满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Salt is so common in our life that we use it to make our food

taste better every day. But salt has many other uses that you may have

never tried before.


Before you throw away the bad­looking apple, try some salt. Put the apple in water with a little salt, and the apple will look better soon.


Milk and salad both stay fresher when you put a bit of salt in it.


Put a little salt in your shoes to take care of bad smells.

You can also use salt to remove the onions from your hands.


Someone left a glass on your wooden table, and now there's a mark. Mix a few drops of water together with a spoon of salt. Then clean the mark until it disappears.


Take care of bad breath with a mixture of salt and baking soda(小苏打). Pour some water into the mixture, and wash your mouth.


A. Bad Breath            B. Bad Smells            C. Food Problems

D. Ugly Marks            E. Taste Better           F. Stay Fresher


1. C 2. F 3. B 4. D 5. A 【解析】 这篇短文主要讲述了盐的作用。 1.根据下文Before you throw away the bad­looking apple, try some salt. Put the apple in water with a little salt, and the apple will look better soon.可知,盐可以解决食物问题。故选C。 2.根据下文Milk and salad both stay fresher when you put a bit of salt in it.可知,盐可以保持东西新鲜。故选F。 3.根据文中Put a little salt in your shoes to take care of bad smells.可知,盐可以除臭味,故选B。 4.根据文中Someone left a glass on your wooden table, and now there's a mark. Mix a few drops of water together with a spoon of salt. Then clean the mark until it disappears.可知,盐可以去掉丑陋的记号。故选D。 5.根据文中Take care of bad breath with a mixture of salt and baking soda(小苏打). Pour some water into the mixture, and wash your mouth.可知,除口臭。故选A。

We do everything we can to keep ourselves away from the sun in summer. Some wear hats, others buy umbrellas or sit under trees. But can you imagine what it would be like to have two suns over your head?

Well, the Kepler­47 system(星系) does have two stars in its sky. It is about 5,000 light­years away from us. One of the stars is similar to our sun, but the other is much smaller and less than 1 percent as bright.

In fact, systems with two stars are quite common. “Unlike our sun, many stars are part of multiple­star(多个恒星的) systems where two or more stars move around one another,” said a scientist from NASA's Research Center in the US.

Scientists are more surprised that there could be two planets in the Kepler­47 system because it is very hard for planets to form in such a difficult environment.

One of the planets, Kepler­47b, is closer to the stars. It's three times larger than the Earth. The other one, Kepler­47c, is about 4.5 times the size of the Earth. Most importantly, Kepler­47c is neither too close nor(既不……也不……) too far away from the stars. It means the planet won't be too hot or cold. So, scientists believe there could be water on it or even life.

1.According to Paragraphs 2 and 3, the two stars in the Kepler­47 system ________.

A. are similar to our sun in size    B. are quite close to the Earth

C. are as bright as each other    D. always move around one another

2.Which is TRUE about the planets in the Kepler­47 system?

A. Kepler­47b is five times as large as the Earth.

B. Kepler­47b is farther away from the stars.

C. Kepler­47c is neither too hot nor too cold.

D. Kepler­47c is a good place for humans to go to.

3.The passage mainly tells us ________.

A. some facts about the Kepler­47 system

B. the stars and planets of multiple­star systems

C. the different systems in space and their history

D. the special environment of our solar system



Form 1

What is good for your mental health?

Doing something for a change is a good way. It could be a five­minute

rest from cleaning your house, a half­hour lunch break at work or a weekend finding somewhere new.

Taking a break may mean being very active. It may mean not doing very much at all. Take a deep breath... and relax. Try yoga or a deep thought, or just putting your feet up. A few minutes can be enough to make you feel good.

Listening to your body is also helpful. If you're really tired, give yourself time to sleep. Sometimes the world can wait.

Form 2

What do you love doing? What activities can you lose yourself in?

