满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

William Shakespeare ______ for four cent...

William Shakespeare ______ for four centuries, but his works are still famous today.

A. has been dead    B. has died    C. died    D. was dead


A 【解析】 句意:威廉·莎士比亚已经去世四个世纪了,但他的作品至今仍很有名。考查动词时态辨析题。for four centuries四个世纪,是一段持续的时间,用于现在完成时,可排除CD两项。die死亡,非延续性动词,不可和一段时间连用,可排除B。dead死的,表状态;根据句意语境,可知选A。  

─ It is dangerous ______ people ______ e-bikes without wearing helmets (头盔).

─ I agree with you. And they should obey the traffic rules. Two women died in the accident last week.

A. of; ride    B. of; to ride    C. for; ride    D. for; to ride



─ My grandmother ______ live in the country, but now she ______ living in the city and she often dances at Anding Square in the evening.

─ Great! I heard she got a prize in last month’s square dancing competition.

A. was used to; is used to    B. was used to; used to

C. used to; is used to    D. used to; used to



─ Jack, can we park our car here?

─ No, we can’t. The public sign there ______ that we can’t park the car here.

A. tells    B. talks    C. speaks    D. says



─ Tom, several foreign English teachers will teach us English when we are in Grade 9.

─ Wow, ______ exciting news! We can practise our spoken English by communicating with them.

A. What an    B. How a    C. What    D. How



─ Mum, may I watch TV now?

─ Oh, dear, you can’t watch TV if your homework ______.

A. doesn’t finish    B. isn’t finished

C. aren’t finished    D. haven’t finished



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