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One weekend in May 2015,over 48 centimet...

One weekend in May 2015,over 48 centimeters of rain fell in Houston,Texas,USA.Soon the city was covered with water.The rising water rushed into the cars on the roads.There were 16 deaths that weekend.

Changing Weather

The weather is changing.Over the last few years,heavy rains have caused floods (洪灾) in Brazil,Pakistan,and Thailand.Droughts (干旱) have struck Russia and Australia.Heat waves have killed thousands in Europe.There are more different kinds of terrible wild weather all over the world.In 2011 alone,the bad weather caused the world to lose 150 billion dollars.

Warmer and Wetter

As more wild weather events happen,a worried world is beginning to ask questions like: What is going on with the weather?And why?Many also want to know: Is this natural,or are we to blame (责怪)?

The answer seems to be: a little of both.Wild weather is natural.________________________This global (全球的) warming makes heat waves more likely to happen.The higher temperatures also cause more water to enter the air.This causes much more rain.Some scientists also believe global warming makes some storms stronger.

This means we're likely to see more wild weather.“But we don't have to just stand there and take it,” says Scientist Michael Oppenheimer.He and other scientists say we need to stop the Earth from getting warmer.We also need to be prepared,to do things that will help save lives.

1.What is the purpose of the second paragraph?

A. To give examples of wild weather events.

B. To guess how the weather will change.

C. To explain why the weather is changing.

D. To describe the weather events in 2011.

2.Which of the following can be put in the blank in Paragraph 4?

A. And wild weather happens more and more.

B. And nature also influences human activity.

C. But  humans have already paid enough attention to the wild weather.

D. But most scientists agree human activity has made the Earth warmer.

3.Which of the following would Oppenheimer probably agree with?

A. It is too late to stop global warming.

B. Humans have nothing to do with global warming.

C. The weather will get better if we can stop global warming.

D. To find  ways to keep our things safe is the most important.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. In May 2015,there was a deadly flood in Houston,Texas,USA.

B. There are more kinds of terrible wild weather all over the world.

C. Many scientists believe global warming makes some storms stronger.

D. Global warming causes wild weather events and that makes people worried.


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 【解析】 文章大意:本文讲述的是全球气候变化了,极端天气出现得更频繁,给人类带来了更大的损失。并分析了其形成的原因:地球变暖了,使得更多的湿热气流进入大气中,因为暴风雨更多更强。同时,科学家们呼吁人们行动起来,阻止地球变暖,行动起来,拯救地球生命。 1.主旨大意题。题意:第二段的目的是什么?A. To give examples of wild weather events.举例说明恶劣天气事件。B. To guess how the weather will change.猜测天气将如何变化。C. To explain why the weather is changing.解释天气变化的原因。D. To describe the weather events in 2011. 描述2011年的天气事件。通读第二段可知,本段列举了巴西、巴基斯坦、泰国的洪灾;俄罗斯、澳大利亚的旱灾,欧洲的热浪等等。列举的是一系列的恶劣天气。故答案选A。 2.推理判断题。题意:下列哪一个选项可以填入第4段的空白处?A. And wild weather happens more and more.而且恶劣天气越来越多。B. And nature also influences human activity. 而且自然也影响着人类的活动。C. But humans have already paid enough attention to the wild weather.但是人类已经对恶劣天气给予了足够的关注。D. But most scientists agree human activity has made the Earth warmer. 但是许多科学家同意人类活动使地球变暖了。前句说:恶劣天气是自然的;后句讲:全球变暖使得更容易发生热浪。可以推测出中间这句过渡到谈论地球变暖。所以D选项“但是许多科学家同意人类活动使地球变暖了。”符合题意,故答案选D。 3.推理判断题。题意:Oppenheimer可能同意下列哪一项?A. It is too late to stop global warming.阻止全球变暖已经太迟了。B. Humans have nothing to do with global warming.人类与全球变暖无关。C. The weather will get better if we can stop global warming.如果我们阻止全球变暖,天气就会变好。D. To find ways to keep our things safe is the most important. 找到一些保障我们的安全的方法是最重要的事情。根据最后一段里的句子But we don't have to just stand there and take it,” says Scientist Michael Oppenheimer.He and other scientists say we need to stop the Earth from getting warmer.We also need to be prepared,to do things that will help save lives. Oppenheimer认为,我们不能站在这儿等,他和其他科学家说我们需要行动起来,阻止地球变暖;我们要做好准备,做一些有助于拯救生命的事情。可知,Oppenheimer 认为“我们”不能任由恶劣天气发展,而要采取行动去阻止恶劣天气情况的加重。结合选项,可知C选项“如果我们阻止全球变暖,天气就会变好。”符合题意,故答案选C。 4.主旨大意题。题意:短文的主要意思是什么?A. In May 2015,there was a deadly flood in Houston,Texas,USA. 2015年,美国休斯敦德克萨斯有严重的洪灾。B. There are more kinds of terrible wild weather all over the world. 全世界有更多种恐怖的恶劣天气。C. Many scientists believe global warming makes some storms stronger. 许多科学家认为全球变暖使得风暴更强。D. Global warming causes wild weather events and that makes people worried. 全球变暖引起了极端天气事件并且让人们担忧。通过全文可知,本文列举了一些极端天气,而且分析了其成因:人类活动使得全球变暖,地球变暖使得恶劣天气发生。所以D选项符合题意,故答案选D。

