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根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Chin...


Chinese people 1. (庆祝) the Spring Festival 2. (高兴地).During the festival,people visit friends and3. (亲戚).They 4. (招待) each other with 5. (和蔼) and warmth.They also give each other 6. (礼物),7. (传播) love and joy.People eat lots of delicious food such as meat,vegetables,fruit and 8. (甜点).Sometimes people go out to 9. (欣赏) the mountains and rivers.Many people put on 10. (体重) after the Spring Festival.


1.celebrate 2.happily 3.relatives 4.treat 5.kindness 6.presents 7.spreading 8.dessert 9.admire/enjoy 10.weight 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要讲述了中国人是如何庆祝春节的事情。 1.句意:中国人庆祝春节。“庆祝”动词,英文表达是celebrate,本文时态用的是一般现在时,主语是Chinese people,所以此处用动词原形,故答案填celebrate。 2.句意:中国人高兴地庆祝春节。由题干可知空格处修饰前面的谓语动词,所以应用副词形式;happily副词,意思是“高兴地”,故答案填happily。 3.句意:节日期间,人们拜访朋友和亲戚。“亲戚”名词,英文表达是relative;and连接两个并列成分,由前面的friends可知此处应用relative的复数形式,故答案填relatives。 4.句意:他们互相招待。“招待”动词,英文表达是treat,文章时态是一般现在时,主语是they,所以此处要用动词原形,故答案填treat。 5.句意:他们以善良和热情的态度互相招待。由前面的介词with以及后面的and warmth,可知此处应填一个名词,kindness名词,意思是“和蔼、友好、善良”,故答案填kindness。 6.句意:他们还会互赠礼物。“礼物”名词,英文表达是present,由前面的主语是They可知此处应填其复数形式,故答案填presents。 7.句意:传播爱和喜悦。“传播”动词,英文表达是spread,这里用动名词形式,表示伴随状态,故答案填spreading。 8.句意:人们吃很多美味的食物,如肉类、蔬菜、水果和甜点。“甜点”这里作为甜点的总称为不可数名词,英文表达是dessert,故答案填dessert。 9.句意:有时人们出去观赏山川河流。“欣赏、观赏”动词,英文表达是admire或enjoy,这里是动词不定式表示目的,所以用动词原形,故答案填admire/enjoy。 10.句意:春节过后,许多人的体重增加。“体重”不可数名词,英文表达是weight,put on weight体重增加,故答案填weight。

Surprisingly,the dates and ways of the celebration of Father's Day are not the same everywhere.

Father's Day is celebrated to thank fathers and express gratitude (感激) for their love.In Canada,it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.People wear roses to express thanks and love for their fathers.This is also a time for a family reunion (团聚),because children often stay away from their family and this is a good time for them to get together with their fathers and other loved ones.But in Australia,it is celebrated on the first Sunday in September.The day is celebrated only in families.A rich breakfast for families is a good way to celebrate Father's Day.In Thailand,Father's Day falls on December 5 every year.All the people have a one-day holiday.You can see many people are in yellow and the streets are decorated in yellow because Father's Day is also the King's birthday.

Some clubs,schools and cultural societies in the United Kingdom and Ireland,Australia,South Africa organize Father's Day parties to provide people an opportunity  to celebrate the day to show the importance of father's role in the family and the society.

1.People have Father's Day because they want to ________.

A. have a get-together

B. show thanks to their fathers

C. send gifts to their fathers

D. have a family party

2.The Canadians celebrate Father's Day by ________.

A. wearing roses    B. dressing nicely

C. sending fathers many gifts    D. working harder

3.When is Father's Day celebrated in Australia?

A. On the third Sunday in June.

B. On the first Sunday in September.

C. On December 5.

D. On May 31.

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. The Australians celebrate Father's Day in the morning.

B. How the Canadians celebrate Father's Day.

C. Why people in Thailand celebrate Father's Day on December 5.

D. People celebrate Father's Day in different ways and on different dates.



In Britain,Boxing Day is usually celebrated on December 26th,which is the following day after Christmas Day.However,strictly speaking,Boxing Day is the first weekday after Christmas.Like Christmas Day,Boxing Day is a public holiday.This means it's a non-working day in the whole of Britain.When Boxing Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday,the following Monday is the public holiday.

The exact origin (起源) of the holiday is unclear.One of the thoughts is that during the Middle Ages,when great sailing ships were setting off to discover new land,a Christmas Box was placed  by a priest (神父) on each ship.Those sailors who wanted to ensure a safe return would drop money into the box.It was sealed_up and kept on board until the ship came home safely.Then the box was handed over to the priest in the exchange for the saying of a mass of thanks for the success of the sailing.The priest wouldn't open it to share the contents with the poor until Christmas.

One more thought is about the “Alms Box” placed in every church on Christmas Day.Worshippers (做礼拜的人) put gifts for the poor into it.These boxes were always opened the day after Christmas.That is why that day became known as Boxing Day.

Today,many businesses,organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating (捐赠) their time,services and money to aid Food Banks,providing gifts for the poor,or helping families in need.Besides,spending time with family and shopping are popular Boxing Day activities now.

1.Sailors dropped money into the Christmas Box in order to ________.

