满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 On ...


On Thanksgiving Day,a teacher asked her class of first graders to draw a picture1. something they were thankful for.She thought that these children from poor2. (family) actually had little to be thankful for.And she found most of them drawing pictures of flowers or tables with food.The teacher was very 3. (surprise) to see the picture Douglas handed in.It's a hand,a simple hand.

But whose hand?The class were very interested in the strange picture.“I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one child.“A farmer,” said another.“Because4. (him) or she grows beautiful flowers.” Finally when the others were at work,the teacher went over to Douglas' desk and asked 5. hand it was.“It's your hand,teacher,” he said quietly and 6. (shy).

She remembered that she had taken Douglas,7. dirty lonely child,by the hand while having a class break.She often did that with the children.But it8. (mean) so much to Douglas.Perhaps this is 9. (everyone) Thanksgiving,not for the material things we get,10. for the chance,in whatever small way,to give to others.


1.of 2.families 3.surprised 4.he 5.whose 6.shyly 7.a 8.meant 9.everyone's 10.but 【解析】 文章大意:这篇短文主要介绍了在感恩节,老师要求孩子们画出他们想要感谢的东西。结果道格拉斯画了一只手,以此来表示对老师关心的感谢。告诉我们不同的人可能用不同的方式表示他们的感恩之心。 1.句意:在感恩节那天,一位老师让她的一年级学生画一幅表达感恩的画。a picture of一副…的图画,固定搭配,故答案填of。 2.句意:她认为这些来自贫困家庭的孩子实际上没有什么值得感恩的。family家庭,根据前面的these children可知,这些孩子们来自不同的贫困家庭,所以应用复数形式,family的复数形式为families,故答案填families。 3.句意:这位老师看到道格拉斯交上来的画时很惊讶。根据前面的系动词was可知此处应填形容词形式作表语,与surprise所对应的形容词是surprised,be surprised惊讶、惊奇;故答案填surprised。 4.句意:因为他或者她种植美丽的鲜花。根据题干Because__4___ (him) or she grows beautiful flowers.可知,空格处在句中作主语,要用主格形式,而him是宾格,其主格形式是he,故答案填he。 5.句意:老师走到道格拉斯的桌前,问他这是谁的手。根据下文“It's your hand,teacher,”可知,此处老师是问他这是谁的手,“谁的”whose,修饰后面的名词hand,故答案填whose。 6.句意:他平静而且害羞的说。根据题干he said quietly and __6__ (shy).可知,空格处和前面的quietly是并列关系,一起修饰前面的动词said,所以要用副词形式,与shy所对应的副词是shyly,故答案填shyly。 7.句意:一个肮脏、孤独的孩子。根据题干__7__ dirty lonely child,可知,空格处修饰后面的名词child,所以应用冠词,这里表示泛指,而且child为单数形式,故用不定冠词a,故答案填a。 8.句意:但这对道格拉斯来说却意味深长。根据题干But it___8__ (mean) so much to Douglas.可知,空格处在句中作谓语,由语境可知老师拉道格拉斯手的动作发生在过去,所以应用一般过去时,mean的过去式为meant,故答案填meant。 9.句意:也许这是每个人的感恩方式。everyone每个人,在这里用作名词,因为后面有名词Thanksgiving,所以用名词所有格形式everyone's,表示“每个人的”,故答案填everyone's。 10.句意:不是为了我们得到物质上的东西,而是为了给予别人的机会,无论多小方式的给予。根据题干not for the material things we get,__10__ for the chance,in whatever small way,to give to others.可知,前面句意表示转折的关系,所以用转折连词but,not…but…“不是…而是…”故答案填but。


Chinese people 1. (庆祝) the Spring Festival 2. (高兴地).During the festival,people visit friends and3. (亲戚).They 4. (招待) each other with 5. (和蔼) and warmth.They also give each other 6. (礼物),7. (传播) love and joy.People eat lots of delicious food such as meat,vegetables,fruit and 8. (甜点).Sometimes people go out to 9. (欣赏) the mountains and rivers.Many people put on 10. (体重) after the Spring Festival.



Surprisingly,the dates and ways of the celebration of Father's Day are not the same everywhere.

Father's Day is celebrated to thank fathers and express gratitude (感激) for their love.In Canada,it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.People wear roses to express thanks and love for their fathers.This is also a time for a family reunion (团聚),because children often stay away from their family and this is a good time for them to get together with their fathers and other loved ones.But in Australia,it is celebrated on the first Sunday in September.The day is celebrated only in families.A rich breakfast for families is a good way to celebrate Father's Day.In Thailand,Father's Day falls on December 5 every year.All the people have a one-day holiday.You can see many people are in yellow and the streets are decorated in yellow because Father's Day is also the King's birthday.

Some clubs,schools and cultural societies in the United Kingdom and Ireland,Australia,South Africa organize Father's Day parties to provide people an opportunity  to celebrate the day to show the importance of father's role in the family and the society.

1.People have Father's Day because they want to ________.

A. have a get-together

B. show thanks to their fathers

C. send gifts to their fathers

D. have a family party

2.The Canadians celebrate Father's Day by ________.

