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Raising Money for Charity Do you want to...

Raising Money for Charity

Do you want to raise money for charity? Here are the stories of some different charities. They do work and raise money. Their money can help to build houses for homeless people. It’s pretty cool!

1.Do you know about Rent-A-Worker? This program started in Pennsylvania. College students volunteer to work.  They do things like painting houses, washing cars, and moving things. They make money to help build houses for homeless people.

2.Making donations isn’t the only way to help charities. Some groups raise money another way. They ask famous artists to donate their work. Then, they auction the work. This means that the work doesn’t have a price tag. If you pay the most money, you can buy it.

3.Do you like sports? Some charity groups have sports events, like soccer or baseball. People pay money, and then they can join the charity. Sometimes, they ask their friends to pay money, too. The events are popular because they’re fun, and they raise money for charity.

1.What don’t Rent-A-Worker do for charity?

A. Do the shopping.

B. Paint houses.

C. Wash cars.

D. Move things.

2.Which of the following is not true?

A. Some groups ask famous artists to donate their work.

B. Some charity groups raise money by having sports events.

C. We can help people only by donating money.

D. Some people raise money to help homeless people build houses.


1.A 2.C 【解析】 短文大意:短文介绍了三种为慈善机构募捐的方式。 1.题意:Rent-A-Worker不为慈善事业做什么?考查细节理解题。根据They do things like painting houses, washing cars, and moving things.,可知不购物,故选A。 2.题意:下列哪一个不是正确的?考查细节理解题。A. Some groups ask famous artists to donate their work. 一些团体要求著名艺术家捐献他们的作品。B. Some charity groups raise money by having sports events. 一些慈善团体通过举办体育活动来筹集资金。C. We can help people only by donating money. 我们只能通过捐款来帮助人们。D. Some people raise money to help homeless people build houses. 一些人筹集资金帮助无家可归的人建造房屋。根据Making donations isn’t the only way to help charities.,可知还有别的捐助方式,故选C。

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m having a good time in Taiwan.  Last night, we went to KTV for the first time. ______ I wasn’t sure what to expect, I was kind of nervous.

I could not understand why people would find singing along to songs any fun.  I enjoy ______along to the radio at home, but I could not understand why people would pay to sing in front of dozens of other people!

At the KTV place, we paid for our own room with a TV and two microphones.  We looked through a large book with all the songs we could choose to sing.  Most of the songs were in Chinese, so I couldn’t understand them, but ______some English songs that I knew.  Once I started to sing, I had a lot of fun, and it was funny _____my friends sing.  I can’t wait to go to KTV again!



1.A. But    B. Because    C. After    D. So

2.A. singing    B. to sing    C. sing    D. sang

3.A. they are    B. there are    C. they were    D. there were

4.A. to look    B. looking    C. to watch    D. watching



Choose the INCORRECT sentence.

A. How handsome you are!

B. What a pretty girl she is!

C. How smart girls!

D. What polite girls they are!



A: Why did you walk to school today?  B: ______________________________

A. Good for you!

B. There’s something wrong with my car.

C. What do you think?

D. Because I get up late.



We couldn’t climb the mountains because it ________cats and dogs yesterday morning.

A. rains    B. was raining    C. didn’t rain    D. rained



Usually, Steve ________up at six o’clock, but this morning, he ________up at seven thirty.

A. woke ; wakes    B. wakes ; is waking    C. is waking ; woke    D. wakes ; woke



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