满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---Another bridge will be built in Anqin...

---Another bridge will be built in Anqing in several years.

---I heard ____________ it.  It will be more convenient.

A. from    B. up    C. about    D. away


C 【解析】 句意:——几年后将在安庆再建造一座桥。——我听说了。这样会更方便。A. from来自;B. up向上;C. about关于;D. away离开,远离。hear from收到……的来信,hear about听说,结合句意可知,答案为C。  

Alice was given some advice on how to improve her ______ skills, and she gladly accepted.

A. hearing    B. hear    C. listening    D. listen



He asked me if I __________ tell him the way to the friendship Building.

A. could    B. can    C. must    D. may




1.The scientists told us some _____________(令人惊奇的)stories of UFOs.

2.Yesterday they went to see many _________(有趣的)places.

3.When the bus stopped, we all got off ____________(快速地).

4.Tom can't do his homework____________(独自地).

5.Walk slowly around the big lake and feel the ______ (美妙的,不错的)scene of the old park.

6.Yesterday he ___________(跌落)off a big tree and hurt badly.

7.____________(能够)you give me something to eat?

8.There are a lot of ____________建筑物)in Beijing.

9.Linda is so ___________ (小心的)that she often makes few mistakes.

10.Grace ___________(失败)in this English competition and felt very sad.




I really like r1. and writing short stories. These stories are usually about 6 to 20 pages long which focus on an interesting person, a problem which the person had, and what happened when the person tried to solve the problem. All societies seem to have an oral story-telling tradition in which people met t2. to tell each other short stories, and in which parents told their children stories at bedtime. This was certainly true in England, in India. in Kenya, in Mexico and in Japan. Was it true in China, too? In many countries; oral story telling is still important, but in most countries now~ stories are written down and p3. in books. My favorite collection of short stories is a book called The Story Giant by Brian Patten in which a giant knows all the stories in the world e4. one. If he doesn't find the last story he'll die.  In the book he gets four children from different parts of the world to tell him stories in the hope that

he will find the last story so he can stay a5. and pass the world's stories on forever. Do you think he finds the last story?

I also like reading novels. One of my favourite novels is called Life of Pi. It is written by a Canadian called Yann Martel,and is about an Indian boy who spends a long time at sea after a shipwreck (海滩)  a 6. with nobody but a tiger. What about you? Do you have a favourite novel?

Not many people read plays these days, but many people still enjoy watching them at the theatre or on television. Perhaps the l 7. popular form of literature(文学)  is poetry.  This is because many poems are very d8.to understand, and often seem to be written and read by very clever people. I wish I c 9. write poems which e 10. can understand.



Last month. I returned to Australia to attend my elder sister's wedding. Although it was a very modern wedding, my sister kept one tradition that comes from an old English poem.

The poem says that a bride(新娘) must wear, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue". It is said to bring good luck to the marriage.

Something old is something passed on from the bride's family. It could be an heirloom (传家宝)that has been in the family for years, or a piece of her mother's dress. This is meant to show a connection with the bride's family.

Something new brings hope for the future of the couple. It can be the new wedding dress or new shoes.

Something borrowed is normally an item of clothing or jewelry.  It is borrowed from one of the bride's friends who have a happy marriage. It is believed to bring some of the friend's luck in her marriage to the bride.

Last is something blue which comes from another thyme: "Marry in blue. husband be true.

This means that a bride who wears blue will have a faithful husband. It could be blue on her jewelry or on her shoes.

These days, most brides do not believe that wearing these items will really bring them good

luck. However, they wear them anyway, thinking that traditions are important.

1.How many things should a bride prepare according to old English tradition?

A. About l.    B. About 2.    C. About 3.    D. About 4.

2.What kinds of things could be something new?

A. The bride's trousers.    B. The bride's jewelry.

C. The bride's dress or shoes.    D. The bride's mother's dress.

3.Why do most brides follow the tradition?

A. Because they think tradition is interesting.

B. Because they think tradition is important

C. Because they are expecting good luck.

D. Because they think they all like to do that

4.In the sixth passage, the underlined word "faithful” means________ in Chinese.

A. 帅气的    B. 宽容的    C. 忠诚的    D. 热心的



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