满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

David has been missing for 3 days .His m...

David has been missing for 3 days .His mother is too ______to sleep .

A. happy    B. energetic    C. worried    D. curious


C 【解析】 句意:David已经失踪三天了,他的妈妈太担心以至于睡不着觉。happy开心的;energetic精力充沛的;worried担心的;curious好奇的。根据句意David has been missing for 3 days可知,David的妈妈应该很担心,故应选C。  

Lily is the top student in her class , but she doesn’t know_______to make friends .

A. who    B. how    C. which    D. what



People _______your age , have similar problems , such as getting on with others and having too much homework .

A. in    B. with    C. of    D. to



What _______great progress you have made in _______English exam .

A. a , the    B. the , the    C. a, an    D. / , the




71. 英语课上老师组织了一次以“What will you do if you want to build a happier home?”为主题的讨论,部分同学的想法被统计在表格里。请你根据表格的信息,用英语写一篇短文,向校刊投稿。

Lin Hai

spend more time with family


share happiness and worries


remember family birthdays





In our English class, we have a discussion about what we will do to make home a happier place. Here are some students' ideas. Lin Hai thinks






阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。I have

been dreaming of visiting America since I was a little girl.

So when I got on the plane to America 1. January 22, I was very excited.

We first arrived in New York and then Los Angeles with my parents.

Los Angeles is the second 2.(large) city in America.

Our trip began in Disneyland. 3. park has many cartoon characters, such as Snow White, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck made by Walt Disney, a 4.(success) man. The ride on the roller coaster(过山车) was really fantastic! I liked the lovely Ghost House(鬼屋) best 5. it was exciting and it was not scary at all. And workers there organized us some funny 6.(activity). Everyone liked them.

We expected 7.(know) more about their life and culture, so we traveled to many other interesting places. We also 8.(fly) to many cities like San Francisco, visiting Sea World Adventure Park, Stanford University, etc. I made many friends when traveling. We really enjoy 9.(we) in America. So I 10.(true) hope that I can go there again!



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