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A healthy diet is i1. for a student. Swe...

A healthy diet is i1. for a student. Sweet food gives students energy but it’s not good for health because there is too much s2. in it . Students need to eat more fruit and vegetables if they want to k3. healthy . Also, they need to do more exercise.

Daniel is a student. He likes s4. and he is good at all his lessons. After class, he likes chatting w5. his friends on the Internet. He doesn’t have a healthy diet or lifestyle. He loves Coke and hamburgers. He always eats hamburgers for lunch. He h6. to eat vegetables and never does e7. so he is not strong. He wants to play basketball but he can’t run f8. .He is fat now and doesn’t have e9. energy to study. He decides(决定) to c10. his lifestyle now. He wants to have healthy food. He also plans to go swimming twice a week.


1.important 2.sugar 3.keep 4.studying 5.with 6.hates 7.exercise 8.fast 9.enough 10.change 【解析】 试题本文通过丹尼尔的事例,说明健康的饮食对一个学生的重要性。丹尼尔曾经是一个成绩很好的学生,由于没有健康的饮食和生活方式,他变得很胖,没有足够的精力学习,现在他决定改变自己的生活方式。 1.句意:健康的饮食对一个学生来说很重要。本句缺表语形容词,根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填important。 2.句意:甜食给学生能量,但对身体不好,因为糖太多了。much许多的,后接不可数名词;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填sugar。 3.句意:学生如果想保持健康,就需要多吃水果和蔬菜。keep healthy保持健康;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填keep。 4.句意:他喜欢学习,而且他的功课都很好。like doing喜欢做某事;根据下文he is good at all his lessons.和首字母提示,可知填studying。 5.句意:课后,他喜欢和朋友在网上聊天。chat with与某人闲聊某事;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填with。 6.句意:他讨厌吃蔬菜。本句缺谓语动词,hate to do憎恶做某事;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填hates。 7.句意:他讨厌吃蔬菜,从不锻炼,所以他不强壮。do exercise做锻炼;so引导结果状语从句,根据so he is not strong.和首字母提示,可知填exercise。 8.句意:他想打篮球,但跑不快。run跑,动词需用副词修饰;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填fast。 9.句意:他现在很胖,没有足够的精力学习。energy精力,名词需用形容词修饰;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填enough。 10.句意:他决定现在改变他的生活方式。decide to do决定做某事;根据下文He wants to have healthy food. He also plans to go swimming twice a week.他想要吃健康的食物,还计划每周去游泳两次,可知他想改变,结合首字母提示,可知填change。


1.Kitty’s shoes is size 37.(对画线部分提问)

________ _______ is Kitty’s shoes?

2.There is only a bottle of apple juice in the glass. .(对画线部分提问)

How _________bottles apple juice _______ there in the glass?

3.They are American women. (改为单数句) _________ _______ American woman.

4.What do you think of the fashion show? (同义句___ do you _____ the fashion show?

5.Today’s class is over (同义句______ ______ for today’s class.




1.There was something _______________ (not right) with her car, so she had to walk there.

2.The _______________ (a kind of fruit we usually eat in summer ) on the plate tastes nice.

3.Your leather coat is _______________ (costing too much money) , but you look smart in it.

4.Young people like wearing _______________ (the sports shoes that are fit for running) .

5.We are often ______________ (needing food) after a long walk.




1.I like _______________ [dʒi'ɔɡrəfi]. I can learn more about the world.

2.--- These are your hair clips and here is your ________ [tʃeindʒ].  --- Thank you.

3.I am _______________ [ʃʊə(r)] you will have a good time here.

4.Our new school hall looks __________ (现代的) and beautiful.

5.Jeans are popular among students. So my design ________ (包括) a pair of blue jeans.



阅读表达  阅读短文后回答问题(回答不多于六个单词)

Dogs like living with people. They are very friendly. They can do many things for people. Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find the lost children. And some of the dogs can help the blind(盲人). They are the Seeing Eye Dogs.Now we can see this kind of dogs all over the world. They work for the blind .

The Seeing Eye dog is strong and easy to train(训练). He helps the blind to walk from place to place. Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, it must go to a training school for about three months. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson the dog learns to take his trainer across busy streets. The dog has many things to learn. At the end of the training school he must take tests(测试). When it passes the test, it can become the Seeing Eye dog.

The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month to learn to work and live together.

Answer the following questions in No more than 6 words

1.What are dogs like?


2.What kind of people does Seeing Eye dog work for?


3.How long must a dog stay in a training school before it becomes a Seeing Eye Dog?


4.What does a dog have to do at the end of the training school?


5.Where can we see the Seeing Eye Dogs?





Dear Nancy,

I am happy to tell you my school and my life. Every day my father drives me to school. My school is very big and beautiful. I like my school very much. The desks and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures on the walls. You can also see some flowers on the teachers’ desk. We clean the classroom every day.

I don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday. I get up at six on Saturday. I play basketball with my father in the park near my home for half an hour. Then I eat my breakfast. I help my mother water the trees and flowers in the garden. At eight I begin to do my homework. My parents and I have lunch in the KFC. In the afternoon, I have Art lessons. Sometimes I chat with my friends on the Internet in the evening.

I like my weekend very much.                        Yours  Li Hua

A 1. to Nancy from Li Hua.


It’s big and 2..

Life on weekdays

He goes to school 3.days a week and he goes to school4.car every day.

Life at 5.


He often 6.basketball with his father and helps his mother water the trees and flowers in the 7.. He 8.his homework at eight o’clock.


He has Art lessons.


Sometimes he likes9.with his friends on the 10..





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