满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

——I had a really wonderful time in Beiji...

——I had a really wonderful time in Beijing  ——_________.

A. It’s a pleasure.    B. Good, Thank you.    C. Enjoy yourself.    D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that.


D 【解析】 句意:我在北京真的玩得特别愉快。A. It’s a pleasure.很乐意,B. Good, Thank you.很好,谢谢C. Enjoy yourself. 祝你玩得开心,D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that.听到那感到很高兴;当听到别人说到好消息的时候,要为别人感到高兴,故选D。  

_____ your sister afraid of_____ out alone at night?

A. Is, going    B. Is, to go    C. Are, going    D. Are, to go



Peter is always ________ school in our class.

A. the first to come    B. first to come to    C. the first to come to    D. first



Excuse me, could you tell me________?

A. how can I get there    B. how I can get there    C. the way to there    D. where is the zoo



We saw Hobo jumping into the room ______ the window.

A. across    B. through    C. cross    D. by



Please call me back if you_______ free tomorrow.

A. are    B. will be    C. is    D. is going to be



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