Enjoying yourself is good for your mental health, too. Doing an activity you enjoy probably means you're good at it and being good at something builds up your confidence(自信).

Having a hobby like gardening, dancing or drawing can help you forget your worries for a while and change your mood(情绪).

I'm learning the guitar. I have to really give attention to getting it right, so there's no room in my head for worries.

It can be good to have an interest where you are not someone's mom or dad, teacher or doctor. You are just you.

An hour of drawing lets you show yourself creatively. A morning on the football ground gets you active and gives you the chance to meet new people.

1.What does the writer suggest doing in Form 1?

A. Taking a break.    B. Working hard.

C. Eating healthily.    D. Taking exercise.

2.What is the structure(结构) of Form 1?

A.     B.     C.     D.

3.Learning the guitar helps the writer to ________.

A. become a musician    B. forget about worries

C. prepare for the future    D. show himself creatively

4.What does the writer mainly advise us to do in Form 2?

A. Join in as many activities as possible.

B. Develop good hobbies in daily life.

C. Learn something you are not good at.

D. Forget the past and look to the future.




One day, a boy found an eagle's() egg. He didn't know what to do, so he put it in the nest of chickens. When the eagle was born, he ______. He grew up doing what chickens do, such as scratching at the dirt for food and flying short and low with his wings. It was a boring life.

Day after day, the eagle grew older. One day, he and his chicken friends saw a beautiful bird soaring in the sky, high above the mountains. “Oh, I wish I could fly like that!” said the eagle. The chickens answered,  “Don't_give_it_another_thought. That's the strong eagle, and it's the king of all birds. You could never be like him because you are a chicken!” Then the eagle never thought about that again. He went on living like a chicken, digging the holes and feeling unhappy about the life. Even when he died, he thought he was a chicken.

My friends, you too were born an eagle. The God wanted you to be a real eagle, so don't listen to the chickens! Just keep your dream in the mind and try your best to fly in the sky.

1.Which of the following should we put in the ______ in Paragraph 1?

A. could even fly like an eagle

B. wanted to have a different life

C. thought he was a chicken

D. became very different from other chickens

2.What does the underlined word “soaring” mean in English?

A. running    B. flying    C. dancing    D. living

3.The underlined sentence “Don't give it another thought.” means ________.

A. you can have a try    B. everything may happen

C. stop thinking like that    D. you should know what to do

4.The eagle couldn't fly above the mountains because ________.

A. he wasn't an eagle at all    B. he believed chickens' words

C. he wasn't strong enough    D. he didn't like flying high

5.What can you learn from the passage?

A. We should always listen to others' ideas.

B. There is something that we can never do.

C. It's important for us to choose good friends.

D. Don't let others' words affect(影响) your life.



Be Surprised at Super Mystery Park

The Super Mystery Park is fun_for_all_ages. It will surprise you!

No one can stand straight!

Balls roll uphill!

You become taller or shorter!

Many strange sights are found around the park.

Don't forget to bring your camera!

A tour guide is there for you.

30­minute tour: $15  1 hour tour: $25

For more help call 306­555­2468

Or check out our website: www.supermysterypark.com

1.What can you get from “fun for all ages”?

A. Super Mystery Park will never make small children cry.

B. Everyone who goes to Super Mystery Park has a lot of fun.

C. Super Mystery Park is better than other parks in the city.

D. Everyone will go to Super Mystery Park for fun.

2.To enjoy the strange sights, you need to pay for ________.

A. some balls    B. mirrors    C. a camera    D. a tour guide

3.The passage may be from a(n) ________.

A. storybook    B. ad    C. letter    D. notebook




1.Nowadays, Wechat is ______ used in our daily life. (wide)

2.Talking to a ______ is dangerous. (strange)

3.All my new friends are outgoing and ______. (help)

4.I am old enough to take care of ______. (I)

5.The ______ Asian Games (亚运会) was hold in Jakarta. (eighteen)



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