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阅读短文,并按要求完成第66~70小题。 This is not a diet....


This is not a diet. It's a simple way to lose weight. And you don't even have to give up the food you love or join a gym. You just follow some habits that thin people have, you'll become thin.

1Wake up

When you wake up in the morning, sit up slowly without using your hands.With legs straight out,bend(弯曲) forward until you feel sore in your back. It will burn about 10 calories(热量单位:卡路里).

2Start with soup

When you have a meal,order a clear soup,and have it before having the main food.In this way,you'll feel fuller,so you'll eat less when the main food comes.

3An apple (or more) a day

Apples are full of fibre and water,so your stomach will want less.The study shows that people who eat at least three apples a day lose weight.

4Stand up and walk around

Every_time_you_use_the_mobile_phone,stand_up_and_walk_around.Heavy people sit on average two and a half hours more each day than thin people.This skill is very important as standing up and walking around will burn 50 or more calories.

Use these skills,and you will have a big weight loss.


1.When you have a meal, order________,and have it before having the main food.

2.Heavy people sit on average ________more each day than thin people.

3.What are apples full of?





1.a clear soup 2.two and a half hours 3.Apples are full of fibre and water. 4.You just follow some habits that thin people have, you'll become thin. 5.每次你使用手机的时候,站起来四处走动走动。 【解析】 1.根据文中When you have a meal,order a clear soup,and have it before having the main food.可知在你吃饭之前,先要一份清汤,吃主食之前把它喝了。故这里填a clear soup. 2.根据文中Heavy people sit on average two and a half hours more each day than thin people.可知胖人比瘦人平均每天多坐2个半小时,故这里填two and a half hours. 3.根据文中Apples are full of fibre and water,so your stomach will want less.可知苹果中含有很多的纤维和水分,故这里回答Apples are full of fibre and water. 4.根据第一点的描述:不需要节食,也不需要放弃你喜欢的食物,更不需要去健身房,你只需要按照瘦人的的饮食习惯,你就会变瘦,接下来列举了瘦人所拥有的饮食习惯,故本文主要让我们遵照瘦人所拥有的饮食习惯,所以主题句为You just follow some habits that thin people have, you'll become thin. 5.Every time 意思是每次,use the mobile使用手机,walk around四处走走, 故翻译为每次你使用手机的时候,站起来四处走动走动。

You may not have heard the words “freshman fifteen” before, but they are important for students who are entering university. A freshman is a first year college student. “Fifteen” means fifteen pounds—the fifteen pounds added to a student's weight in his or her first year. There are a number of reasons why first year university students gain(增加) weight; but it's encouraging to know that freshman don't have to add these harmful fifteen pounds.

Mistakes in choosing food

University kitchens serve many kinds of food. Some students choose unhealthy food, because now their parents are not nearby(在身边) to help them choose. Some students visit the kitchen many times while studying. Late at night, some students get harmful fast food such as hamburgers. Students also have less time for walking, running, and doing sports because of their schoolwork.

Eating right

If you're careful, you don't have to add fifteen pounds. Here are some ideas.

Think more about what you eat.

Eat plenty of vegetables and healthy meat.

Don't eat desserts(甜点) full of sugar; have fruit after dinner.

Try not to eat so much junk food while you study.

It's all right to have a little fast food sometimes—but not often.

Write down the food you eat.

Walk, run, do sports—move and you will feel better!

Remember that the “freshman fifteen” can happen to anyone. Talk to your friends about it. Together, try to eat healthy food and not eat junk food. Walking, running, and playing sports is always more fun with friends. Help each other and you can have a healthy and happy freshman year.

1.The main idea of this passage is to ________.

A. get students ready to gain fifteen pounds

B. sell healthy food to new students

C. help new university students not to gain fifteen pounds

D. show the mistakes students make in choosing food

2.The “freshman fifteen” is ________.

A. weight that high school students can gain at school

B. fifteen pounds of food that first year students eat

C. weight that first year university students can gain

D. fifteen students who eat junk food at university

3.Which of these ideas about eating right is NOT talked about in the passage?

A. Eating vegetables.    B. Mixing vegetables and fruits.

C. Having a little fast food.    D. Writing down the food.

4.Students eat unhealthy food because ________.

A. their parents aren't nearby to help

B. they want to save more money

C. they don't want to eat while they study

D. they don't like to eat desserts

5.The writer of the passage would probably agree that ________.

A. think little about what you eat

B. students can eat whatever they like

C. gaining fifteen pounds can help you study better

D. friends can help you to eat right and live happily



Thanks to better health care, most people are living healthier and longer lives. Someone who is born today can expect to live about thirtyfive years longer than someone who was born in the nineteenth century. It is even thought that in the future more and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthdays. Here are some rules for a healthy life.

Get off the sofa!

