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People drink tea. There are many kinds o...

People drink tea. There are many kinds of tea, such as black tea, green tea, white tea and yellow tea. People drink a lot of tea in China. Some people drink it because they think it makes them healthy. Many people drink it because it tastes very good. It is delicious.

   People drink a lot of tea in Japan. People drink a lot of green tea in South Korea, too. In Vietnam, people like to drink coffee first. Then they drink tea.

People drink a lot of tea in England. Every afternoon, people drink tea. It’s “tea time”. English people like to drink their tea with milk in it.

Many people drink black tea in the US. In the South, people like to drink sweet tea. Sweet tea is cold black tea with sugar in it.

Most tea comes from China. Some tea comes from India or Sri Lanka. Kenya, Japan and Indonesia also grow tea.

1.How many kinds of tea are mentioned in the first paragraph?

A. Five    B. Four    C. Three    D. Two

2.In China some people drink tea because it makes them    .

A. healthy    B. young    C. smart    D. warm

3.People like to drink coffee before tea in    

A. Japan    B. South Korea    C. Vietnam    D. Sri Lanka

4.In England, people like to drink tea with    in it.

A. sugar    B. ice    C. juice    D. milk

5.Most tea comes from     

A. China    B. Japan    C. India    D. Indonesia


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题本文介绍了世界各国的茶文化。中国人为了健康饮茶,日本人、韩国人也经常饮茶,越南人喝茶前先喝咖啡,英国人在下午喝茶,他们喜欢在茶里放牛奶,美国人喝黑茶,南美人则喝甜茶。大多数茶产自中国,一些来自印度或斯里兰卡。肯尼亚,日本,印度尼西亚也种茶。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

We are collecting more news for our school English newspaper. Would you like to be reporters for it? Welcome! Here are two pieces from the news page.

The BestRunner

We had a sports day at school yesterday. Last year’s best runner, LiYu, only won the second prize in the 800-meter race. Instead, Yang Liufrom Class 2 came first by two seconds. Next year the race is going to bemore Interesting! Who will be the best runner? Iwonder.

Good-bey, Mr.White!

Our Englishteacher, Mr. White, has finished his two years’ teachingat our school and will leave next month. Mr. White is an excellent teacherand he’s always friendly to us. We’ll never forget his lively andinteresting teaching. We are lucky to be his students. We thank him for all his hardwork and wish him a nice journey home. We will miss you, Mr.White!

1.You are welcome to be reporters for our school English newspaper.

2.Li Yu won the second prize in the 800-meter race yesterday.

3.Yang Liu was the best runner last year.

4.Mr. White will teach us English for two years at our school.

5.We’ll always remember Mr. White’s lively and interesting teaching.



Cars were invented in the last century. Today they have ______ the lives of everyone in the United States. Most Americans feel that they are poor when they have _____ cars.

Why are cars ______ used in the United States?Here are three reasons.

First of all, the country is very large and Ame­ricans enjoy _____ trips here and there. With ______ they can go anywhere easily.

The second reason is ______ trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. What’s ______, Americans have to spend a lot of money traveling by plane.

The third ______ is the most important one. Americans don't like to ______ buses or trains or even planes. They like cars ____ they want to travel fast at any time.

1.A. saved    B. touched    C. made    D. done

2.A. no    B. some    C. many    D. now

3.A. wide    B. wider    C. widest    D. widely

4.A. to have    B. making    C. to make    D. takes

5.A. cars    B. buses    C. trains    D. planes

6.A. why    B. where    C. that    D. there

7.A. more    B. that    C. so    D. most

8.A. thing    B. excuse    C. matter    D. reason

9.A. wait for    B. work for    C. work on    D. wait on

10.A. because    B. before    C. after    D. so



—Thanks a million for your help!


A. All right    B. My pleasure    C. Never mind    D. Good idea



The sports meeting will ________ in our school next week.

A. happen    B. cause    C. take place    D. come out



I found my lost watch in the park by hance.

A. in person    B. by accident    C. on time    D. for free



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