满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Yesterday was my friend Sally's birthday...

Yesterday was my friend Sally's birthday.She had ______ me to her birthday party.And another friend Eric had offered to take me to the party by car.

_____ I was getting dressed,Eric rang and said he was ill and couldn't go to Sally's party.I decided to go there alone by train.Unluckily,while I was talking ______ the phone,my cat walked over my clean shirt,so I had to spend a few minutes ______ another one.

As I was walking to the train station,it started to snow and I felt very cold.I just ______ a train so I had to wait for another one.When the train finally arrived,I was frozen! I was so cold and tired that I ______ on the train and missed my station.

I got off at the next stop and decided to walk ______ to Sally's house.I walked for half an hour and then I realized I was ______.Luckily,I found a public phone and telephoned for a taxi.When I finally arrived at Sally's house,it was ______ midnight and people were going home.What a(n) ______ day!

1.A. showed    B. suggested    C. invited

2.A. Since    B. When    C. Though

3.A. on    B. at    C. to

4.A. checking    B. looking    C. finding

5.A. got off    B. missed    C. caught

6.A. enjoyed myself    B. fell asleep    C. played cards

7.A. up    B. forward    C. back

8.A. lost    B. hungry    C. sad

9.A. hardly    B. nearly    C. still

10.A. lovely    B. exciting    C. terrible


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C 【解析】 本文主要讲述了“我”倒霉的一天。我要参加Sally的聚会,本来计划乘坐Eric的车一起去,可是我刚刚换好衣服,他说生病不能去了,我不得不独自乘火车去。当我打电话的时候,猫弄脏了我的衬衫,我要找一件新的。当我到达车站的时候,刚好错过一辆火车,需要等下一辆。好不容易坐上车,又因睡着,坐过了站,不得不步行返回。后来发现又迷路了,最后到Sally家快到半夜了。 1.她邀请我去她的生日聚会。show展示,suggest建议,invite邀请,根据句意可知这里表示邀请,故选C。 2.句意:当我穿好衣服的时候,Eric打电话说他生病不能去Sally的聚会了。since自从,when当....时候,though虽然尽管,根据句意这里表示“当…时候”,故选B. 3.句意:不幸的是,当我正在打电话的时候,我的猫爬到我干净的衬衫上。“打电话”固定短语talk on the phone, 故选A. 4.句意:所以我需要花几分钟时间再找一件。句子中有spend,故用到spend (in) doing sth; check检查,核对,look看,find找到,结合句意和所给单词,这里表示“再找一件衣服”,故选C。 5.句意:我刚好错过了火车,所以我必须等待下一辆火车。got off下车,miss错过,caught赶上,根据后文“so I had to wait for another one”可知,他刚好错过了一辆,故选B。 6.句意:我是如此的有冷又累以至于我在车上睡着了,并坐过了站。enjoy oneself玩得高兴,fall asleep 入睡,play cards玩卡片,根据句子中的“cold and tired t”以及“missed my station”可以推测作者在火车上睡着了,故选B。 7.句意:我在下一站下了车,并决定步行回到Sally家。up向上, forward向前,back向后,根据前文“坐过了站”,所以需要“返回”walk back步行返回,故选C。 8.句意:我走了半个小时,然后意识到我迷路了。lost迷路的,hungry饥饿的,sad悲伤的; 根据后文I found a public phone and telephoned for a taxi.说明作者并没有顺利步行到Sally的家,故这里表示“迷路了” be lost, 故选A。 9.句意:当我最后到达Sally家的时候,已经快半夜了,别人都要回家了。hardly几乎不,nearly几乎,将近,still 仍然,结合句意这里表示 “快要半夜了”故选B. 10.句意:多么糟糕的一天啊!lovely可爱的,exciting 令人兴奋的,terrible糟糕的,根据文章描述可知这是作者很糟糕的一天,故选C。

The plane to Thailand ________ by the time I got to the airport in a hurry.

A. had landed    B. had taken off    C. had left off



I don't want to tell a lie,because being honest is ________ everything else.

A. above    B. up    C. under



It's impolite to ___ at someone who you meet for the first time.He or she may feel uncomfortable.

A. watch    B. notice    C. stare



My daughter got up and dressed herself quickly when her alarm clock________.

A. ran off    B. went off    C. set off



People do not know the value of health ________ they lose it.

A. so    B. though    C. till



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