满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was two days before Christmas, and Da...

It was two days before Christmas, and David wanted to give a card to everyone in his class. He opened the bag and looked ________. "What are you looking for? his mom asked. "Ms. Ross gave us a ________ of everyone in the class, "said David. "I can't find mine. If I don t have my list, I won't know what names to put on the cards."

"Take ________ out and we'll look together," suggested Mom. They shook out all his books and ________ all the pockets in his bag, but no Christmas list. "Now I can't give out cards at school, "David said sadly.

"Don't ________ so easily, said Mom. She took a piece of paper and asked him how many children are in his class. "Seventeen," answered David "I'll never ________ them all."

"Wait, "said Mom, numbering the paper one to seventeen." Now, who do you often play with? ""Brian, Todd and John.  "She wrote down their ________.  "And who sits in the first row in your classroom?”“Hmm…Angie, Jill and Brad." David tried to remember what his ________ looked like and who sat where, " And Rebecca, Travis and Erin in the second row." David's mom wrote as fast as she could.

Now, they had ________ names. Who had he missed? David thought hard.

"Why don't you write out the ________ that you have names for?" said Mom. "Maybe you'll think of the ________ name while you're writing."

David picked out a card. He ________ it and then put it into the envelope. He did this sixteen times. "________ is missing?" One more time he thought about who sat where in his classroom.

________ he said, "I know! I know who is missing from the list!"

"who?"  said Mom.

"We forgot ________!" David said. "I'm going to wish me a Merry Christmas, too.

1.A. outside    B. inside    C. down    D. up

2.A. list    B. note    C. book    D. bill

3.A. something    B. everything    C. more    D. less

4.A. checked    B. touched    C. found    D. cleaned

5.A. get on    B. get off    C. give up    D. give back

6.A. remember    B. understand    C. accept    D. believe

7.A. rules    B. numbers    C. names    D. addresses

8.A. bedroom    B. study    C. school    D. classroom

9.A. fifteen    B. sixteen    C. seventeen    D. eighteen

10.A. posters    B. letters    C. cards    D. messages

11.A. missing    B. interesting    C. common    D. strange

12.A. signed    B. drew    C. watched    D. enjoyed

13.A. What    B. Whose    C. Which    D. Who

14.A. Sadly    B. Suddenly    C. Secretly    D. Unluckily

15.A. you    B. him    C. her    D. me


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D 【解析】这则小故事讲了圣诞节临近但David却丢失了班级的名单,写卡片时忘记同学姓名,妈妈帮助指导他最后终于靠自己努力把同学名字包括自己的名字全部想起来的故事。 1.句意:他打开了包朝里面看了看。A.外面B.里面C.下面D.上面,打开书包后肯定是朝里面看看,故选B 2.句意:Ross女士给了我们一份我们全班人员的清单。A.清单B.笔记C.书D.账单。从后面的I don t have my list得知这里他是在找清单,故选 A 3.句意:把每件东西都拿出来我们一起看看。A.某物B.每件东西;一切C.更多D.更少。这里是妈妈的建议,从后面看出他们把书包里的书都倒出来了,所以这里的建议是把每件东西都倒出来,故选 B 4.句意:他们把所有的书都倒了出来并且检查包里的所有的口袋。A.检查B.触摸C.找到D.清洁。这里是在说他们一起找清单的过程,是需要检查每一个口袋的,故选A 5.句意:不要如此轻易地放弃。A.上车B.下车C.放弃D.送回,这里是妈妈的鼓励,故选C 6.句意:我不会把他们都记住的。A.记得B.理解C.接受D.相信,这是David的回答,他是回忆不起所有的同学的名字的,故选A 7.句意:她写下了他们的名字。A.规则B.数字C.名字D.地址,这里是在妈妈问完David经常玩耍的朋友后写下的东西 ,应该是他们的名字,故选 C 8.句意:David尽力记起他的教室的样子以及谁坐在那里。A.卧室B.书房C.学校D.教室,这里是在回忆他的教室及其人员布局,故选D 9.句意:现在,他们有16个名字了,A.15 B.16 C.17 D.18,从后面的Who had he missed?反推出就剩一个名字了,所以这里他们应该解决了16个名字,故选 B 10.句意:为什么你不把已经有名字的卡片写出来呢?A.海报B.信C.卡片D.信息,这时已经有了16张卡片,妈妈建议他先开始写卡片,故选 C 11.句意:可能你会在你写的时候想起那个遗忘的名字。A.忘记的B.有趣的C.普通的D.奇怪的,这时只有16张卡片,所以还有一个遗忘的名字,妈妈劝他边写边想,故选A。 12.句意:他签了它然后把它放进了一个信封。A.签署B.画画C.观看D.享受,在放入信封前他应该做的是签名,其它选项不合语境,故选 A 13.句意:谁是忘掉的那个呢?A.什么B.谁的C.哪一个D.谁,这里是他内心的思考,在想是“谁”被忘记了,故选 D 14.句意:突然他说道…,A.悲伤地B.突然地C.秘密地D.不幸的,从后面看出他知道了那个人是谁,所以这里是说他突然想起来了,故选B 15.句意:我们忘记了我自己。A.你B.他C.她D.我,从后面看出I'm going to wish me a Merry Christmas, too.,说明忘记的最后一个人是自己,故选D

(题文)— Thank you for supporting the volunteer project!

— ________.

A. All right    B. It doesn’t matter

C. Never mind    D. My pleasure



____________. If you keep practicing speaking English every day, you’ll be better at it.

A. No pain, no gain    B. Many hands make light work

C. Every dog has its day    D. A friend in need is a friend indeed



Suzhou is a greener city now because more and more trees ________ every spring.

A. were planted    B. are planted    C. will be planted    D. plant



Volunteers often ________ the leaflets to people in the streets.

A. hand out    B. put out    C. run out    D. come out



—Please don't speak in such a low voice.  My grandfather is a little         .

—Sorry, I        .

A. blind; will    B. disabled; won't

C. deaf; won't    D. worried; will



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