满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Dear Tommy I'm having a party in my hou...


Dear Tommy 

I'm having a party in my house.

Please come to 403 Spring Road.

Date:Sunday,13th May 

Time:2.00 p.5.00 p.m 



Dear Simon 

Thank you for inviting me to your party.

I'm afraid I can't come,because I'm busy with my work on 13th May.
I hope you will have a great party.




1.The party will begin at      .

A. 5 p.m. on 13th May    B. 2 p.m. on 13th March

C. 2 p.m. on 13th May    D. 5 p.m. on 13th March

2.The party will be in      .

A. Tommy’s home    B. Simon’s house    C. the school    D. the park

3.Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Simon wants Tommy to come to the party.

B. Tommy wants Simon to come to the party.

C. Simon can’t come to the party.

D. Tommy can come to the party.


1.C 2.B 3.A 【解析】 本文是邀请信和对邀请信的回复。   1.细节理解题。 根据Simon信中提到聚会的日期和时间Date:Sunday,13th May ,Time:2.00 p.5.00 p.m 可知聚会在五月十三日下午,两点到五点,所以开始时间是下午两点,故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据Simon写给Tommy的信中“I'm having a party in my house.”可知聚会在Simon家中举行,故选B。 3.是非判断题。根据根据Simon写给Tommy的信,可知Simon在邀请Tommy参加聚会,所以Simon肯定希望Tommy参加,故A项正确;邀请信是Simon写给Tommy的,所以B项错误;根据第二封信可知Tommy不能参加Simon的聚会,故C、D错误,故选A。

完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)

Santa Can Come before Christmas

It was last June. I went into a supermarket to buy some vegetables,when a young man asked me.

“Can you tell me where the     counter(柜台) is? ”

“Well, the milk is in the lower right corner,” I replied.

Picking up my things,I finally came to the milk counter where I met the same man. He

was     almost 10 bottles of milk in his hand.

I asked,“Do you need a ______?”

“Sure,thank you.” he answered.

I was      he was still picking more bottles and after a few minutes his trolley had 24 bottles of milk.

I laughed and asked, “Why so many bottles?”

He smiled and said, “These are _____ my street dogs. Today I want to     be a Santa for them.”

I said, “Well ,it’s too     for you to be a Santa, It is still June and Christmas comes in   .”

He _    at me for a second, but he left the counter without ____ anything.

    ,we met again at the bread counter.

“So these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs, Mr . Santa.”

He smiled and said, “Yes. These are also for the dogs and I love to be Mr. Santa in the month of June. Santa is a representation(象征) of surprises and    . We always hope Santa comes before      . But in real life there is a Santa in each one of us. He is always ready to help us  at any time, no matter(不管) which month it is. Maybe when you offered a trolley to me, there was a Santa in you. When we     food to a poor man or a(n)     to someone who is caught in the rain ,we are being Santa there. So when you offer help to others or get help from others, just think that Santa has come all the way for you.”

He left and I was    because of meeting him. It was right to understand Santa can come before Christmas. We just need to know he is around us by giving happiness and love to others.

1.A. vegetable      B. milk       C. bread       D. fish

2.A.putting        B. choosing   C. holding    D. bringing

3.A. trolley        B. basket    C. bag        D. box

4.A. sad            B. excited   C. angry      D. surprised

5.A. for            B. to        C. of          D. by

6.A. easy           B. early      C. helpful    D. important

7.A. January        B. November  C. October     D. December

8.A.waited          B. laughed   C. shouted     D. looked

9.A.telling        B. saying    C. talking     D. speaking

10.A. Luckily      B. Suddenly   C. Hopefully  D. Certainly

11.A. love          B. success   C. humour      D. care

12.A. Halloween     B. Thanksgiving Day C. Christmas  D. New Year’s Day

13.A. make         B. buy        C. cook        D. offer

14.A. camera       B. umbrella   C. apple      D. box

15.A. sorry         B. pity       C. happy      D. sad






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1. 表达中必须包含所给要点,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

2. 词数80左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 表达中请勿提及真实校名和姓名。

提示:创建qq   set up QQ groups

片儿警  a local regional policeman

Li Baizhan, the Most Excellent Policeman, was born in Rugao. _____________________




1.不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化还是不错的。(It’s adj. to do… )


2.Hobo, 你已决定怎么处理这些书了吗?(do with/ deal with …)


3.但是更多的钱需要来继续我们的工作。(carry on with …)


4.我跟着他们跑,忍不住一直拍照。(can’t stop doing…)


5.记住每个人都可以做一些事情来产生影响。(make a difference)





From changing your diapers (尿布) to paying for your school and college, Dad tries to do everything possible to provide you with an easier and more comfortable life. To thank him, why not do these things for him on Father’s Day.

Give Dad a souvenir

What can be better than giving him a souvenir? Nothing, I think. First, made a souvenir on your own. Then get a photo of you and your father and stick it to the souvenir. Before your dad goes to bed, give him the souvenir, saying “I love you” and give him a bear hug.

Watch Dad’s favourite movie with him

Spending the day with your dad is a nice thing you can do. Choose a nice film and watch the film with him. Dangal (摔跤吧,爸爸), the Pursuit of happyness (当幸福来敲门) (tips: after watching the film you will find out why they use happyness instead of happiness) and Dad, where are we going are good choices.

Bring breakfast to Dad’s bed

Go into the kitchen and cook breakfast for your dad. And make sure it’s your dad’s favourite breakfast. If you are good at cooking, the meal shouldn’t be a problem. But if you are not good at it, the Internet is always helpful. Ordering the food online is not a bad idea.

Wash Dad’s car

In fact, something small like washing Dad’s car is enough to express your love to him. In order to surprise him, try to wash the car well before he wakes up. That must make him happy.

1.How many pieces of advice does the writer share with us?


2.In the writer’s opinion(观点), which is the best idea to thank Dad?


3.Which films does the writer advise us to watch with Dad?


4.According to this article, if you are not good at cooking, how will you bring food to your dad?


5.What will you do to express your love to your dad on Father’s Day?





China is a great country with the largest population in the world. To solve the population problem, our g1. has carried out one-child policy (政策) for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. And now the two-child policy has been put into effect. I think two-child policy is good for us.

First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also have one child. When their child grows up and they grow older, their child m2. an only child girl, the burden(负担) on their child and his wife is so heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.

Secondly, in many families, there are only three people, the parents and the child. The only child felt so  l3. when their parents went out for their work. And if the child has a sister or brother, they won’t feel that on the process of growing up. For another thing, two kids will help each other, they can share things together. L4. to share things is a very important lesson for children.

In conclusion, one-child policy has out of date. And two-child policy is n5.. It can solve the problem of nowadays and the future.



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