满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A: Why did you walk to school today? B: ...

A: Why did you walk to school today?  B: ______________________________

A. Good for you!

B. There’s something wrong with my car.

C. What do you think?

D. Because I get up late.


B 【解析】 句意:——你今天为什么走路上学?——我的车出了毛病。考查日常交际用语。A. Good for you!对你有好处。B. There’s something wrong with my car. 我的车出了毛病。C. What do you think? 你觉得呢?D. Because I get up late. 因为我起床晚了。why是问原因,AC不合句意,可排除。D项虽是原因,但不合“步行”的语境;根据句意语境,可知选B。  

We couldn’t climb the mountains because it ________cats and dogs yesterday morning.

A. rains    B. was raining    C. didn’t rain    D. rained



Usually, Steve ________up at six o’clock, but this morning, he ________up at seven thirty.

A. woke ; wakes    B. wakes ; is waking    C. is waking ; woke    D. wakes ; woke



Katie asked many special questions ________ Lily through those rules.

A. of    B. to    C. with    D. for



________ the heavy snow, my family and I didn’t go picnicking last weekend.

A. Because    B. With    C. Through    D. Because of



Listen!  The birds ________in the tree.

A. sang    B. were singing    C. sing    D. are singing



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