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书面表达。 假设你是李华。你的家乡在天津,抖空竹是当地人们非常喜爱的活动之一。请...









参考词汇:play Kongzhu抖空竹;hollow中空的;buzzing嗡嗡响的


Playing Kongzhu is a very popular sport in China. It has a long history and it is very famous in my hometown,Tianjin. Kongzhu is made of bamboo and is hollow inside,so it gets its name,“Kongzhu”.It can give a buzzing sound when you play it. Although Kongzhu is small,you can exercise your whole body and people of all ages can play it all year round. Kongzhu is also played on many TV programs. It's so wonderful and many people like it. Playing Kongzhu is good for my health and I love it. 【解析】 本文是一篇提纲作文。要求根据提纲内容写一篇介绍人们喜爱的运动——抖空竹的文章。首先,在写作之前要认真阅读给出的要点提示,除给出的四点提示外,还可以自己发挥想象,补充自己对空竹的看法等。其次,注意文章文体、人称和时态。运用适当的短语表达中心思想,增加作文的可读性;再次,必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。这篇作文层次清晰,内容饱满,表达流畅。用了大量短语或连词,如be made of, Although,all year round,be good for 等,为文章增色不少。  


A growing number of families are sending children on study tours abroad.

Some parents are worried that their children are too young to deal with any problems they might face during a trip. However, some believe they could take care of themselves and communicate with people well during the trip.

A report shows that at least 800,000 overseas study tours were booked for Chinese children during the summer vacation. Each tour cost an average of 25,000 yuan($3,770) per person, and most were booked(预订) by middle­class families in large cities for pre­high school children, according to the report. About 13 percent were booked for children ages 3 to 6, while those ages 7 to 12 are 31 percent.

Besides the United States and the United Kingdom, countries in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia are becoming popular in recent years. You can get more facts from the following charts.

1.What are some parents worried about if they send their children on study tours abroad?

___________________________________________________________ .

2.Who were most of the study tours abroad booked for?

___________________________________________________________ .

3.What percent of the people want to experience different cultures through study tours abroad?

___________________________________________________________ .

4.How long do 20 percent of the people want to study abroad?

___________________________________________________________ .

5.Will you take a study tour in foreign countries? Why or why not?

___________________________________________________________ .




Have you ever had the feeling that no one can understand you? Well, here comes “Pepper”. It could be about to change all that. Pepper is the first robot to read human feelings. Using its emotion recognition functions(情感识别功能), Pepper can make jokes, dance and even sing to people when they are around it.

The robot looks like a lovely girl. It is four feet tall with a tablet computer in its chest. It has humanlike hands, a girl­like body and baby­like voice. It was shown to attract people at stores on Friday.

Pepper can tell facial expressions, human voice and signs, then make an answer. Pepper is designed to be a family robot, but it isn't like the household robot on the cartoon. Pepper is used at the  home or store, where we enjoy pleasure and entertainment.

At home, not only can it tell jokes, it also helps people in trouble. If a natural accident happens, it can encourage them, make them laugh and feel relaxed.

Pepper will be on sale at the price of $2,000 in August, 2015.At present, several Peppers are on show at stores for people to visit. Before selling Peppers, the creators want them to store more knowledge in order to get better along with human beings.

Pepper—A Robot Of Human Wisdom


Basic feature(特征)

The first robot to read human1.with its emotion recognition functions.

Description of


It's four feet tall with a 2. computer in its chest.

It has human­like hands, a girl­like body and baby­like voice.

Brief introduction

The creators designed it to be used at home or 3..

It can not only make an answer by telling facial expressions, human voice and signs, but also can help people who are in4..

Preparations for sale

Peppers are now still at stores for people to visit.

When more 5. is stored in Peppers, the more perfect robots will be on sale soon.






I always had a nice cup of tea every morning in my country in Indonesia. 1.

When I arrived in the early morning for the first time at Sydney airport, the first thing that I looked for was a coffee shop. Finally, I found a nice coffee shop with many people queuing(排队) to order.2. Then a very friendly girl asked me if she could help me. I said that I would like to have a cup of tea. The she asked me, “3.” I thought she was making a morning joke with me. Then I said, “Red tea, please.” With a very unfriendly face she asked me again, “Black or white tea, please?”4. I didn't know what actually black or white tea was. I only knew that having tea is normally with or without sugar.

One day I had a cup of tea at the university tea room. I saw a lady drinking tea with milk in it. Then I asked her, “5.” She smiled and said, “Yes, you can.” At the moment, I understood that black tea is no milk added and white tea is with milk. How big is the difference of having tea between Indonesian and Australian people!

AI didn't say anything.

BI jumped into the queue.

CWould you like black or white tea?

DCan I say that you are having a white tea?

EIt gave me a great feeling in the morning.

FI'm surprised that they queue up for coffee.




The first chocolate was eaten by people in South America hundreds of years ago. In those days, the people did not really eat chocolate. They used the cocoa bean(可可豆) to make a chocolate drink and they enjoyed it very much. Many years later, the cocoa bean was brought to other countries and people came to love the taste of chocolate.

In 1824, John Cadbury opened a small shop in Britain. One of the things he sold was chocolate drink. In 1831, he opened a factory to make chocolate drink. He wanted to encourage people to drink chocolate instead of other drinks. A few years later, a man called Joseph Fry found a way to make chocolate instead of only drinking it. But at that time chocolate was very expensive and only the rich people could buy it. Later, more and more chocolate bars were produced and sold, it became cheaper.

However, at first only plain chocolate (a kind of chocolate without milk and with very little sugar) was produced. Milk chocolate came later and this was made by adding milk to the chocolate. The first milk chocolate bar was made in Cadbury's factory in 1897. Their most famous chocolate, Cadbury's Milk Bar, was made in 1905, It has been the most popular chocolate in Britain and around the world for over 100 years. The Cadbury factory is still in Britain and the chocolate produced there is eaten all over the world. Every year, thousands of visitors visit the factory in order to see how chocolate is made.

1.Hundreds of years ago, people first began to drink chocolate in ________.

A. South America    B. South Africa    C. Britain

2.John Cadbury opened a factory to make chocolate drink in ________.

A. 1824    B. 1831    C. 1897

3.People had the chance to eat chocolate instead of drinking it for the first time ________.

A. when chocolate was cheaper

B. when more and more chocolate was produced

C. when Joseph Fry found a way to make chocolate bars

4.At first, not many people bought chocolate ________.

A. because it was very expensive

B. because people didn't like the taste

C. because they wanted to have other drinks

5.Cadbury's Milk Bar ________.

A. was first made in 1897    B. is a kind of plain chocolate

C. is popular not only in Britain but also around the world







China is a great country with a long history. It has its own special cultures. Do you know some of them?

26.It is a special dance that has been popular for centuries in China. Over ten people work together to wave a dragon made of paper or cloth. People in many places organize this activity to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

27.It is a kind of fighting style that has developed over centuries in China. Many people practice it to keep healthy. More and more foreigners are crazy about it. The movie called Kung Fu Panda is welcome all over the world.

28.It is a singing performance. People regard it as one of the cultural treasures of China. It mixes music, drama and acrobatics together. Mei Lanfang is one of the greatest performers

29.It is one of the oldest artistic traditions in China. The painters make the pictures with soft brushes. If the painter is famous, the work with his seal will be much more valuable.

30.It is perhaps the most popular board game played by millions of people in China. Two players play it on a board with 32 pieces. The player who catches the enemy General can win the game








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