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Ollie and I became good friends when we ...

Ollie and I became good friends when we were three years old.  1. One day, my mom took Ollie and I to the park in her car. When we were playing, I saw a boy coming to us. Ollie also saw him. 2. They began to talk with each other. Then, they went over to another place and started playing football. They seemed not to see me. I was so angry and left them.

3. Just before Ollie got out of the car, I said, "You are the worst friend in the world." He looked surprised and a little angry, too.

Ollie and I didn't speak to each other for a week. 4. "I don't know what I did wrong, Tony," he said.

"Are you serious?" I said. "You were so impolite that day. You left me out when your friend came! "

"You're the one who left us!  I was just surprised to see Ethan there," Ollie said. "I'm sorry, l think we both took things the wrong way. Can we go back to being friends?"


I thought about it.  5. "OK," I said.

Even the best friends can argue. When you argue with each other, talk it out and listen to each other's idea.


A. The next Saturday, we met-in our neighborhood, and Ollie came over to me.

B. But last month I thought I was going to lose him as a friend!

C. It seemed stupid to end the friendship because of one little argument.

D. On the ride home, I was still angry.

E. They were on the same football team.



1. B 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. C 【解析】 本文主要内容:奥利和作者是好朋友,但上个月作者和奥利到公园踢足球时,奥利和一个男孩走到另一个地方开始踢足球。他们好像没看见作者。作者非常生气,离开了他们。他们一个星期不说话,后来他们相互原谅了,又成为了好朋友。作者认为即使是最好的朋友也会争吵。当你们互相争论时,应该把它讲出来,倾听对方的想法。 1.句意:但上个月我以为我会失去他作为朋友!根据上文“Ollie and I became good friends when we were three years old.(奥利和我在三岁的时候就成了好朋友。)和下文Then, they went over to another place and started playing football. They seemed not to see me. I was so angry and left them.可知我和Ollie的友谊出现了问题,因此是上个月我认为我将失去一个朋友。”结合句意(转折)可知此句是承上启下,故选B。 2.句意:他们在同一个足球队。根据they went over to another place and started playing football.(他们去了另一个地方,开始踢足球。),可知他们在同一个足球队。结合句意可知选E。 3.句意:在回家的路上,我还是很生气。根据上文I was so angry and left them(我很生气,离开了他们)结合句意可知选D。 4.句意:下个星期六,我们在附近碰面,Ollie向我走来。根据Ollie and I didn't speak to each other for a week.(我和奥莉一周没说话。)可知紧接着下个周六,在附近我们遇见了,并且Ollie向我走过来。结合句意可知选A。 5.句意:因为一个小小的争论,结束友谊似乎是愚蠢的。.根据上文Can we go back to being friends?"I thought about it. (“我们能重新成为朋友吗?”我考虑过了。)和"OK," I said (“好吧,”我说。)可知如果因为一个小的争论就结束友谊是愚蠢的。结合句意可知选C。

Before every Mother's Day, you may rush around to try to find the perfect present. But stores don't always have what most moms want. Moms know you love them, but they like reminders. So some kids shared what they appreciate (感激) about their moms. Here are some.

I appreciate my mom because she helps me know when I’m wrong or right.When I don’t know what to do,she is there.The thing I appreciate most about her is that she kisses my head every night.


My mother shows me that she loves me in so many ways.She helps me with my homework,drives me to camps.makes delicious breakfasts for me and reads books with me.She is a great role model to me because she keeps studying while working full time and taking care of our family.My mother is a great mom!



What I appreciate about my mom is that she is funny and nice.When I am in any difficult situation,she is always the first one there.When I have games,she comes every time.She always cares about me.She knows how good I can be,and pushes me to do what I want to.



I love my mom because she is very different from most moms.She is my best friend and she is the only one who understands me.She helps me see the world in a different way.She also pushes me to follow my dreams.I'll remember everything she did.






1.What does Amy appreciate her mother best?

A. Telling her what is wrong.

B. Kissing her head every night.

C. Helping her solve problems.

D. Telling her what she should do.

2.What is TRUE about Miles' mother?

A. She's a housewife.

B. She does part-time work.

C. She works all day,

D. She is a cook.

3.Who regards his or her mother as the best friend?

A. Amy.    B. Miles.    C. Lisa.    D. Scott.

4.How many mothers encourage their children to achieve their dreams?

A. One.    B. Two.    C. Three.    D. Four.

5.Where is this material probably taken from?

A. A novel.    B. A dictionary.

C. A diary.    D. A magazine.



Many people in America love comics (连环画). Some of the most popular comics are about superheroes. These American superheroes are drawn to look like strong men or strong women. Wearing special clothes, they fight the bad and save the weak.

There are two main companies in the US that produce superhero comics. DC Comics designed superheroes like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in the late 1930s and 1940s. During this "Golden Age of Comics", millions of comics were sold every month. This lasted until 1945. After that time, superhero comics became less and less popular. In the 1950s, American comics entered their "Dark Age". Many comic companies could not make money and closed down.

