满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Annie has a ___________,and she is going...

Annie has a ___________,and she is going to see her dentist today.

A. cold    B. fever    C. cough    D. toothache


D 【解析】 B.试题句意:安妮牙疼,今天她打算去看牙医。Acold 名词,感冒;形容词,冷;B.fever名词,发烧;C.cough 名词,咳嗽;D.toothache名词,牙疼。根据后面she is going to see her dentist today可知她是牙疼。故选D。











As traditional Chinese art,paper cutting has a long history.The first and earliest paper cutting was found in China 1,500 years ago.But this traditional art is at risk of disappearing now.Luckily,Voyo Woo,a Chinese immigrant (移民) in America,is trying to bring this art back to life.

One Saturday in 2014,Ms Woo held a paper cutting show at a shopping center near Washington.She got much fun and peace from it .She hoped more people would enjoy it.

Ms Woo began to study the art of paper cutting as a 14­year­old girl in her hometown in China.She said all the students at school had to learn paper cutting.But she had a deep love for it.So her teacher spent more time teaching her after class.Later,she won the second prize in a national painting and art competition.Ms Woo went to America after she finished college in 2008.Soon after that,she took part in an activity to promote (宣传) Chinese paper cutting.And then she was invited to show the art in many important activities.“It is important to promote this art to Americans or anyone who is interested in it.Maybe it will make this art more popular.”Woo said.

From the art of paper cutting,people can know about Chinese cultural values,history and stories of people's life.Ms Woo uses the art as a tool to show Chinese culture to people who know little about it.Just because Chinese art is not only for Chinese,but also for people all over the world.

Information Card


The person who is trying to bring paper cutting back to life


Her hometown


The time she began to study the art of paper cutting


The important thing she did in 2014


The purpose (目的) she promotes Chinese paper cutting







Is your schoolbag too heavy to carry?The e­schoolbag will 1. a hand to you.

It's 2.that e­schoolbags are going to be brought into use in Chinese middle schools soon.It is 3. small computer for students.Heavy schoolbags have been a serious problem 4. them.But the e­schoolbag will change everything.It is 5. lighter than a usual schoolbag.What's more,it is as small as a usual book,6.it can hold all the things for study,including textbooks and exercise books.They can be made into chips ( 芯片) 7. are as small as a stamp.The students can read the text page by page and even send e­mails to teachers.All they have to do is 8.the right chip into the e­schoolbag and press a button.

Some say that e­textbooks can be 9. broken.Others say they are not good for 10.eyes because giving too much attention to them will be harmful to eyesight.But only time will tell.




66.Xiao Ming is interested in astronomy (天文学).Is it hot or cold on the stars?What are the stars made of?

67.Kate has long and beautiful hair.She says she always uses a certain shampoo (洗发水).Why do the shampoos make hairs clean and smooth?

68.Why can all the plants be grown well in the soil?Which materials contain (包含) in the soil?John wants to know the answer.

69.I wonder the origin of the universe,and its form,its constitute...Can you tell me?

70.Candles give us light in the dark.But do you know what in the candles can burn to light?

A.Until about thirty years ago,astronomers thought that it was composed almost entirely of this “baryonic matter (重子物质)”,ordinary atoms (原子).However,in the past few decades,there has been even more evidence accumulating that suggests there is something in it that we can not see,perhaps some new form of matter.

B.They are composed primarily of chemicals called surfactants (表面活性剂) that have the special ability to surround oily materials on surfaces and allow them to be rinsed away while washing the hair by water.

C.They are made out of wax () and contain fragrances,minor additives,colorants and come in a variety of shapes and size.

D.It is a combination of both living and non­living materials.One part of it is broken­down rock.Another is organic matter made up of decaying (腐烂的) plants and animals.Water and air are also a part of it.

E.Some of them,such as polystyrene,are composed of monomers that contain only carbon and hydrogen ().All organic plastics include a long backbone of carbon.

F.Basically,they are big exploding (爆炸的) balls of gas,mostly hydrogen and helium ().The nearest one to us,the sun,is so hot that the huge amount of hydrogen is undergoing a constant star­wide unclear reaction,like in a hydrogen bomb.

G.It depends upon the kind.Most of them are made from collagen/gelatin (胶原蛋白),which comes from the skin,bones and hooves of horses,pigs and cows.










Harry is a curious (好奇的) boy.He likes asking questions.So,when Harry saw a tree next to the gate,he asked his dad,“What is that tree made of?”

Dad gave his answer,“Wood...branches (树枝)...leaves.”

“What's that rock over there made of?”

“Rock,” Dad answered quickly.

“How about the car?What is it made of?” Harry asked again.

Dad thought for a moment and answered,“Plastic,metal,and glass mostly,and maybe some rubber.”

“How about the air?”

“It's made of air.Scientists have found many kinds of air and mixtures (混合物) of those kinds of air.Everything is made of stuff (原材料).It is like Mum's pantry (食品储藏室),but we're not baking bread or cookies there.We're making stuff.There are about 100 ingredients (成分) called elements (元素) to make everything,but most things have only a few of them.”

“Even me?” Harry asked in surprise.

“Yes,you're mostly carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen,and oxygen,but there are other elements in you.Each piece is so small that we can't even see it.”

Harry was happy about his father's answers.And Dad continued reading his newspaper,only to be interrupted a few minutes later with another question,“And the trees then?”

1.The first thing that they talked about is ________.

A. a tree    B. a rock    C. a car    D. the air

2.Harry was surprised to find that he himself is made of ________.

A. metal    B. wood    C. elements    D. leaves

3.What does the underlined word “interrupt” mean in Chinese?

A. 打断    B. 增强    C. 取消    D. 引导

4.Which word do you think can best describe Harry?

A. Silly.    B. Curious.    C. Rude.    D. Quiet.

5.Which of the following can be the BEST title for the passage?

A. What is it used for?    B. What is it made into?

C. What is it used to be?    D. What is it made of?



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