满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In China, more and more villagers have ...


In China, more and more villagers have left home to make a living in big cities. As a result, their children have become leftover children (留守儿童) and they need more care. The survey below is from some villages in China. Three hundred children were chosen to answer the questions.

What they want


Pocket Money



Something else






Who to talk with


Family members

No one




Communicate with their parents

freely or not


A little difficult





The way they like to live

Living with parents

Living without parents

No idea




What they think of their parents’

Working in cities



No idea




Happiest place



Friend’s home






1.In the survey, the children were asked about many things EXCEPT ______.

A. places they like    B. pocket money

C. their needs    D. their parents’ working in cities

2.Of all the four things, the leftover children need ______ most.

A. love    B. money    C. control    D. freedom

3.Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A. About 18% of the leftover children often talk with their family members.

B. All the children like to stay at home without their parents.

C. About 1/3 of the children think their parents’ working in cities is bad.

D. More than half of the children think it is good to live with their parents.

4.How many children think their happiest place is their school?

A. 48.    B. 102    C. 144    D. 156

5.The survey tells us that ______.

A. most leftover children want money from their parents

B. over 40% of the children have difficulty talking to parents freely

C. all the leftover children dream of making money in big cities

D. most villagers like living a life in the countryside


1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 【解析】 试题本文是一篇调查报告,通过对300个留守儿童的问卷调查,指出留守儿童需要更多的照顾和关爱。 1.题意:在这项调查中,孩子们被问到了许多事情,除了 。考查细节理解题。A. places they like他们喜欢的地方;B. pocket money零花钱;C. their needs他们的需要;D. their parents’working in cities他们父母在城市的工作。根据表格左侧栏信息,可知没有出现places they like这个问题,故选A。 2.题意:在这四件事中,留守儿童最需要的是 。考查细节理解题。A. love爱;B. money金钱;C. control管理;D. freedom自由。根据第一栏相关信息,可知Love比例最高,达40%,故选A。 3.题意:根据文章,下列哪一项是正确的?考查细节理解题。A. About 18% of the leftover children often talk with their family members.大约18%的留守儿童经常和家人谈话;根据第二栏相关信息No one:18%,可知说法错误。B. All the children like to stay at home without their parents. 所有的孩子都喜欢呆在家里而不在父母身边;根据第四栏相关信息Living with parents:58%,可知说法错误。C. About 1/3 of the children think their parents’working in cities is bad. 大约1/3的孩子认为他们的父母在城市工作是不好的;根据第五栏相关信息Bad:20%,可知说法错误。D. More than half of the children think it is good to live with their parents. 超过一半的孩子认为和父母住在一起很好;根据第四栏相关信息Living with parents:58%,可知说法错误。综合以上分析,故选D。 4.题意:有多少孩子认为他们最快乐的地方是他们的学校?考查数字理解题。根据最后一栏相关信息School:48%,可知300x48%=144(人),故选C。 5.题意:这项调查告诉我们 。考查文意理解题。A. most leftover children want money from their parents大多数留守儿童都想从父母那里得到钱。B. over 40% of the children have difficulty talking to parents freely超过40%的儿童难以与父母自由交谈。C. all the leftover children dream of making money in big cities所有的留守儿童都梦想在大城市赚钱。D. most villagers like living a life in the countryside大多数村民喜欢在乡下过日子。根据表格可知,C项内容不合,D项对象不符,都可排除。A项与第一栏相关信息Pocket Money:18%,可排除。根据第三栏相关信息A little difficult占比高达44%,可知说法正确,故选B。


What do you think of your life? Maybe a person’s life is like a ship travelling on the sea, if it can’t move    _____ , it will fall behind.

I’ll tell you a story: _______  the invention (发明) of light bulb, Edison had tried thousands of filament () materials and had failed thousands of times, a businessman laughed at him: “You are not manufacturing(制造)the lamp, you ________ thousands of materials and did not have any success.” Edison replied: “No, I at_________ have proved (证明) that 1000 kinds of materials are not suitable to do filament.” I was touched after reading this story, I thought Edison put it best. Even if Edison_________ thousands of times, so what? He’s successful at last.

As the ________ goes: Failure is the mother of success. If there is no “failure of the mother,” how do we have “successful son”? With thousands of Edison “_______ ” mothers, will be no “success” to you? Eat one graben, a gain in your wit(吃一堑,长一智). If you do not eat graben, how can you gain in your wit? Edison have experienced failure before he tapped the door to success, as a result, he was remembered as a great inventor for ever.

When I was 8 years old, I_________ to ride a bike just as other children often did during their childhood. I fell off many times while_________, but then my heart just wanted a word: failure is the mother of success. I stood up and tried again and again, finally I succeeded.

In a word, do not be afraid of failure during your life. It is also a (an) _________part of your life.

1.A. up    B. down    C. forward    D. behind

2.A. before    B. after    C. since    D. till

3.A. trained    B. risked    C. wasted    D. picked

4.A. most    B. least    C. times    D. all

5.A. hurt    B. collected    C. failed    D. warned

6.A. poster    B. knowledge    C. novel    D. saying

7.A. ugly    B. pleasant    C. clever    D. unsuccessful

8.A. hurried    B. agreed    C. learned    D. advised

9.A. riding    B. thinking    C. laughing    D. fighting

10.A. important    B. relaxing    C. equal    D. simple



─ Sally, my dad has spent all his money on lottery (彩票). He said that he would be a

millionaire (百万富翁) some day.

─ Oh, my god. Ask him not to______.

A. burn the candle at both ends.    B. put all the eggs in one basket.

C. trouble trouble until the trouble troubles him.    D. love me, love my dog



─ It is reported that it will rain heavily next week.

─ ______, I am looking forward to the outdoor training courses next week.

A. I don’t think so.    B. I hope so.

C. I’m afraid not.    D. I hope not.



William Shakespeare ______ for four centuries, but his works are still famous today.

A. has been dead    B. has died    C. died    D. was dead



─ It is dangerous ______ people ______ e-bikes without wearing helmets (头盔).

─ I agree with you. And they should obey the traffic rules. Two women died in the accident last week.

A. of; ride    B. of; to ride    C. for; ride    D. for; to ride



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