满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.--- How m_______ money do they have? ...


1.--- How m_______ money do they have?  --- Only one yuan .

2._______(欢迎) to Sunshine Town, ladies and gentlemen.

3.The classroom is very _______(安静的).

4.Every Teachers’ Day, I give some _______(明信片) to my teachers.

5.Rujia is a good ________(旅馆) all over China.

6.Daniel often makes me ____________.()

7.Get up early this morning. Don’t ___________(错过) the school bus again.

8.The cinema is in the ________ (东南) of the factory.

9.He has a big room with p ________(许多) of showers and baths.

10.There are all kinds of birds in the _________ (森林).

11.He is sitting at the _________ (角落) of the street.

12.After the long trip, he felt _________(患病的).

13.He always gets up early and goes to bed late because he wants to ________(学习) a lot.

14.He was ill. He had to stay in h______.

15.Now there are many tall _______(建筑物) in the city.

16.It’s about ten _______(分钟) walk from here to the playground.

17.Giraffes like eating l____________from trees.

18.Walk a_______the road ,______()the bridge and t______ right.

19.Lions are the _______(国王)of the animal world.

20.Lots of __________(参观者)come to see the monkeys.

21.They’re ___________(跳跃)around and look lovely.

22.Mr. Black has a daughter. Today is her ________(twelve) birthday.

23.Their playground is different from _________ (we).

24.The policeman asks us _________ (not stop) our bikes here.

25.Today is his father’s ________(forty) birthday.

26.The bank has money and different kinds of  ________(treasure).

27.Look at the s______ ,it says“No smoking”

28.A lot of people lost their ___________ (life) in the earthquake.

29.Listening to music can make me______(feel) happy.

30.Tell him __________ late again. (not be)

31.Go along Fifth Street, and you ________(see) the train station.

32.We all look forward to _________ the exam(考试) soon. (have)

33.Air is so important for us. We can’t live __________(with) it.

34.44.Please remember ______ him something to eat. (give)

35.Sometimes he _____ (take) us to the museum .

36.She makes a lot of mistakes(犯错误) She is not _________(care) at all.

37.It takes me two hours ________(do) my homework.

38.A monkey can use _____(it) tail(尾巴) to hang down from the tree.

39.Millie was ____(surprise)to hear the bad news.

40.The books are not Millie’s. They are those _________(child).

41.My father told me a _______(fun) story and I laughed a lot.

42.Pandas are so _____(love). I love watching them eat bamboo.

43.I met him after ________ for him for hours. (wait)