A. wearing roses    B. dressing nicely

C. sending fathers many gifts    D. working harder

3.When is Father's Day celebrated in Australia?

A. On the third Sunday in June.

B. On the first Sunday in September.

C. On December 5.

D. On May 31.

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. The Australians celebrate Father's Day in the morning.

B. How the Canadians celebrate Father's Day.

C. Why people in Thailand celebrate Father's Day on December 5.

D. People celebrate Father's Day in different ways and on different dates.



In Britain,Boxing Day is usually celebrated on December 26th,which is the following day after Christmas Day.However,strictly speaking,Boxing Day is the first weekday after Christmas.Like Christmas Day,Boxing Day is a public holiday.This means it's a non-working day in the whole of Britain.When Boxing Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday,the following Monday is the public holiday.

The exact origin (起源) of the holiday is unclear.One of the thoughts is that during the Middle Ages,when great sailing ships were setting off to discover new land,a Christmas Box was placed  by a priest (神父) on each ship.Those sailors who wanted to ensure a safe return would drop money into the box.It was sealed_up and kept on board until the ship came home safely.Then the box was handed over to the priest in the exchange for the saying of a mass of thanks for the success of the sailing.The priest wouldn't open it to share the contents with the poor until Christmas.

One more thought is about the “Alms Box” placed in every church on Christmas Day.Worshippers (做礼拜的人) put gifts for the poor into it.These boxes were always opened the day after Christmas.That is why that day became known as Boxing Day.

Today,many businesses,organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating (捐赠) their time,services and money to aid Food Banks,providing gifts for the poor,or helping families in need.Besides,spending time with family and shopping are popular Boxing Day activities now.

1.Sailors dropped money into the Christmas Box in order to ________.

A. save the poor    B. pay for the priest

C. discover new land    D. pray for sailing safety

2.What does the underlined phrase “sealed up” mean?

A. 密封    B. 悬挂    C. 归还    D. 传递

3.The following activities can show the traditional spirit of Boxing Day EXCEPT ________.

A. offering gifts to the poor

B. supporting families in need

C. spending time with family

D. giving money to aid Food Banks

4.The purpose of the passage is ________.

A. to praise the kindness of priests

B. to introduce the origins of Boxing Day

C. to call on people to help the poor

D. to compare Boxing Day with Christmas Day



May Day is also called May 1 International Labor Day.The working people in the world celebrate it every year.

It came from the workers' big strike (罢工) in Chicago, America.On May 1,1886, more than two hundred thousand workers in Chicago held a big strike.They fought for the right (权利) of working eight hours a day.Why did they hold such a big strike? The reason was that during a long period (时期) the workers in America had to work fourteen to sixteen hours a day.And some workers even had to work eighteen hours a day, but they got very little money.

After the hard struggle (奋斗), the workers won the victory in the end.In memory of the workers' movement, an important meeting was held on July 14, 1889 in Paris, France.At the meeting, all the members agreed to make May 1 every year International Labor Day.From then on, the working people of all countries in the world would celebrate May Day on May 1 every year.

The Chinese people also celebrated May Day before liberation (解放) first in 1918.After new China was founded in 1949, our government made May 1 every year the legal (法定的) Labor Day and all the Chinese people would have a holiday on this day.

1.The workers held the big strike in ________.

A. Paris    B. London    C. Chicago    D. Beijing

2.The workers fought for the right of ________.

A. working less time every day

B. working more than time every day

C. celebrating Labor Day

D. holding the meeting

3.The meeting was held on ________.

A. May 4, 1918    B. May 1, 1886

C. May 1, 1949    D. July 14, 1889

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the workers in France took part in the meeting.

B. The Chinese people have a holiday on May 1.

C. The workers in Paris also won the victory in the strike.

D. All the people in the world work eight hours a day now.



Christmas Day,the birthday of Jesus Christ,is the most important festival in Britain and some other countries.On Christmas Eve,people usually tell their children to put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.Children believe Santa Claus,with the other name of Father Christmas,will come during the night and fill their stockings with Christmas presents.

Actually,Father Christmas is children's father.He dresses up in a red coat and waits until children fall asleep.Then he goes into children's bedrooms,and puts small presents in their stockings.When children are no longer young,they know who Father Christmas really is.

Not only children but also their parents enjoy Christmas stockings.They also have stockings.Early on the morning of Christmas Day,children wake their parents up and say “Merry Christmas”.Then they help their parents open their stockings.Everybody likes presents.But it is better to give than to receive.

1.What do all the British children do on Christmas Eve?

A. They talk all the night.

B. They sing and dance.

C. They put their stockings at the end of their beds.

D. They won't sleep until Father Christmas comes.

2.From the story we know that on Christmas Day children feel very happy because they can receive ________.

A. red clothes    B. stockings    C. presents    D. food

3.What is the best greeting (打招呼) early on the morning of Christmas Day in Britain?

A. Good luck!    B. Happy New Year!

C. Best wishes to you!    D. Merry Christmas!



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