满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It’s 12:00 now. It’s time _____ lunch. M...

It’s 12:00 now. It’s time _____ lunch. My friend Pat and I are _____. We go to a _____. There ______ many people in it.

A waitress _____ up when we sit down.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, please. I’d like some spring rolls(春卷) and _____. What about you, Pat?”

“I’d like some dumplings. And I want _____ a bowl of soup.”

The waitress serves(端上) the food. They are very delicious. _____ the soup has a strange taste(奇怪的味道). The waitress says there are some herbs(中药) in it. It’s a special Chinese soup. It’s good _____ us. We like Chinese food and the _____ soup.

1.A. to    B. on    C. for    D. at

2.A. sad    B. thirsty    C. hungry    D. happy

3.A. school    B. restaurant    C. home    D. library

4.A. have    B. has    C. are    D. is

5.A. go    B. goes    C. come    D. comes

6.A. chickens    B. fishes    C. fish    D. milks

7.A. eat    B. to eat    C. drink    D. to drink

8.A. And    B. Or    C. Then    D. But

9.A. for    B. to    C. with    D. on

10.A. well    B. special    C. sweet    D. good


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.B 【解析】 试题作者和的朋友都饿了,他们一起去餐馆吃午饭。里面有很多人。他们点了鱼、饺子等,非常好吃。他们还喝了用中草药熬制的特殊的汤。 1.句意:到吃午饭的时间了。 A. to介词,到;B. on介词,指在具体某天;C. for介词,为了、对于;D. at时间介词,在,指具体点刻。It’s time for sth.是固定句型,意为“该做某事了”。故选:C。 2.句意:我和朋友帕特都饿了。A. sad形容词,伤心的;B. thirsty形容词,渴的;C. hungry形容词,饿的;D. happy形容词,高兴的。根据后文We go to a ___3___.可推知,我们“都饿了”。故选:C。 3.句意:我们去餐馆。A. school名词,学校;B. restaurant名词,饭店;C. home名词,家;D. library名词,图书馆。根据语境可知,“饿了” 应去 “餐馆” 。故选:B。 4.句意:里面有很多人。A. have动词,有;B. has动词三单,有;C. are是,be动词;D. is是,be动词第三人称单数。本句为there be句型,表示“某处存有某人或某物”,many people主语,复数含义,所以be动词使用are。故选:C。 5.句意:我们坐下的时候,一位女服务员走了过来。 A. go动词,走;B. goes动词三单,走;C. come动词,来;D. comes动词三单,来。“走过来”为come up,本句主语为a waitress,是单数第三人称形式。故选:D。 6.句意:我想要一些春卷和鱼。A. chickens名词复数,小鸡;B. fishes鱼,表示多种鱼;C. fish不可数名词,鱼(肉);D. milks动词三单,挤奶。根据语境可知要 “鱼肉”。故选:C。 7.句意:我想喝一碗汤。 A. eat动词,吃;B. to eat动词不定式,吃;C. drink动词,喝;D. to drink动词不定式,喝。此题考查句型want to do sth.,“to+动词原形”构成动词不定式。 故选:D。 8.句意:但是汤有一种奇怪的味道。A. And连词,和、又,表示并列关系; B. Or连词,或者,表示选择关系;C. Then副词,那么,然后;D. But连词,但是,表示转折关系。根据句意可知,前后两分句是转折关系。故选:D。 9.句意:这对我们有好处。A. for介词,对于;B. to介词,到;C. with介词,和...一起;D. on介词,在...上面。固定短语be good for sb.意为“对某人有益”。故选:A。 10.句意:我们喜欢中国菜和这种特殊的汤。A. well形容词,健康的,形容身体好;B. special形容词,特殊的;C. sweet形容词,甜的;D. good形容词,好的。因为汤有一种中药的味道,所以说比较特殊。故选:B。

Choose the proper sentences to complete the dialogue.(选择合适的句子完成对话。)

A: Hi, Pat. It’s time for lunch. I’m hungry now.

B: Me, too. 1.


A: Yes, please. I’d like a hamburger and an ice cream. 3.

B: I’d like a bowl of noodles and Fried Chicken.

Waiter: Sorry, we don’t have any noodles. 4.

B: Yes, please. And a bottle of pop, please.

Waiter: Is that all?

A and B: Yes, that’s all. Thank you.

Waiter: 5.


A. What would you like, please?

B. You’re welcome.

C. Thanks.

D. Are you ready to order?

E. Let’s go to Mc Donald’s (麦当劳的) restaurant.

F. Would you like some apple pies ()?

G. What soup do you want?

A. What would you like, please?

B. You’re welcome.

C. Thanks.

D. Are you ready to order?

E. Let’s go to Mc Donald’s (麦当劳的) restaurant.

F. Would you like some apple pies ()?

G. What soup do you want?






____ you ____ ____ order?


____, we don’t have ____ sandwiches.


Mum, I want to have ____ and ball cakes ____ supper.


____ time ____ bed. ____ ____!


I’m ____. ____ ____ lunch.



I go to school _____ morning.

A. on the    B. on    C. in    D. in the



I’m tired,     I feel happy.

A. and    B. but    C. them    D. or



I want _____ a teacher.

A. am    B. to be    C. to is    D. to are



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