1. much 2. Welcome 3. quiet 4. postcards 5. hotel 6. laugh 7. miss 8. southeast 9. plenty 10. forest 11. corner 12. ill 13. learn 14. hospital 15. buildings 16. minutes’ 17. leaves 18. along cross turn 19. kings 20. visitors 21. jumping 22. twelfth 23. ours 24. not to stop 25. fortieth 26. treasures 27. sign 28. lives 29. feel 30. not to be 31. will see 32. having 33. without 34. to give 35. takes 36. careful 37. to do 38. its 39. surprised 40. children’s 41. funny 42. lovely 43. waiting 【解析】 1.句意:你有多少钱? 根据答句Only one yuan.可推测问多少钱,即How much, 故填much. 2.句意:女士们,先生们!欢迎来到阳光城市。“欢迎来到”welcome to, 故填Welcome. 3.句意:教室里非常安静。根据句子中的is可知,这里需要形容词“安静的”,故填quiet. 4.句意:每个教师节,我都给老师送一些明信片。句子前有some,所以填名词复数,故填postcards. 5.“如家”是遍及中国的一个很好的旅馆。“旅馆”hotel, 因为前面有冠词a, 故用单数形式,故填hotel. 6.句意: Daniel经常使我发笑。“笑”laugh, 前有make是使役动词,后跟动词原形,故填laugh. 7.句意:今天早晨早点起床,不要再错过校车。“错过”miss, 这是祈使句的否定形式,所以用动词原形,故填miss. 8.句意:电影院在工厂的东南方向。在范围内的某个反向in the +方向of…, 东南southeast, 故填southeast. 9.句意:他有一个大房间,有很多淋浴和浴室。“很多,大量”plenty of, 故填plenty. 10.句意:森林里有各种各样的小鸟。“在森林里”in the forest, 故填forest. 11.句意:他正坐在街道的角落。“在…的角落” at the corner of, 故填corner. 12.句意:经过长途旅游后,他生病了。 feel 是感官动词,所以后跟形容词作表语,“生病的”ill, 故填ill. 13.句意:他总是起床很早,睡觉很晚,因为他很想学习。“学习”learn, 横线前有want, 所以want to do sth, 故填learn. 14.句意:他生病了,他必须住院。根据前文ill,及首字母提示,可推测这里表示“住院”,故填hospital. 15.句意:现在在这个城市有很多建筑物。“大楼,建筑物”building, 句子中有many, 所以用名词复数,故填buildings. 16.句意:从这里到操场大约步行10分钟的距离。“10分钟”ten minutes, 根据 句意可知,这里表示“步行10分钟的距离”,故要用其所有格形式,即ten minutes’ time, 故填minutes’. 17.句意:长颈鹿喜欢吃树上的叶子,根据句意可知,这里表示“叶子”,这里指很多树叶,故用复数形式,故填leaves. 18.句意:沿着这条路往前走,穿过这座桥并右转。根据句意可知,第一个空表示“沿着”,故填along; 第二个句子是and连接两个并列的动作,故这里的穿过用动词形式,故填cross;“向右转”turn right, 故填turn. 19.句意:狮子是动物世界的国王。“国王”king,因为主语和谓语动词都是复数,所以这里也用复数形式,表示一类,故填kings. 20.句意:很多参观者都来看猴子。“参观者”visitor, 前面有lots of修饰,所以用复数形式,故填visitors. 21.句意:它们四处蹦跳,看起来很可爱。跳跃jump, 前面有are说明是现在进行时,故填jumping. 22.句意:Black先生有一个女儿,今天是她12岁生日。根据句意可知,这里表示第12个生日,故用序数词,故填twelfth. 23.句意:他们的操场和我们的不同。根据句意可知,这里指的是“我们的操场”,且后面没有名词,所以用名词性物主代词,故填ours. 24.句意:警察让我们不要把自行车停在这里。根据句意可知,这里用到短语ask sb not to do sth,要求某人不要做某事,故填not to stop. 25.句意:今天是我爸爸的40岁生日。根据句意可知,这里表示“第40个生日”,所以用序数词,故填fortieth. 26.句意:这家银行有钱和不同种类的珍品。这里treasure作可数名词,表示“珍宝,珍品”,前面有all kinds of,故用复数形式,故填treasures. 27.句意:看那个标志,上面说禁止抽烟。根据句意及首字母提示可知,这里表示“标志” 故填sign. 28.句意:很多人在地震中失去了生命。句子中有a lot of people,故这里需要用复数形式,故填lives. 29.句意:听音乐可以让我感到很开心。句子中有make,是使役动词,后面跟不带to的不定式,故填feel. 30.句意:告诉他不要再迟到了。句子中有tell, 故用到tell sb not to do sth,告诉某人不要做某事。 故填not to be. 31.句意:沿着第五大街往前走,你就可以看到火车站。根据句意可知,这里表示将要发生的事情,故用一般将来时,故填will see. 32.句意:我们都期待着尽快考试。look forward to期待,期望,to是介词,后跟动名词形式,故填having. 33.句意:空气对我们是如此重要,我们离开了它不能生活。根据句意可知这里表示“离开,没有”,故填without. 34.句意:请记得给他一些吃的。根据句子中的remember可知,这里用到短语remember to do sth记得去做某事,故填to give. 35.句意:有时候他带我们去博物馆。根据sometimes可知,这个句子是一般现在时,主语是he,单三人称,故动词用单三形式,故填takes. 36.句意:她犯了一些错误,她一点都不细心。根据句意可知,这里表示“细心的”,前有be动词,故用形容词形式,故填careful. 37.句意:做作业花费了我2个小时的时间。根据句子结构可知,这里用到take的句型,it takes sb some time to do sth,做某事花费某人多长时间,故填to do. 38.句意:猴子可以用尾巴倒挂在树上。根据句意可知,这里表示“它的”,故填its. 39.句意:听到这个不好的消息消息,Millie很惊讶。surprising意思是令人惊讶的,用来修饰物,surprised 感到惊讶的,用来修饰人,本句表示人感到惊讶的,故填surprised. 40.句意:这些书不是Millie的,是那些孩子们的。根据句意可知,这里表示“孩子们的”,所以要用所有格形式,故填children’s. 41.句意:我的爸爸给我讲了一个有趣的而故事,我笑了又笑。根据句意可知,这里需要一个形容词修饰story, “有趣的”funny, 故填funny. 42.句意:熊猫是如此可爱,我喜欢看他们吃竹子。在be动词后,所以要用形容词作表语,在根据句意可知,这里表示“可爱的”,故填lovely. 43.句意:我等了他几个小时才见到他。横线前有after,是介词,所以后跟动名词形式,故填waiting.

Venice(威尼斯) is the ‘Queen’ of the Adriatic Sea(亚得里亚海).Every year many people from all over the world t1. to Italy to visit the city. Do you know w2. they like to go there for a visit? Venice is quite d3. from other cities in the world. There aren’t many roads or streets, so there aren’t any cars or buses. There are many canals(河道). People must row up and down the canals in

the boats to go to work, go s4. or visit friends. But Venice is sinking(下沉). In 2040 Venice will be u5. water. The Adriatic Sea will cover the c6.. The Venetians love their city and they want to s7. there. So they want to s8. Venice from the sea.

How? They can b9. some strong huge walls and gates in the sea. The gate will close to keep much water o10.. In this way, Venice won’t sink.



--- How do you like this DVD?--- __________. I enjoy it very much.

A. It’s like a book.    B. It’s not interesting at all.    C. It’s about animals.    D. It’s very funny.



In spring, it is good for you to sleep ________ your windows open.

A. for    B. and    C. with    D. but



The students are _____ to know that elephants can walk quietly .

A. surprising    B. surprised    C. frightening    D. frightened



Look!Some birds are flying______the woods(树林).

A. above    B. on    C. under    D. inside



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