满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Harry finished his college and wanted to...

Harry finished his college and wanted to find a job in the city. One day he saw an advertisement in a window. It said, "Wanted. The best salesman in the world. Top Pay. "

“I am a great salesman. ”Harry said to himself. “I’m sure that I can sell anything. I’ll go in and ask for that job. ’’

So Harry went into the building. He saw a manager in it. He said to the manager.“Good morning. I saw your advertisement. I think I’m the best salesman in the world. Give me the job, please.” “You must prove(证明)that you are the best,” the manager said. “I’ll pass every test that you give me, ”Harry said. “Good.” the manager said, and he took a box of sweets out of his desk. “Last week I bought a thousand boxes of the sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job.” “That’s easy.” Harry said.

He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.

Every day and all day he went from shop to shop, trying to sell boxes of the sweets. But he couldn’t sell one. The sweets were so bad that he couldn’t even give them away. At the end of the week he went back to the manager. “I am sorry, sir,” he said. “I was wrong about myself. I’m not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is.”

“Oh.” said the manager. “Who do you think is the best?”

‘‘The person who sold you a thousand boxes of the sweets.”

1.The manager told Harry______.

A. he could start work at once

B. he was the best salesman in the world

C. he wasn’t a good salesman

D. he must show he was the best salesman in the world

2.Harry could get the job if______.

A. he sold a thousand boxes of sweets

B. he gave away a thousand boxes of sweets

C. he sent the manager a thousand boxes of sweets

D. he bought a thousand boxes of sweets from the manager

3.Harry thought it was easy to sell the sweets because______.

A. he thought he was the best salesman and he could sell anything

B. he could give them away

C. he wanted to get the job

D. many people liked sweets


1. D 2. A 3. A 【解析】 文章大意:Harry大学毕业想要找一个工作,一天他看到一个招聘销售员的广告便去应聘。他看到经理时告诉经理:"我是世界上最好的销售员,请把工作给我。"经理让他必须证明自己,于是要求他在这周结束前卖出一千盒糖。Harry认为任务很简单,欣然接受了。但是由于糖的质量太差他一个一个商店去卖这些糖别人都不买,这周结束时他回来找经理,告诉他自己不是最好的销售员,最好的销售员是那个卖给经理糖的人。 1.细节理解题。根据文中的句子“You must prove(证明)that you are the best,” the manager said.可知经理说Harry必须证明自己是最好的销售员,故答案选D。 2.细节理解题。根据文中的句子“Last week I bought a thousand boxes of the sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job.”可知经理说如果他可以将自己上周买的一千盒糖在这周结束前全部卖出去,他便可以得到这份工作,故答案选A。 3.细节理解题。根据文中的句子“I am a great salesman. ”Harry said to himself. “I’m sure that I can sell anything. ’’可知Harry认为自己是一个很棒的销售员可以卖出任何东西,所以他觉得这个任务很容易,故答案选A。

Most American school buildings look the same. There is always a gym, a big room for basketball and other sports. There is a lunchroom, a school library, and an auditorium. In many schools students learn running, tennis, swimming and some other sports. And the games between schools are often very exciting.

In the USA, school buses are the safest way for children to go to school. Students spend about an hour and a half in the school buses every day. For many students in the USA high schools, the most important things in their life are making friends, being popular and having a good social life. Many students go out together after school to fast food restaurants, movies or dances.

In the USA, students take some tests each year. Every year 70% of American students graduate from high school and 40% of high school students go on to college.

1.What does the writer think of games between schools?

A. Exciting.    B. Interesting.    C. Boring.    D. Tiring.

2.How long do the students spend in their school buses every day?

A. An hour.    B. One hour and a half.

C. Half an hour.    D. Two hours.

3.Which is the most important thing in American students' life?

A. Studying hard to be the number one in class.

B. Helping mothers do housework after school.

C. Visiting grandparents every weekend.

D. Joining clubs and meeting new friends.

4.How many students will go to college if there are 2000 students in a school?

A. 2000 students.    B. 1400 students.    C. 800 students.    D. 1000 students.




First Airplane Trip

By Sara Matson

Jake is going on a trip. He and Mom take a taxi to the airport.

"It's my first plane trip," he tells the taxi driver.

"That's great!" the taxi driver says.

Jake rolls his suitcase onto the plane.

"It's my first plane trip," he tells the pilot.

"Welcome aboard," the pilot says.

Jake finds his seat and buckles his seatbelt.

The plane's engines rumble and roar and Jake opens his backpack and pulls out Panda.

"It's my first plane trip," he whispers. He holds Panda's paw.

The plane moves faster and faster. Then—Whoosh! On the ground, cars and houses look like toys.

Jake smiles. "Guess what, Panda?" he says. "Flying is fun!"




1.How does Jake and his mom travel to the airport?

A. In a plane.    B. In their car.    C. In a taxi.    D. In a bus.

2.This is Jake's           trip, he feels fairly          .

A. last; happy    B. first bus; worried

C. first plane; excited    D. last; frightened

3.Who is Panda?

A. Jake's brother.    B. A large animal.

C. Jake's pet.    D. A toy animal.

4.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined words?

A. 发出轰隆隆的声音    B. 滚动着    C. 发出咕咕的声音    D. 开始工作



根据对话内容, 从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话(有两项多余)

A:Is my computer game on the table, Mary?

B:No, it isn't. It's in the bookcase.

A:Oh, OK. 1. Are they in the bookcase, too?

B:2.They're on the chair.

A:Oh. So, where is my notebook?


A:And where's my hat?

B:It's under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.

A:OK. And where are my keys?


A:Thank you, Mary.


A. Yes, they are.

B. The keys? They're on the table.

C. No, they aren't.

D. What about my CDs?

E. It's under the sofa.

F. You're welcome.

G. What about my radio?



Look! This is Li Mei’s room. What’s in her room? Her books are on the desk. This is one of her shoes. Where is the other one? Oh, it’s under the desk. She can not find her school bag. Where is it? It’s behind the door. Li Mei can not look after her things. Her mother often says to her, "Li Mei, you must look after your things.

1.Look! One of Li Mei’s shoes is ___________.

A. under the desk.    B. on the desk.

C. in the desk.    D. at the desk.

2.This room is ___________.

A. Li Mei    B. Li Mei’s mother’s

C. Li Mei’s    D. Li Mei’s sister’s

3.Her     ___   is behind the door.

A. pencil    B. pen

C. school bag    D. book

4.Li Mei’s        __   often helps(帮助)her.

A. classmate    B. sister

C. father    D. mother

5.Where are Li Mei’s books?

A. It’s on the desk.    B. They are on the chair.

C. Under the desk.    D. On the desk.



This is a room in Kate’s house. There is a big bed, a table, a computer and some chairs in it. There’s a glass and some books on the table. There is a picture on the wall. Kate is in the room. She is looking at the picture. Her father and mother are in the school. They work hard.

1.Is there only one room in Kate’s house?

A. Yes, there is.    B. There is a bed.

C. There is a computer.    D. I don’t know.

2.What’s in the room?

A. Only a bed.

B. Only a table.

C. Only some chairs.

D. A bed, a table, a computer and some chairs.

3.Is there anything on the table?

A. Yes, there is.    B. No, there isn’t.

C. Some books.    D. A glass.

4.Who is at home?

A. Kate’s father.    B. Kate’s mother.

C. Kate s brother.    D. Kate.

5.Kate’s father and mother are ________.

A. teachers    B. students

C. friends    D. at home



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