满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I don't know if you ________ to Mary's p...

I don't know if you ________ to Mary's party next Sunday. If you go, ________.

A. go; so will I

B. will go; so will I

C. will go; so do I

D. go; so I will


B 【解析】 句意:我不知道你下周日是否去参加玛丽的聚会。如果你去,我也去。 第一空if表示“是否”,引导的宾语从句,根据next Sunday可知此处用一般将来时,故为will go。So+主语+助动词,表示“的确,确实”,so+助动词+主语,表示“也”。第二空if表示“如果”,引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,表示“也”,故为so will I。故选B。  

—Hurry up! The movie is beginning.

—Don't worry. There is still________time left.

A. little    B. a little

C. a few    D. few



—Does he need ________ there at once?

—No, he ________ leave so hurriedly because he has enough time.

A. to go; need

B. go; needn't

C. to go; needn't

D. go; doesn't need



—Why didn't you write down what the teacher said?

—He spoke________ fast ________ I didn't follow him.

A. so; that    B. too; to

C. very; that    D. such; that




请以“My life in ten years为题,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇不少于60词的短文。提示 (短文须包含下列要点)

1. What do you want to be in ten years ? And why?

2. where will you live in ten years?And why?

3. Say something about your family or your free time activities in ten years.

4. What should you do to achieve your dreams?

注意:短文中,不得出现任何与考生本人有关的真实人名、校名及其它相关信息, 否则不予评分。

My life in ten years






Do you know the movie I, Robot? It tells us a story about the future.

The year is 2035 and robots are just as common as mobile phones. People depend_on their robots to do lots of things, for example, babysitting, cooking, doing chores and taking their dogs for a walk. Robots have to follow humans' orders, because humans make them do so. A police officer called Spooner dislikes robots. He doesn't think humans can get on well with their robots at all! But the scientist Susan has different ideas. Susan works on robots' mind and she thinks one day robots will become stronger than humans and help humans to get better.

When Spooner and Susan work together, they find that something is wrong with the world's robots. A few robots have their own thoughts and they're trying to get out of humans' control(控制)! Of course these robots' dream doesn't come true. Humans work hard to control their robots again and they succeed at last.

1.The story will happen in ________.

A. 2010    B. 2020

C. 2035    D. 2040

2.The phrase “depend__on” in this article means “________”.

A. 依靠    B. 悬挂

C. 相信    D. 取决于

3.Spooner is a ________ and Susan is a ________.

A. scientist; professor    B. bank clerk; police officer

C. policeman; doctor    D. police officer; scientist

4.Susan thinks that one day ________.

A. robots can't get on well with humans

B. robots will help humans to get better

C. robots will have their own thoughts

D. robots will control the world

5.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this article?

A. The movie I, Robot talks about the future.

B. People use their robots to do everything.

C. A few robots want to get out of humans' control.

D. At last humans succeed in controlling the robots again.



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