满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

改写句子 1.Mary can play the piano well.(改为一...


1.Mary can play the piano well.(改为一般疑问句)

___________ Mary____________ the piano well?

2.Tom likes reading books because books can give him knowledge.(就句子画线部分提问)

__________ ____________ Tom like reading books?

3.“When do you get up?” the teacher asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)

The teacher asked me ____________ I ____________ up.

4.Young people will succeed in the future as long as they keep working hard.(改写句子,句意不变)

If young people don’t ____________ ____________ , they will succeed in the future.

5.Big Hero 6 is the winner of the Oscar Cartoon pictures this year.(改写句子,句意不变)

Big Hero 6 is ____________ as the ____________Cartoon picture this year.


1. Can play 2. Why does 3. when got 4. give up 5. regarded top 【解析】 1.句意:玛丽钢琴弹得很好。陈述句中如果含有情态动词,变一般疑问句时,直接把情态动词提前,故答案为(1). Can (2). play 。 2.句意:汤姆喜欢读书,因为书能给他知识。对because引导的原因状语从句提问,选择疑问词why,后跟一般疑问句的语序,原句是一般现在时态,likes是like的三单形式,因此要借助does,后跟动词原形,答案为(1). Why (2). does 。 3.句意:老师问我什么时间起的床。When do you get up? 是特殊疑问句,变宾语从句时,用原来的疑问词when连接,语序变为陈述句语序,主句是一般过去时,因此从句的时态为一般过去时,答案为(1). when (2). got 。 4.原句意:只要坚持努力工作,年轻人将来一定会成功。改写后的句意:如果年轻人不言放弃,他们将来会成功的。keep working hard继续/坚持努力工作,也就是不言放弃的意思,助动词don’t后跟动词原形,故答案为(1). give (2). up 。 5.句意:《超能陆战队》是今年奥斯卡卡通影片的赢家。be regarded as被视为,the top最顶端,延伸为“第一名,最高奖项”的意思。故答案为(1). regarded (2). top 。

Today’s world is full of plastic goods, from water bottles to car parts. We make plastic toys, toothbrushes, and shopping bags. Plastic is so useful that it’s hard to imagine life without it, but it has not been around that long.

The first plastic was invented in 1869. That’s when American John Wesley Hyatt made a form of plastic from a plant material called cellulose. Before long, his discovery was used to make combs, eyeglasses, buttons, and film.

In the 1900s, petroleum products such as oil replaced cellulose. New kinds of plastic were discovered in the 1950s, and that’s when the real boom began. People started to use plastic in many fields instead of the old materials. Plastics quickly replace paper, glass, metal, and wood in a growing number of products. In 1960, the United States made 6 billion pounds of plastic. By 1988, the output had grown to 50 billion pounds. These days, almost 10 percent of the oil America uses every year is turned into plastic. That’s 2 million barrels of oil a day.

Most of the plastic ever made still exists. Unlike wood, metal, and paper, plastic does not break down easily. Some people think plastic will never break down. Others say it may take 500 or 1,000 years. No one knows for sure because it has been around for too short a time. But if George Washington had used plastic water bottles in the 1700s, those bottles would probably still be around.

Although plastic lasts a long time, we don’t keep plastic products very long. We use them and throw them away. Only about 5 percent of plastic is recycled. A huge amount of it ends up floating in the ocean. Then seabirds, seals, turtles, whales and fish eat it. Scientists often find sea animals that have starved(饿)to death with their stomachs full of plastic. And every time it rains, more trash from city streets flushes into the sea. Much of that trash is plastic.

What can we do about plastic? First, be aware. Oil takes millions of years to form. Should we use up this precious fuel to make flimsy shopping bags that are used once and thrown away? Should any animal pay for our convenience with its life? Each person’s actions can make a difference. It’s time to act now.

1.What can we know about plastic?

A. Plastic is now widely used in every area of our daily life.

B. America holds the leading position in the world-wide use of plastic.

C. Plastic can last for more than 300 years and will never break down.

D. About 95% of plastic is used once and then thrown away.

2.Which detail supports the idea that plastic can be dangerous?

A. Animals starve to death after eating plastic.

B. Much of that trash is plastic.

C. About 10 percent of the oil we use every year is made into plastic.

D. John Wesley Hyatt made the first plastic from cellulose.

3.The underlined word “replace” in paragraph 3 means “______”.

A. Take the charge of    B. Increase in value    C. Take the place of    D. Decrease in value

4.What might be written in the following paragraph?

A. Reasons about why we should use less plastic.

B. Criticism on those who make and buy plastic.

C. Tips for using plastic in the environmental friendly way.

D. Difference between using plastic and other materials.

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Amazing Plastic.    B. Dangerous Plastic.    C. Useless Plastic.    D. New Plastic



Joe was a farmer. His farmland was so poor that he hadn’t good harvest for years. “If God let me control the _______, then everything will get better,” he complained, “I know better than God does because I am a clever farmer.”

God heard his words. “Well, I will give you one year,” God replied. “You will be in charge of the weather. Let’s see what your crops grow like.”

On hearing this, Joe was so _______ that he couldn’t believe what he heard. But he still wanted to have a try. He shouted, “Sunny!” Suddenly the clouds went away.

“Unbelievable!” He thought to himself and tried again, “rain!” The sky became cloudy right away and heavy rain poured down.

In the following year, he changed the weather between sunny and _______. Watching his crops growing bigger and bigger, he felt satisfied.

When the harvest season came, he went to the field, looking forward to a big harvest. But his heart sank to the bottom when he found his strong crops had not grown any grain(谷粒)at all. Puzzled and _______, he started crying. Once again, God ________ him.

“Don’t you have your wish to control the weather?” God asked again. “Yes, but I just can’t understand it. I have given them what they _______. How could it be?” Joe _______. “That’s because you _______ asked for wind, rainstorm, snow or anything that could make the roots stronger. Without strong roots, of course they won’t grow any fruit.” After he realized this, Joe asked God to _______ the power.

It turned out that only through life’s challenges, we would succeed in harvest the _______ of life. It takes both ups and downs to get satisfactory results.

1.A. time    B. world    C. weather    D. way

2.A. surprised    B. sorry    C. angry    D. worried

3.A. windy    B. rainy    C. cloudy    D. snowy

4.A. excited    B. embarrassed    C. nervous    D. disappointed

5.A. refused    B. heard    C. thanked    D. punished

6.A. know    B. have    C. offer    D. need

7.A. mentioned    B. noted    C. suggested    D. wondered

8.A. almost    B. never    C. always    D. just

9.A. take back    B. take off    C. give up    D. put out

10.A. taste    B. money    C. fruit    D. discovery



— Are you willing to study abroad one day?

—_________ It sounds attractive, but it still worries me.

A. Of course I am.    B. Why not?    C. Are you joking?    D. I’m not sure.



—Would you please tell me __________?

— Sorry, you can turn to Mr. Lee for help.

A. how many points did Kobe Bryant score in his final game

B. how I can be a successful person like Jack Ma

C. whether was the Egyptian missing plane found

D. when will the high-speed railway connecting Jinan to Qingdao be in service



__________, Chinese mobile phones, like Huawei, have improved greatly.

  Exactly. That’s why made-in-China products are more and more popular now.

A. In time   B. In the hope

C. In fact    D. In the end



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