I once knew a man who was rich in his love for birds, and in their love for him . He lived in a grove full of all kinds of trees. He had no wife or children in his home. He was an old man with blue and kind eyes, and a voice that the birds loved.

While he was at work in the grove, the birds came close to pick up the worms(蠕虫) in the fresh earth he dug up. At first, they kept their distance from him, but they soon found he was a kind man, and would not hurt them, but liked to have them near him.

They knew this by his kind eyes and voice, which tell what is in the heart. So, day by day theirfaithin his love grew in them.

All the birds of the grove were soon his fast friends. They were on the watch for him, and would fly down from the green tree tops to greet him with their chirp(叽叽喳喳叫).

When he had no work to do, he took bread with him, and dropped the pieces on the ground. Down they would dart(俯冲) on his head and feet to catch them as they fell from his hand.

He showed me how they loved him, He put a piece of bread in his mouth, with one end of it out of his lips, Down they came like bees at a flower, and flew off with it piece by piece,

When they thought he slept too long in the morning, they would fly in and_____________.

They went with him to church, and while he sang his hymns in it, they sat in the trees, and sang their praises.

So the love and trust of birds were a joy to the old man all his life long.

1.The birds didn't get close to the old man at first because_____.

A. he often hurt them    B. he disliked them near him

C. they knew little about him    D. they got no food from him

2.The underlined word "faith" in Paragraph 3 means______ in Chinese.

A. 承诺    B. 祝福    C. 希望    D. 信任

3.Which of the following is the best expression to fill in the blank in the passage?

A. follow him here and there

B. call him up with their chirp

C. drop pieces of bread on him

D. look for worms in the house

4.It can be learnt from the story that______.

A. birds are human's best friends

B. everyone gets on well with animals

C. one can get love in return for giving love

D. a person who loves birds is warm-hearted



This story happened in a small mountain village.One day there was an earthquake.Nothing was  destroyed and ______ was hurt.But a huge rock fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road.

When the earthquake ______,many people came to the road and saw the huge rock.Some of the strongest men tried to lift the rock ______the road.But they couldn't move it.They tried to push it but failed.They tried to ______ it with ropes but nothing worked.

“Well,” they all agreed,“There's nothing we can do about it.We'll have to change the ______.”At this time a boy of 12 years old said,“I think I can help you to move the rock.”

“You?” they shouted,“What are you talking about?”The men all ______ at the boy.

The next morning some people came into the street.One of them shouted,“The rock is ______!”More people ran out to see.It was right.The rock wasn't in the road any more.It wasn't ______ near the road.

“This is ______,”they said,“Where did it go?”

The boy stood in the street,______,“I told you I could move it last night.”

The boy walked over to where the ______ had been and uncovered some earth.“I buried it,”he said.

The people looked ______.“You see,”he said,“I dug a deep hole next to the rock and I dug a small incline(斜坡) up to the rock and the rock ______ down into the hole by itself.I covered it with earth.”

The crowds shouted,“What a ______ boy!”And some of them said,“Why haven't we thought of this good ______?”

1.A. somebody    B. nobody    C. anybody    D. everybody

2.A. stops    B. started    C. happened    D. stopped

3.A. over    B. into    C. off    D. onto

4.A. push    B. lift    C. change    D. pull

5.A. road    B. stone    C. rope    D. village

6.A. looked    B. laughed    C. called    D. pointed

7.A. gone    B. missed    C. broken    D. stolen

8.A. very    B. quite    C. even    D. still

9.A. heavy    B. dangerous    C. special    D. impossible

10.A. crying    B. smiled    C. thinking    D. smiling

11.A. street    B. town    C. rock    D. mountain

12.A. surprised    B. sad    C. happy    D. relaxed

13.A. lay    B. dropped    C. walked    D. ran

14.A. clever    B. strong    C. brave    D. poor

15.A. boy    B. hole    C. story    D. way



— Have you seen the photos ____ I took on my trip?

— Yes, I have. They are fantastic.

A. that    B. who    C. what    D. whom



Is that the girl with______ you discussed  the problem yesterday afternoon

A. that    B. who    C. whom    D. which



The girl    catches the flowers on a wedding will be the next to get married.

A. whom    B. which    C. who    D. whose



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