满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友David给你发来电子邮件想了解一下你上周末...



提示:1.What did you do last weekend?  2.How did you feel?


Hi, David,

I’m happy to get your e-mail. You want to know about my last weekend. Now let me tell you about it.                                                                         







Hi, David, I’m happy to get your e-mail. You want to know about my last weekend. Now let me tell you about it. Actually, I am satisfied with my weekend.Last weekend I played football with my friends. You know I am a fat person and I need more exercise to keep me healthy. I invited my friends to watch a film with me last Saturday. We had a good time . If you have a time, I will watch it with you again. Have a good day. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇给材料作文,给我的英国笔友David回复邮件,介绍我上周末是如何度过的。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时和一般过去时,人称为第一,二人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:I’m happy to……,I am satisfied with……,You know……,I invited my friends to……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。


Welcome to the House of Noodles! In our restaurant, we have some great specials. We have different kinds of noodles like mutton noodles and beef noodles. There are some delicious vegetables in the noodles. What size bowl of noodles would you like? A large bowl of beef noodles is only eight yuan. For mutton noodles, a small bowl is five yuan, a medium one is seven yuan and for a large one, it is just ten yuan. You can also order our cabbage and egg noodles for just four yuan. And we have free green tea for you every day. All our noodles are good and at a good price!

1.How many kinds of noodles does the House of Noodles have?


2.How much is a large bowl of beef noodles ?


3.Are there any vegetables in the noodles ?


4.What is free every day  ?


5.What size bowl of mutton noodles is seven yuan ?





There is an apple tree, and it loves a little boy. The boy also likes to come and play around it. One day, he needs a toy, but he has no money, so the tree asks him to sell all the apples on the tree. 1.Then the boy grows up(长大). He becomes a man.2.The tree is very sad. 3.“Come and play with me!” the tree says. “No, I have to work because I must buy a big house.4.” the man asks. “Sorry, I have no house, but you can cut down all my branches(树枝) and the trunk(树干). You can build the house with them,” the tree answers. 5.After many years, the man becomes older, and he comes back again. “I only have the stump(树桩), but you can have a rest.”

Remember to love your parents at any time !


A、Can you help me?

B、At last, the boy gets the toy happily.

C、So the man gets the house.

D、One summer day, the man returns and the tree is very happy.

E、But he doesn’t go to see the tree for a long time.




In many English homes people eat four meals a day, breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.

People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs, or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.

Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soups, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples, or oranges.

But not all English people eat like this. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper and all these meals are very necessary.

1.Many English people have       meals a day.

A. two    B. three    C. four

2.People may have        for their breakfast.

A. tea and eggs    B. porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffee

C. some soup and meat

3.In many English homes dinner comes ______.

A. at one o’clock    B. about half past seven    C. at noon

4.What other fruits do they eat?

A. apples    B. oranges    C. both A and B

5.When do other people have their dinner?

A. In the middle of the day    B. At night    C. At noon



I’m Leo. There is a great artist in my family. She is Lisa. Lisa likes drawing a lot. Here are her three drawings.

There is an animal in the first drawing. It has two big eyes, a big mouth and two small ears. It has long arms and  long legs. It is black and white. There are some apples in its hands. It looks very happy .What is it? I don’t know, but Lisa says it is a panda.

There is a woman in the second drawing. She is thin. She has straight blonde hair, a small mouth, a big nose and  two big eyes. She looks angry. Who is she? Lisa says she is our mum. But Mum has curly blonde hair, small eyes and a small nose. 

There is an animal in the third drawing, too. Its head is an apple. Its hair are leaves. It has a long mouth, and it is a banana. Its two legs are carrots. What is it? Lisa says it is a horse, but it doesn’t look like a horse.

Lisa is really a great artist, isn’t she?

1.The animal in the first drawing        .

A. looks very happy    B. is eating apples

C. has big eyes and big ears

2.Leo’s mum has        .

A. a big mouth    B. curly blonde hair    C. two big eyes

3.From the passage, we can know Lisa is Leo’s        .

A. mother    B. cousin    C. sister

4.The underline word “ it ” in the fourth paragraph means “________”

A. the hair    B. the head    C. the mouth

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Lisa’s horse likes to eat carrots.

B. Leo thinks Lisa’s drawings are not so good. But Lisa loves to draw.

C. Lisa draws an animal and two women.



There is a student from China in our class. He is very good at his lessons, but he is also very shy. He doesn’t talk too much with us because he thinks that there are so many differences. When he came into our classroom for the first time, he was so frightened(受惊的) that he cried out.

That’s because of our appearances. For example, his hair is short, black and straight, but ours are all different from his. Jim’s hair is yellow and much longer than his. Dave’s hair is curly and brown. Kitty’s hair is blonde. Our builds and clothes seem to be strange in his eyes, too. Peter is a boy. He is tall and thin, but he wears a colorful T-shirt.

1.How many students are described (描述) in the passage?

A. Three.    B. Four.    C. Five.

2.What does the word “differences” mean?

A. 困难    B. 差别    C. 作业

3.Whose hair is curly?

A. Jim’s.    B. Dave’s.    C. Kitty’s.

4.Why did the student cry out when he came into our classroom for the first time?

A. Because he is Chinese.

B. Because he didn’t like to be a student of our class.

C. Because our appearances frightened him too much.

5.Which of the following statements (陈述) is NOT true?

A. The student with straight hair is from China.

B. Jim’s hair is shorter than that of the Chinese.

C. Our clothes are also different from that of the Chinese.



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