positive attitude is better than a negative one. Negative feelings are good for making us focus on tasks, such as running from danger, for example. However, positive feelings open us up to a world of kinds of possibilities and bring us helpful ways. The more results of positive thinking naturally last longer as well.

Strategies for positivity

A positive attitude comes easier for some people than others because it’s a born character. Still, anyone can try a few things to bring out the positive.

a. Rebuilding: See positives through negatives, such as being glad the subway is cheap even when crowded.

b. Distance: When making a big decision, act like you’re giving a friend advice.

c. Smile: Real or not, smiles are shown to decrease (降低) heart rate and blood pressure.

In the end, a positive attitude requires not only positive thinking but also positive action.

1.The passage may come from ________.

A. a notice    B. a survey    C. a diary    D. a magazine

2.The best subtitle for the second paragraph is “________”

A. What is blind positivity?    B. What is positive thinking?

C. How is success predicted?    D. What leads to success?

3.The underlined word “effects” means ________.

A. reasons    B. feelings    C. results    D. dangers

4.According to the passage, ________ is an example of positive thinking.

A. thinking of cheap tickets instead of crowded train

B. staying at home when you have a heart problem

C. laughing at your high blood pressure in hospital

D. helping your friend to make an important decision

5.From the passage, we know that ________.

A. negative thinking might lead to more possibilities

B. positive feelings can make us focus on difficult tasks

C. it’s easier for positive people to recover from illness

D. positive people will not die of serious heart problems



What a(n) ________ to a dream vacation!

It was 10:30 p.m. by the time Jason opened his hotel room door. He was finally in Hawaii! His hotel was right on the beach on the beautiful island of Kauai. He’d read about the “Garden Isle”. He couldn’t wait to see its green mountains, white sand beaches and tropical forests. He dropped his bag near the bed and set his wallet and cell phone on the desk. He could hear the sound of the waves right outside. He opened the sliding glass door and stepped out onto the balcony(阳台). He wanted to feel the ocean wind and breathe the warm, fresh night air. He closed the door behind him to keep the bugs(虫子) out of his room. Several minutes later, Jason pulled on the door. It didn’t move an inch. He pulled and pulled on the door, but it still didn’t move. Jason was about to be afraid when he found he had locked himself out of his room.

Jason looked down. The ground was about 20 meters below him. There was no way he could jump and live to tell about it. He stood against the railing(栏杆) and looked around. He saw a light in the room to the right. Maybe he could jump over to that balcony. “No,” he thought. “Too dangerous.” He started shouting, “Hello, hello!” No answer. He shouted louder. Still nothing. Finally, he started to sing loudly and off-key. He heard the sound of a sliding door. A voice started to say, “What …” Jason stood against the railing and said at once, “I’m so sorry! But I’m locked out of my room. Can you call the front desk? Tell them the guy in 645 is stuck on his balcony.” His neighbor promised he would right away.

It was eleven when Jason was finally back in his room and filled with luck. From then on, he promised to himself, “I’ll keep my cell phone with me.”

1.When Jason arrived at the hotel, he was ________.

A. worried    B. tired    C. excited    D. encouraged

2.The right order of the events is ________.

a. Jason then stepped out onto the balcony.
b. Jason pulled and pulled on the door.

c. Jason locked himself out of the balcony.
d. Jason went into hotel Room 645.

A. a-b-c-d    B. d-a-b-c    C. b-a-c-d    D. d-a-c-b

3.The reason why Jason finally started to sing loudly and off-key is that ________.

A. he was so afraid that he wanted to calm down

B. he liked singing although he was not good at it

C. he had nothing to do but wait for help by singing

D. he wanted to draw his neighbor’s attention

4.According to the passage, we can learn that ________.

A. it is unsafe for Jason to jump down or jump over to another balcony

B. Jason closed the hotel room window to keep the bugs out of his room

C. Jason was finally saved by his neighbor and hotel staff an hour later

D. Jason stayed in the hotel which was called “Kauai” on the island

5.The proper word to complete the title is ________.

A. gift    B. start    C. end    D. plan



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