In the early 1960s, the "Silver Age of Comics" began. Another company, Marvel Comics, started to become popular. It produced many characters which are known to people all over the world. These include the X-Men and Spider-Man. In these comics, the superheroes have the same problems as common people. Spider-Man, for example, is unable to save money and has problems with his friends and family.

Comics can give students an interest in reading. They may help young people develop their ideas in the mind. Nowadays, many American comics have been made into popular movies.

1.When were comics most popular in the US?

A. In the early 1930s.,    B. In the early 1940s.

C. In the late 1950s.,    D. In the late 1960s.

2.What does the underlined word "companies" mean in Chinese?

A. 伙伴    B. 公司    C. 同事    D. 网站

3.What superhero was designed by Marvel Comics? .

A. Superman.    B. Barman.

C. Wonder Woman.    D. X-men.

4.Which of the following is the writer's opinion?

A. In the early 1960s the "Silver Age of Comics" began.

B. Comics may help young people develop their ideas in the mind.

C. There are two main companies in the US that produce superhero comics.

D. The American superheroes are drawn to look like strong men or strong women.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Superman and Spider-man

B. The best Comics in the World.

C. Two Famous Comics Companies

D. The Development of Comics in the US



Jenny was a pretty five-year-old girl. One day when she and her mother were shopping at the store, Jenny saw a plastic pearl necklace  (珍珠项链) priced at $50. Jenny wanted that necklace so much that she asked her mother to buy it for her. However, her mother said, "Well, it is a pretty necklace, but it costs a lot of money."  "But I love it very much. I really want it. Mommy," said Jenny. "OK. I'll buy it for you, but you should help do the housework to pay for it. OK?" said Jenny's mother. Jenny agreed and she got the necklace.

After that, Jenny worked on the chores very hard evenly day. Soon Jenny paid off the necklace. How Jenny loved it! She wore it all the time except when she took a shower, However, her mother was afraid that the necklace would turn her neck green if she always wore it.

One night, Jenny's father asked her, "Jenny, do you love me?"

"Oh, yes. Daddy, you know I love you," the little girl said.

"Well, then, can you give me your necklace?"

"Oh!  Daddy, not my necklace," Jenny said. "But you can have Rosy, my favorite doll  (玩偶). Or you can have my Ribbons, my favorite toy."

"But I just want your pearl necklace," her father said.

Jenny seemed very upset, but she finally made her decision. "Here, Daddy. I love you more than all of them," she said and put the necklace in her father's hand.

With one hand her father held the plastic pearl necklace and with the other one he pulled a beautiful box from his pocket. Inside the box was a real pearl necklace! He was waiting for Jenny to give up the plastic pearl necklace so she could have the real one.


1.Why didn't Jenny's mother want to buy the plastic pearl necklace for Jenny at first?

A. Because it was expensive.

B. Because Jenny had already had one.

C. Because it was plastic, not a real one.

D. Because Jenny was too young to have it.

2.What did Jenny do to pay for the plastic pearl necklace most probably?

A. She sold her favorite toys.

B. She did the dishes at home.

C. She did a part-time job at a store.

D. She finished her homework on time.

3.When didn't Jenny wear the plastic pearl necklace?

A. When she lay in bed.

B. When she went to school.

C. When she took a shower.

D. When she did the housework.

4.Which of the following did Jenny love most?

A. Rosy.    B. The necklace.

C. Ribbons.    D. Her father.

5.What can we learn from what the father did?

A. It's not good to have too many toys.

B. Things made of plastic are always very cheap.

C. Everyone should work hard to buy things for themselves.

D. One might get more valuable things when giving something to others.



Linda once didn't have any friends. She was a little _______ and serious. She really wanted to have someone to share secrets and laugh _______ , but she never got one.

Linda was quite _______ when she went to university because she had to live with strangers. She had no idea how she would_______ them in this new environment.

In the first English class, the teacher asked students to share something about themselves. When Linda gave a  _______, she talked a little about herself. The teacher's last _______ was "'What's your goal for this term?" Most of the students said it was to get good scores or _______ the exams, but Linda said her goal was to make just one good _______.

After class, one student came to Linda and introduced himself. He asked_______he could be her friend. Linda  ______________ shyly. Later, their friendship lasted all through the university.

1.A. wild    B. shy    C. active    D. funny

2.A. to    B. for    C. at    D. with

3.A. nervous    B. pleased    C. excited    D. mad

4.A. make peace with    B. come up with    C. get along with    D. catch up with

5.A. concert    B. suggestion    C. gift    D. speech

6.A. question    B. task    C. answer    D. decision

7.A. win    B. pass    C. fail    D. attend

8.A. rest    B. meal    C. friend    D. plan

9.A. whether    B. when    C. as    D. until

10.A. cried    B. smiled    C. shouted    D. talked



---Will you watch the basketball game this afternoon?

--Yes. I planned to, but it has been_________ because of the rain.

A. refused    B. controlled    C. canceled    D. served



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