满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Linda once didn't have any friends. She ...

Linda once didn't have any friends. She was a little _______ and serious. She really wanted to have someone to share secrets and laugh _______ , but she never got one.

Linda was quite _______ when she went to university because she had to live with strangers. She had no idea how she would_______ them in this new environment.

In the first English class, the teacher asked students to share something about themselves. When Linda gave a  _______, she talked a little about herself. The teacher's last _______ was "'What's your goal for this term?" Most of the students said it was to get good scores or _______ the exams, but Linda said her goal was to make just one good _______.

After class, one student came to Linda and introduced himself. He asked_______he could be her friend. Linda  ______________ shyly. Later, their friendship lasted all through the university.

1.A. wild    B. shy    C. active    D. funny

2.A. to    B. for    C. at    D. with

3.A. nervous    B. pleased    C. excited    D. mad

4.A. make peace with    B. come up with    C. get along with    D. catch up with

5.A. concert    B. suggestion    C. gift    D. speech

6.A. question    B. task    C. answer    D. decision

7.A. win    B. pass    C. fail    D. attend

8.A. rest    B. meal    C. friend    D. plan

9.A. whether    B. when    C. as    D. until

10.A. cried    B. smiled    C. shouted    D. talked


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B 【解析】 本文主要讲述琳达有点害羞和严肃,她没有朋友,她真的想有个朋友和她一起分享秘密和大笑。琳达上大学时非常紧张,在这样一个新环境里她不知道如何与同学相处。在第一节英语课上,老师要求学生们分享他们自己的一些情况。当琳达发表演讲时,她谈了一些关于自己的事。老师最后一个问题是:“这个学期你的目标是什么?”大多数学生都说要取得好成绩或者通过考试,但是琳达说她的目标是交一个好朋友。课后,一个学生来到琳达面前自我介绍。他问他是否可以做她的朋友。琳达腼腆地笑了笑。后来,他们的友谊持续了整个大学。 1.句意:她有点害羞和严肃。考查形容词辨析。A. wild野生的,狂热的; B. shy害羞的,腼腆的;C. active积极的,活跃的;D. funny有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的。根据上文 “Linda once didn't have any friends. 琳达曾经没有任何朋友。”和下文“She really wanted to have someone to share secrets她真地想让人分享秘密”可知“她有点害羞”,结合选项可知选B。 2.句意:她真的想有个人和她一起分享秘密和大笑,但她从来没有得到一个这样的人。考查介词辨析。A. to到,朝;B. for对于,给,为了;C. at在;D. with和…一起。share with:和…一起分享,laugh with:和…一起大笑;结合句意和选项可知答案是D。 3.句意:琳达上大学时非常紧张,因为她不得不和陌生人住在一起。考查形容词辨析。A. nervous紧张的,焦虑的;B. pleased高兴的,自鸣得意;C. excited兴奋的,激动的;D. mad疯狂的,着迷的。根据上文“琳达害羞”和下文“because she had to live with strangers(她不得不和陌生人住在一起)”可知“琳达上大学时非常紧张”,结合选项可知选A。 4.句意:在这样一个新环境里她不知道如何和他们相处。考查动词短语。A. make peace with:和某人和解,同…讲和;B. come up with提出,想出;C. get along with和…相处;D. catch up with:追上,赶上,跟上。结合句意和选项可知答案是C。 5.句意:当琳达演讲时,她谈了一些关于她自己的事。考查名词辨析。A. concert音乐会;B. suggestion建议;C. gift礼物;D. speech演讲。根据下文she talked a little about herself.(她谈了一些关于她自己的事)可知是做演讲,give a speech:做演讲,发表演说。结合句意可知答案是D。 6.句意:老师最后一个问题是:“这个学期你的目标是什么?”考查名词辨析。A. question问题;B. task任务;C. answer回答;D. decision决策,决定。根据下文"'What's your goal for this term?"(“这个学期你的目标是什么?)是问题,可知是“老师最后一个问题是”,选A。 7.句意:大多数学生说是为了取得好成绩或通过考试,但琳达说她的目标是只交一个好朋友。考查动词辨析。A. win赢;B. pass通过,经过;C. fail 失败,不及格;D. attend出席。根据上文get good scores(取得好成绩)可知或者是“通过考试”,结合选项可知选B。 8.句意:大多数学生说是为了取得好成绩或通过考试,但琳达说她的目标是只交一个好朋友。考查名词辨析。A. rest休息;B. meal饭,餐;C. friend朋友;D. plan计划。根据第一段第三句She really wanted to have someone to share secrets and laugh ___2___ , but she never got one.(她真的想有个人和她一起分享秘密和大笑,但她从来没有得到一个这样的人。)可知“但琳达说她的目标是只交一个好朋友。”故选C。 9.句意:他问他是否可以做她的朋友。考查连词辨析。A. whether是否;B. when什么时候,当…时候;C. as作为,由于;D. until直到,在…以前。根据上文“琳达的目标是交一个朋友”,可知“课后,一个学生来到琳达面前自我介绍”,会说“他问他是否可以做她的朋友。”选A。 10.句意:琳达腼腆地笑了笑。考查动词辨析。A. cried哭,喊;B. smiled微笑;C. shouted呼喊,叫喊;D. talked说话,讨论,说。根据“shyly(腼腆地)”结合语境可知是“微笑”;故选B。

---Will you watch the basketball game this afternoon?

--Yes. I planned to, but it has been_________ because of the rain.

A. refused    B. controlled    C. canceled    D. served



--Could you tell me what the elephant's __ is?

--Sure. It's about 500 kg, I think.

A. weight    B. age    C. height    D. size



We had to buy a pair of shoes in another shop, because the shoes are __ in this shop.

A. taken out    B. put out    C. worked out    D. sold out



I didn't enjoy myself at the party. I just felt __ . — Well, maybe there were too many people at the party.

A. left out    B. to leave out    C. leaving out    D. be left out



--Tom, you look tired this morning. What's wrong?

--I was so busy that I didn't go to bed _______12 o'clock last night.

A. till    B. when    C. though    D. unless



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