A. save the poor    B. pay for the priest

C. discover new land    D. pray for sailing safety

2.What does the underlined phrase “sealed up” mean?

A. 密封    B. 悬挂    C. 归还    D. 传递

3.The following activities can show the traditional spirit of Boxing Day EXCEPT ________.

A. offering gifts to the poor

B. supporting families in need

C. spending time with family

D. giving money to aid Food Banks

4.The purpose of the passage is ________.

A. to praise the kindness of priests

B. to introduce the origins of Boxing Day

C. to call on people to help the poor

D. to compare Boxing Day with Christmas Day



May Day is also called May 1 International Labor Day.The working people in the world celebrate it every year.

It came from the workers' big strike (罢工) in Chicago, America.On May 1,1886, more than two hundred thousand workers in Chicago held a big strike.They fought for the right (权利) of working eight hours a day.Why did they hold such a big strike? The reason was that during a long period (时期) the workers in America had to work fourteen to sixteen hours a day.And some workers even had to work eighteen hours a day, but they got very little money.

After the hard struggle (奋斗), the workers won the victory in the end.In memory of the workers' movement, an important meeting was held on July 14, 1889 in Paris, France.At the meeting, all the members agreed to make May 1 every year International Labor Day.From then on, the working people of all countries in the world would celebrate May Day on May 1 every year.

The Chinese people also celebrated May Day before liberation (解放) first in 1918.After new China was founded in 1949, our government made May 1 every year the legal (法定的) Labor Day and all the Chinese people would have a holiday on this day.

1.The workers held the big strike in ________.

A. Paris    B. London    C. Chicago    D. Beijing

2.The workers fought for the right of ________.

A. working less time every day

B. working more than time every day

C. celebrating Labor Day

D. holding the meeting

3.The meeting was held on ________.

A. May 4, 1918    B. May 1, 1886

C. May 1, 1949    D. July 14, 1889

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the workers in France took part in the meeting.

B. The Chinese people have a holiday on May 1.

C. The workers in Paris also won the victory in the strike.

D. All the people in the world work eight hours a day now.



Christmas Day,the birthday of Jesus Christ,is the most important festival in Britain and some other countries.On Christmas Eve,people usually tell their children to put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.Children believe Santa Claus,with the other name of Father Christmas,will come during the night and fill their stockings with Christmas presents.

Actually,Father Christmas is children's father.He dresses up in a red coat and waits until children fall asleep.Then he goes into children's bedrooms,and puts small presents in their stockings.When children are no longer young,they know who Father Christmas really is.

Not only children but also their parents enjoy Christmas stockings.They also have stockings.Early on the morning of Christmas Day,children wake their parents up and say “Merry Christmas”.Then they help their parents open their stockings.Everybody likes presents.But it is better to give than to receive.

1.What do all the British children do on Christmas Eve?

A. They talk all the night.

B. They sing and dance.

C. They put their stockings at the end of their beds.

D. They won't sleep until Father Christmas comes.

2.From the story we know that on Christmas Day children feel very happy because they can receive ________.

A. red clothes    B. stockings    C. presents    D. food

3.What is the best greeting (打招呼) early on the morning of Christmas Day in Britain?

A. Good luck!    B. Happy New Year!

C. Best wishes to you!    D. Merry Christmas!



When I was 7 years old, I went to the US with my mom. I can still ______ the first Halloween holiday I had in ______

On the morning of Halloween, we paid a visit to a pumpkin (南瓜) farm. Each of us brought a pumpkin to school ______ us. I used my pumpkin to make a lantern which had two round eyes and a scary mouth.

In the afternoon, we ______ the Halloween costumes (服装) and had a parade in school. Some of the costumes were funny, but some of them ______ scary. I chose to wear a Superman costume.

I did a lot of things that day, but the part I liked ______ was “trick or treat” in the evening. After ______, I went outside with a bag. I ______ to get a lot of candies from my neighbors. At first, I was a bit nervous, ______ when I knocked at the first door, my heart was beating very fast. A lady came out, and I said carefully to her, “Trick or treat!” My ______ was very low, so low that I could ______ hear myself speak. To my surprise, the lady was so kind that she gave ______ two candies, and I was so excited. I thanked the lady and moved on. I can't remember ______ houses I visited, but I can remember how many ______ I got—I got 91 that day, and I was so happy.

What a ______ Halloween I had! And I wish we could have Halloween every month!

1.A. spend    B. remind    C. remember    D. enjoy

2.A. China    B. Australia    C. England    D. America

3.A. to    B. with    C. for    D. of

4.A. wore    B. washed    C. sold    D. kept

5.A. tasted    B. smelled    C. sounded    D. looked

6.A. best    B. worst    C. longest    D. shortest

7.A. breakfast    B. lunch    C. dinner    D. sleeping

8.A. offered    B. continued    C. hoped    D. refused

9.A. but    B. so    C. though    D. or

10.A. height    B. wish    C. price    D. voice

11.A. hardly    B. sometimes    C. often    D. mostly

12.A. them    B. us    C. her    D. me

13.A. how much    B. how long    C. how many    D. how far

14.A. candies    B. houses    C. cards    D. presents

15.A. busy    B. happy    C. relaxing    D. boring



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