满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

For some areas, how to get clean water i...

For some areas, how to get clean water is a major problem.

A. real    B. main    C. difficult


B 【解析】 句意:对于一些地区,如何获得清洁的水是一个主要问题。major 是“主要的”意思。A. real 真是的;B. main 主要的;C. difficult困难的。故选B。  

Nobody can persuade (说服) my father to give up smoking.

A. stop    B. enjoy    C. finish



Although I have made a lot of new friends, Nancy remains my best friend.

A. is still    B. is often    C. is never




你的朋友打算这个星期天下午2:00去野营,地点就在海边的小公园。你给Bob 写了一封邀请信。请按照下面的线路,写信给Bob:沿着Happy Road往前走,在红绿灯处向左拐,在第二个拐弯处向右拐,走过桥进入Binghe Road,一直往前走,就会看到海边的小公园。公园里鸟语花香,我们既可以泛舟湖上,也可以唱歌、跳舞、做游戏。公园里还有一个小动物园,你可以看到各种各样的动物。长颈鹿们的长脖子帮助它们吃树上的叶子;猴子跳来跳去,引人发笑;大象的大耳朵就像张开的扇子。我确定这会非常有趣。



Trip to Dragon City



1.Look at the map of Dragon City. This is your first trip there. You’re going to the hotel from Dragon Square.You should go straight along _______ to Star Bridge.


A. South Street    B. East Street    C. West Street    D North Street

2.If you leave the hotel for the zoo, you’d better go there ______

A. by spaceship    B. by plane    C. by ship  D by car

3.The shop is close to _______

A. Star Bridge    B. Water Bridge    C. Dragon Bridge   D Luck Bridge

4.You must pass _____from the shop to the theater. It’s the shortest way.

A. the library and the bookstore

B. the hospital and the bookstore

C. the hospital and the school

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the map?

A. The park is in the middle of the city.

B. The museum is between the library and the bookstore.

C. The school and the church are on the same street.




1.--- How m_______ money do they have?  --- Only one yuan .

2._______(欢迎) to Sunshine Town, ladies and gentlemen.

3.The classroom is very _______(安静的).

4.Every Teachers’ Day, I give some _______(明信片) to my teachers.

5.Rujia is a good ________(旅馆) all over China.

6.Daniel often makes me ____________.()

7.Get up early this morning. Don’t ___________(错过) the school bus again.

8.The cinema is in the ________ (东南) of the factory.

9.He has a big room with p ________(许多) of showers and baths.

10.There are all kinds of birds in the _________ (森林).

11.He is sitting at the _________ (角落) of the street.

12.After the long trip, he felt _________(患病的).

13.He always gets up early and goes to bed late because he wants to ________(学习) a lot.

14.He was ill. He had to stay in h______.

15.Now there are many tall _______(建筑物) in the city.

16.It’s about ten _______(分钟) walk from here to the playground.

17.Giraffes like eating l____________from trees.

18.Walk a_______the road ,______()the bridge and t______ right.

19.Lions are the _______(国王)of the animal world.

20.Lots of __________(参观者)come to see the monkeys.

21.They’re ___________(跳跃)around and look lovely.

22.Mr. Black has a daughter. Today is her ________(twelve) birthday.

23.Their playground is different from _________ (we).

24.The policeman asks us _________ (not stop) our bikes here.

25.Today is his father’s ________(forty) birthday.

26.The bank has money and different kinds of  ________(treasure).

27.Look at the s______ ,it says“No smoking”

28.A lot of people lost their ___________ (life) in the earthquake.

29.Listening to music can make me______(feel) happy.

30.Tell him __________ late again. (not be)

31.Go along Fifth Street, and you ________(see) the train station.

32.We all look forward to _________ the exam(考试) soon. (have)

33.Air is so important for us. We can’t live __________(with) it.

34.44.Please remember ______ him something to eat. (give)

35.Sometimes he _____ (take) us to the museum .

36.She makes a lot of mistakes(犯错误) She is not _________(care) at all.

37.It takes me two hours ________(do) my homework.

38.A monkey can use _____(it) tail(尾巴) to hang down from the tree.

39.Millie was ____(surprise)to hear the bad news.

40.The books are not Millie’s. They are those _________(child).

41.My father told me a _______(fun) story and I laughed a lot.

42.Pandas are so _____(love). I love watching them eat bamboo.

43.I met him after ________ for him for hours. (wait)



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