满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分 1.The apples tasted sw...


1.The apples tasted sweet.

2.His wish is to become a scientist.

3.Tom came to ask me for advice.

4.He found it important to learn English.

5.Do you have anything else to say?


1.表语 2.主语 表语 3.状语 4.形式宾语 真正的宾语 5.定语 【解析】 1.句意:那些苹果尝起来很甜。tasted是taste的过去式,为系动词,sweet形容词,放于系动词后作表语。 2.句意:他的愿望是成为一名科学家。His wish名词作主语,是句子所要说明的动作或者状态的主体;to become a scientist为动词不定式,放在系动词is后作表语。 3.句意:汤姆来征求我的意见。动词不定式to ask me for advice用作目的状语。 4.句意:他发现学英语很重要。it作谓语动词found的形式宾语,后面的动词不定式是真正的宾语。 5.句意:你还有什么要说的吗?动词不定式to say放在不定代词的后面作定语。






On weekdays(工作日) May gets up at 5:30 in the morning. She puts on her clothes and washes() her face. She does morning exercises. Then she has breakfast at six thirty. She has eggs and a glass of milk for breakfast. And then she goes to school at 7:00. She does not like to be late(迟到). Classes() begin at eight. She works hard at lessons(功课). She has lunch at school. She usually has rice and meat. School is over at 4:30 in the afternoon. After class she likes singing. She goes home at five in the afternoon. In the evening her parents(父母) come back from work. They have supper at seven. They have some bread and vegetables for supper.

After supper she does her homework .Sometimes she watches TV(看电视) or reads story-books.She goes to bed at ten.

Her school life is happy.


1.May ________ at 5:30 in the morning on weekdays.

A. has breakfast    B. washes her face.    C. gets up    D. does morning exercises.

2.Where does May have lunch?

A. At home.    B. In the classroom.    C. At school.    D. In a restaurant.

3.What does May have for her lunch?

A. Rice and water.    B. Rice and meat.    C. Bread and a glass of milk.    D. Eggs and milk.

4.What does she do in the evening?

A. She does her homework.    B. She sings.    C. She watches TV.    D. Both A and C

5.Which of the following is right(正确) ?

A. Mary likes to be late for school.

B. Mary doesn’t work hard at her lessons.

C. In the evening her parents go to work.

D. Mary’s school life is happy.



Every country has its favourite food. In some countries, people(人们) eat rice every day. They often eat it with meat, fish and vegetables. Japanese(日本人) eat a lot of fish, and they eat a lot of rice, too. In England(英国), the favourite food is fried fish and French fries. In the USA(美国) people like hamburgers a lot. And they like to have cold drinks. In Canada, people eat bread with butter(黄油) on it. In India, people like to eat hot food. Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They don’t like to eat meat and fish. They think green food is good for them.


1.Different countries have _____ food.

A. same    B. different    C. many    D. good

2.Japanese like to eat ______.

A. fish    B. rice    C. bread    D. A and B

3.In the USA, people like to have______.

A. fish and fries    B. fish and rice    C. hamburgers and cold drinks    D. bread with butter

4.Some people like to eat fruit and vegetables because(因为) _______.

A. fruit and vegetables are sweet    B. they don’t have meat and fish

C. meat and fish are delicious    D. fruit and vegetables are good for them

5.Which(哪一个) is a kind of green food?

A. chicken    B. fish    C. banana    D. hot dog



It’s 12:00 now. It’s time _____ lunch. My friend Pat and I are _____. We go to a _____. There ______ many people in it.

A waitress _____ up when we sit down.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, please. I’d like some spring rolls(春卷) and _____. What about you, Pat?”

“I’d like some dumplings. And I want _____ a bowl of soup.”

The waitress serves(端上) the food. They are very delicious. _____ the soup has a strange taste(奇怪的味道). The waitress says there are some herbs(中药) in it. It’s a special Chinese soup. It’s good _____ us. We like Chinese food and the _____ soup.

1.A. to    B. on    C. for    D. at

2.A. sad    B. thirsty    C. hungry    D. happy

3.A. school    B. restaurant    C. home    D. library

4.A. have    B. has    C. are    D. is

5.A. go    B. goes    C. come    D. comes

6.A. chickens    B. fishes    C. fish    D. milks

7.A. eat    B. to eat    C. drink    D. to drink

8.A. And    B. Or    C. Then    D. But

9.A. for    B. to    C. with    D. on

10.A. well    B. special    C. sweet    D. good



Choose the proper sentences to complete the dialogue.(选择合适的句子完成对话。)

A: Hi, Pat. It’s time for lunch. I’m hungry now.

B: Me, too. 1.


A: Yes, please. I’d like a hamburger and an ice cream. 3.

B: I’d like a bowl of noodles and Fried Chicken.

Waiter: Sorry, we don’t have any noodles. 4.

B: Yes, please. And a bottle of pop, please.

Waiter: Is that all?

A and B: Yes, that’s all. Thank you.

Waiter: 5.


A. What would you like, please?

B. You’re welcome.

C. Thanks.

D. Are you ready to order?

E. Let’s go to Mc Donald’s (麦当劳的) restaurant.

F. Would you like some apple pies ()?

G. What soup do you want?

A. What would you like, please?

B. You’re welcome.

C. Thanks.

D. Are you ready to order?

E. Let’s go to Mc Donald’s (麦当劳的) restaurant.

F. Would you like some apple pies ()?

G. What soup do you want?




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