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It was 11:50 pm on 6 February, 2018. The...

It was 11:50 pm on 6 February, 2018. The ground was shaking and an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 was hitting Taiwan. Seventeen people were dead, two hundred eighty-five people got hurt, and an entire hotel fell down and lay on a street in the city of Hualien.The government said that at least seven buildings had partly collapsed or been left at dangerous angles, and the city's hospital was also damaged. Rescuers gathered around the buildings and shone flashlights into the windows. They had spent 106 hours after the earthqucake until they found they were not able to get the last two people out. The last two bodies are the grandparents of a Chinese family of five who were all killed in the hotel at the lower floors of the 12-story Yun Men Tsui Ti building. Fourteen of the seventeen people who died in the earthquake were trapped in that building.

The earthquake was followed by more than one hundred small earthquakes, with the largest one of magnitude 5.7 on 7 February at 23:21, 19 km northeast of Hualien city. No one was killed in those quakes.

earthquake/quake 地震; magnitude震級; collapse倒塌; angle 角度;rescue 救援;rescuer救援人員;trap堵塞;落入陷阱

1.How long had it taken to rescue these trapped persons after the earthquake?

A. 10 days

B. only 72 hours

C. 168 hours

D. 106 hours

2.Which floor of the Yun Men Tsui Ti building might the Chinese family stay on ?

A. 12

B. 2

C. 9

D. 11

3.Which is true according to this article?

A. The last two dead bodies are from a Chinese family of 5 in which there are three people alive.

B. Luckily, the hospital in Hualien city is not damaged, and people can go there for help.

C. Two hundred eighty-five people got hurt because of the earthquake.

D. Rescuers had kept searching until they got all the people and bodies out.

4.What is Not true about the rescuing?

A. Rescuers shone flashlights into the windows to check if there would be anyone that they could help.

B. Many buildings in Hualien fell down on Feb. 6, 2018.

C. The biggest earthquake in Feb in Taiwan is up to magnitude 6.4.

D. Fourteen people were dead in the quakes after the earthquake on Feb 6, 2018.

5.What date did the rescue end on ?

A. Feb. 7.

B. Feb. 11.

C. Feb. 8.

D. Feb. 19.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 【解析】 短文大意:本文介绍了发生在2018年2月6日晚上11 : 50的台湾花莲地震及救援的相关情况。 1.题意:地震后,搜救这些被困人员用了多长时间?考查细节理解题。根据They had spent 106 hours after the earthquake until they found they were not able to get the last two people out.,可知是106小时,故选D。 2.题意:中国家庭可能住在云门翠堤大厦的哪一层?考查数字理解题。根据The last two bodies are the grandparents of a Chinese family of five who were all killed in the hotel at the lower floors of the 12-story Yun Men Tsui Ti building.,可知他们住在较低的楼层,故选B。 3.题意:根据这篇文章,哪个是正确的?考查细节理解题。A. The last two dead bodies are from a Chinese family of 5 in which there are three people alive. 最后两具尸体来自中国一个5口之家,其中有三人活着;根据The last two bodies are the grandparents of a Chinese family of five who were all killed in the hotel at the lower floors of the 12-story Yun Men Tsui Ti building.,可知说法错误。B. Luckily, the hospital in Hualien city is not damaged, and people can go there for help. 幸运的是,花莲市的医院没有受损,人们可以去那里寻求帮助;根据and the city's hospital was also damaged.,可知说法错误。C. Two hundred eighty-five people got hurt because of the earthquake. 地震造成二百八十五人受伤;根据two hundred eighty-five people got hurt,,可知说法正确。D. Rescuers had kept searching until they got all the people and bodies out. 搜寻者们一直在搜寻,直到把所有的人和尸体都弄出来;根据They had spent 106 hours after the earthquake until they found they were not able to get the last two people out.,可知说法错误。综合以上分析,故选C。 4.题意:关于这次救援什么是不正确的?考查细节理解题。A. Rescuers shone flashlights into the windows to check if there would be anyone that they could help. 救援人员将手电筒射入窗户,检查是否有人需要救助;根据Rescuers gathered around the buildings and shone flashlights into the windows.,可知说法正确。B. Many buildings in Hualien fell down on Feb. 6, 2018.花莲的许多建筑在2018年2月6日倒塌了;根据The government said that at least seven buildings had partly collapsed or been left at dangerous angles,,可知说法正确。C. The biggest earthquake in Feb in Taiwan is up to magnitude 6.4. 台湾2月最大的地震达到6.4级;根据The earthquake was followed by more than one hundred small earthquakes, with the largest one of magnitude 5.7 on 7 February at 23:21, 19 km northeast of Hualien city.,可知说法正确。D. Fourteen people were dead in the quakes after the earthquake on Feb 6, 2018. 2018年2月6日地震后,地震中有十四人死亡;根据No one was killed in those quakes.,可知说法错误。综合以上分析,故选D。 5.题意:营救在什么日期结束?考查细节理解题。根据第一句和They had spent 106 hours after the earthquake until they found they were not able to get the last two people out.,106小时是4天零10小时,可知是2月11日,故选B。

Lebron James is one of the greatest NBA basketball players. He ________one of professional basketball top players since he joined the NBA’s team, Cleveland Cavaliers. He _________ the Miami Heat to NBA titles in 2012 before he claimed the third championship with Cleveland in 2016.

James first caught national attention as the top high school basketball player in his hometown. The ________in the NBA helped him play well and become a professional. His excellent shooting skills let him win a lot of high scores in the _________ years.                                            championship 冠軍

1.A. became    B. becomes    C. had become    D. has become

2.A. had led    B. lead    C. leads    D. would lead

3.A. treat    B. trick    C. training    D. host

4.A. following    B. late    C. lately    D. backwards



Long time ago, people made all their own things. But they found it hard ________ everything for themselves. So people started to spcialize in different kinds of jobs. Cities and countries do this, too. Some have a lot of resources, while ______ have a lot of people. Each place is special. And then, trade comes up. Although trade may be neither easy _________ safe, modern transportation can be really _________ for moving things. Moving things ______a lot and can be expensive. However, it really changes our lives, and we can enjoy things from almost everywhere. We can’t live without it now!        specialize專門從事; resource 資源; trade貿易; transportation 交通

1.A. to make    B. made    C. been making    D. to be made

2.A. the other    B. other    C. another    D. others

3.A. or    B. but also    C. and    D. nor

4.A. helpful    B. help    C. helpless    D. helping

5.A. takes    B. spends    C. costs    D. produces



We can’t wait for the trip tomorrow. If it rains tomorrow, just       everyone’s raincoat. We will take this trip for sure!

A. to put on    B. put on    C. putting on    D. will put on



While the blind man was riding on the MRT, a young man    his seat to him. How kind he is!

A. gave    B. gives    C. didn’t give    D. giving



All of us are here for leaving for Yamingshan. However, Jerry doesn’t come here on the dot, and Tina doesn’t,       . We are still waiting for them now.

A. neither    B. either    C. both    D. too



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