满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What can lead you to success? The most i...

What can lead you to success? The most important thing is what you do every day. It is very simple. Your habits will decide whether or not you are-______in the future. If you have strong and healthy good habits, it doesn't matter whether you fail or not today, because you are sure to succeed in the end. Having good habits does not mean that you will succeed every time. However,

if it goes long, you will ______all your goals and be successful. _______the other hand, if you have strong bad habits, you are sure to fail at last.

Why are habits so important? ______you repeat the same action and the same behavior every day. A single good action will not change your life, but the same action repeated 1,000 times will have an important effect on your life.

How can you _______good habits? There is nothing easier than developing good habits. You want to make a habit, and then you must do the action every day. If you want to develop the habit of eating ______food, eat healthily every day. If you want to develop the habit of reading, read every day. The more you do an action, the easier it becomes in ______end.

1.A. success    B. succeed    C. successful    D. successfully

2.A. achieve    B. achieved    C. achieving    D. achieves

3.A. In    B. On    C. At    D. To

4.A. But    B. While    C. Because    D. Since

5.A. find    B. offer    C. realize    D. develop

6.A. health    B. healthy    C. unhealthy    D. healthily

7.A. the    B. an    C. a    D. /


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A 【解析】 这篇短文主要讲述了习惯对于我们生活的影响,告诉我们只要我们养成了好的生活,学习习惯,成功就一定会属于我们。成功的路上你可能会犯错,但是只要你不放弃,成功就会属于你。 1.句意:你的习惯会决定你将来是否成功。A. success成功,名词;B. succeed成功,动词;C. successful成功的,形容词;D. successfully成功地,副词。系动词be后跟形容词作表语,故答案为C。 2.句意:然而,如果时间长了,你就会实现所有的目标并取得成功。A. achieve动词原形;B. achieved过去式或过去分词;C. achieving现在分词或动名词;D. achieves动词三单形式。will后跟动词原形,故答案为A。 3.句意:另一方面,如果你有很坏的坏习惯,你最终肯定会失败。A. In在……里; B. On 在……上;C. At(表示位置)在,在(某时间或时刻);D. To到。on the other hand在另一方面,为固定词组,故答案为B。 4.句意:为什么习惯如此重要?因为你每天重复同样的动作和同样的行为。A. But但是;B. While然而,与……同时;C. Because因为;D. Since既然,由于。问句“Why are habits so important?”是询问原因,答语要用because来回答,答案为C。 5.句意:你怎样养成良好的习惯?A. find发现;B. offer提供;C. realize意识到;D. develop发展,形成。根据后面的句子“There is nothing easier than developing good habits.”没有什么比养成良好习惯更容易的了。养成习惯要用动词develop,故答案为D。 6.句意:如果你想养成吃健康食品的习惯,每天都要健康饮食。A. health健康,名词;B. healthy健康的,形容词;C. unhealthy不健康的,形容词;D. healthily健康地,副词。形容词修饰名词,根据后面的句子“eat healthily every day”判断,每天要吃健康的食物,故答案为B。 7.句意:你做的越多,最终就越容易成功。in the end=at last=finally最后,为固定词组,故答案为A。

Last year I_______ like my English class at all. The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time. I was _______to answer the teacher's questions _______my poor pronunciation. I just hid behind my textbook and never said _____.

Then one day I watched an English movie _______Toy Story, I fell in love with it at once. So I began to watch other English movies, _______, I realized I could get the meaning by______for just the key words. I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. I also learned some useful sentences like "It's a piece of cake" or "It serves you right". I

didn't understand them at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them ____ in a dictionary. Little by little, I really enjoy my English class. And my English has improved a lot.

1.A. don't    B. didn't    C. haven't    D. hadn't

2.A. proud    B. afraid    C. happy    D. excited

3.A. because of    B. because    C. since    D. as

4.A. anything    B. something    C. nothing    D. everything

5.A. called    B. call    C. calling    D. calls

6.A. as well    B. too    C. also    D. neither

7.A. listen    B. listened    C. listening    D. listens

8.A. up    B. for    C. at    D. after



---________times have you visited Gansu Science Museum?

---Only once.

A. How often

B. How many

C. how long

D. How soon



I will call you as soon as he______ here.

A. arrive    B. will arrive    C. arrives    D. arrived



I like the city _____the people are really kind and friendly.

A. that    B. which    C. where    D. who



----Jerry, could you tell me how to take a taxi through “Didi”?


A. Take it easy    B. You are welcome    C. Thank you    D. Sure, I'd love to



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