满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---We are going to have a match with Cla...

---We are going to have a match with Class Eight next Monday   ---__________  !

A. Have a good time    B. Wish our team good luck    C. That’s a good idea    D. All right.


B 【解析】 句意:——下星期一我们将和八班进行一场比赛。——祝我们队好运!考查日常交际用语。A. Have a good time玩得愉快;B. Wish our team good luck祝我们队好运;C. That’s a good idea好主意;D. All right.好吧。根据句意语境,可知Wish our team good luck符合语境,故选B。  

______ of my parents like me very much. ______ of us in my family are friendly.

A. All; both    B. Both; All    C. Each; Each    D. Both; both



(题文)I think we should eat       food for our        .

A. health; healthy    B. health; health    C. healthy ; health    D. healthy; healthy



Children in China start school     6 years old. And their new term starts     1 September.

A. at, in    B. at, on    C. in,  in    D. on, at



       students in my class spend        afternoon staying in the classroom.

A. All the ; whole the    B. All the ; the whole    C. The all; the whole    D. The all; whole the



(题文)There are        months in a year. December is in the          month.

A. twelve; twelve    B. twelfth; twelfth    C. twelfth; twelve    D. twelve; twelfth



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