Sure, it is comfortable to sit on the sofa and watch TV. But doctors say you should get off the sofa. To keep fit, you have to walk at least 10,000 steps every day. In the past, people's jobs required more physical effort. They often had to walk for miles every day. When farmers were working in the fields, they were keeping fit at the same time. Think about it: Do you get the same amount of exercise today as they did in the past?

Eat healthy food!

It is important to eat food that is fresh and natural, for example, fruit and vegetables. Fast food is not healthy. You should only have it once in a while. Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health.

Rest while you can!

When we were babies, we slept for much of the night. Teenagers do not need as much sleep as babies, but it is important for you to get about eight hours' sleep a night. At weekends, you have got more time, so use it not just for your friends, but for rest too.

Do not worry. Be happy!

Many people believe that happiness is important for our general health. Sometimes it is not easy to be a teenager because of the difficulties of school, exams or friendships. If you are worried about something, talk to your parents or your teacher.

1.In the passage, “Get off the sofa!” means ________.

A. we should take some exercise

B. we shouldn't watch TV on the sofa

C. we should get off the sofa to keep fit

D. we shouldn't stay at home for a long time

2.How many steps do you have to walk to keep fit every day?

A. 1,000 steps.    B. 10,000 steps.    C. 5,000 steps.    D. 50,000 steps.

3.The underlined word “it” in the passage refers to(指代) ________.

A. healthy food    B. fast food    C. natural food    D. fresh food

4.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. The best rest is to spend more time with friends.

B. It is necessary for teenagers to get enough sleep.

C. Teenagers also need as much sleep as babies at night.

D. Sleeping for much of the night will do harm to your health.

5.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. how to be a happy teenager

B. the importance of a healthy life

C. the ways of leading a healthy life

D. teenagers' common healthy problems



“ Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy , wealthy and wise.”  This is an old English saying. It means that when we go to bed early , we can get up early the next morning. Then we will become healthy. We will also become rich and clever.

This is true. To keep healthy,we must have enough sleep. Experts(专家) say that adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Teenagers need nine to ten hours. And school-aged children may need more than ten hours of sleep. Children who do not have enough sleep can't do their work very well. They won't be wise and they may not become wealthy!

We also need exercise. Walking , running, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps us strong. It also helps the blood to move around the body. This is very important. Our blood takes the nutrition( 营养 ) from food to all parts of our body.

The head also needs blood. So exercise that moves the blood to our head helps us think better!

1.If we get up early and go to bed early, we'll        .

A. become weak    B. have more time

C. be healthy    D. have more work to do

2.Who needs most hours of sleep to keep healthy?

A. Adults.    B. Teenagers.

C. Experts.    D. School-aged children.

3.A child        when he does not have enough sleep.

A. can't study well    B. will be wise

C. will be wealthy    D. will be active in class

4.A person needs exercise because        .

A. he is not strong enough    B. it helps make him healthy

C. he has a lot of  homework to do    D. it can bring him much blood

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Exercise helps the blood to move.

B. Exercise is good for a person's head.

C. If we have enough blood, we'll be wise.

D. It's good for us to get up early and go to bed early.



Did you know that 11,000 people die from smoking every day? Did you know that people die from breathing smoke _______ other people's cigarettes every day?

Tobacco smoke has ingredients that may _______ cancer. If smokers had learned these _______ when they were young, they probably would never have started smoking.

Most smokers try _______ first cigarette when they are teenagers. Often, they start smoking because they think that it makes them look more _______. Sometimes they start smoking because their friends tell them that it's cool. If teenagers are told that half of them will die before the age of 65 from smoking cigarettes, how can they still think it's cool to smoke?

One of the biggest problems is cigarette advertisements. Tobacco companies _______ tell the truth to teenagers about cigarettes. After watching the advertisements on TV or looking at the posters in which people ride horses or play in a rock band, young people often think that smoking _______ be cool.

Sadly, cigarettes are very difficult to _______ once a person has started smoking. Most teenagers start smoking _______ they are influenced by friends or cigarettes advertisements. And often, the teenagers regret the decision to start smoking later in life.

Teenagers need to know ________bad cigarettes are for their health. If they are told that cigarettes kill more people than guns do, they probably will never start smoking.

1.A. from    B. with    C. by    D. to

2.A. produce    B. devote    C. cause    D. lead

3.A. facts    B. information    C. message    D. news

4.A. theirs    B. their    C. them    D. themselves

5.A. out-going    B. hard-working    C. easy-going    D. grown-up

6.A. never    B. often    C. sometimes    D. always

7.A. need    B. might    C. must    D. may

8.A. look up    B. put up    C. set up    D. give up

9.A. so    B. although    C. because    D. but

10.A. what    B. how    C. why    D. if



Do you know ________ now in the yard?

A. where Jim is reading    B. when Jim is reading

C. how Jim is doing    D. what Jim is doing



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