满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 初中生活进入最后一年,请你以张明的名义给英国笔友Brian写一封感谢信...















Dear Brian,

How time flies! We have been friends for three years. I am writing to thank you for your great help!

Three years ago, ______________________________________________________

Hope to see you soon!


Zhang Ming


Dear Brian, How time flies! We have been friends for three years. I'm writing to thank you for your help! Three years ago, when I came to a new class, everything was strange to me. I had no friends and felt lonely. I couldn’t understand what my teachers taught. ( It was you who helped me a lot.) During the three years, you wrote to me many times and always encouraged me to make many friends. When I had trouble with my English, you told me many good ways to improve it.( And you always shared your happiness with me, which made my life more colorful. )With your help, I have become more confident and outgoing. I’m really thankful to your help. These years, great changes have taken place in Tiantai. I hope you can visit Tiantai one day! Hope to see you soon! Yours, Zhang Ming 【解析】 这是一篇给材料作文,给自己的好友Brain写一封感谢信。结合所给材料,可知本文要写的是三年前自己到班级时遇到的一些困惑以及在三年中Brain给自己的一些帮助,带给自己的一些改变,主要考查一般过去时,人称为第一,二人称,注意主谓一致问题,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:I came to ......;you encouraged me to......;you shared......;I became ......及Could you come......?等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系,注意文后要表达自己想见到好友的愿望。用到的短语及表达有:was strange to me 对我陌生;felt lonely 感到孤独;many times 多次;encouraged me to make many friends 鼓励我交朋友;shared happiness 分享快乐;thankful to 对…很感谢。总体来说文章连贯,事件叙述清晰得体,完成了既定的写作任务。  


What will happen if a family is without the Internet for a month? One American family decides to find out. They have sent an invitation to a US television station, hoping that it will send a film group to record their day-to-day life without technology1.a month.

When the film group meet 2.Smiths, they find that Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two kids are so crazy about technology that 3.hardly do things together. At mealtime, no one 4.(sit) at the dining table for their food. “Everyone just runs into the kitchen, takes their food and then goes back to their screen,” Mrs. Smith explains. “5. we don't make a change, our family will become strangers to each other!”

Getting back to the normal life without the Internet is not6.(easy) , especially when the Smiths lose themselves in it. They have to make many 7.(change) . For example, the two kids have to go to the school library 8.(borrow)books for their scientific projects, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith need to go out shopping because they cannot buy things online. As the family have picked up the new lifestyle, they find that they can spend more time9.chat) over meals, playing sports and doing all kinds of activities together.

10. a big change!



B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

Debbie and Simon looked up as an old lady got into their office. The lady looked at them both quickly, and then walked over to Debbie. Debbie greeted (接待) her1.(礼貌地).

Simon was a little sad and took some papers over to the fax machine. Chris, a member of staff from 2.(法国), was standing there.

“What’s up, Simon? You don’t look very happy.”

“Customers in all parts of the world always like Debbie better than me. I 3.(很少) have them. I can’t understand it.”

“I can. 4.(是否)or not you can do this well depends on the way you communicate. Communicating is not just about speaking. Body language is important, too.”

“Body language?”

“I mean your gestures (姿势) and the 5.(表情)on your face. Your look communicates things as well as your words.

“The way you look at people doesn’t give them a good impression, Simon. You often rest your head on your hand. You look down. You never smile. But look at Debbie. She holds her head up. She looks at people’s 6.(眼睛). She smiles before speaking to them. That’s why they go to her for help, and not you.”

After that, Simon tried to improve his body language. He sat up and smiled at people. This seemed to 7. (起作用). Minutes later, a beautiful girl got into the office. She looked at Debbie and then Simon. Without thinking 8. (两次), she went to Simon and gave him a big smile. A few moments later, she left, still smiling.

Chris came over at once and said, “Well done, Simon. I’m so 9.(骄傲)of you. You’ve already made a good impression on her.”

“That was my 10. (妹妹) ,” said Simon. “She came to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.”



Although people everywhere seem to enjoy drinking coffee, they don’t all have the same coffee culture. In Europe, for example, coffee shops are common places for people to meet friends and to talk while they drink coffee. On the other hand, places like this were not as common in North America in the past. Instead, people in North America liked to drink coffee in their homes with friends. The coffee culture in the USA changed when Starbucks (星巴克) coffee shops spread across the country.

The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971 in downtown Seattle, Washington, in the USA. It was a small coffee shop that cooked its own coffee beans. The coffee shop’s business did well, and by 1981 there were three Starbucks stores in Seattle.

Things really began to change for the company in 1981. That year, Howard Schultz met the three men who ran Starbucks. Schultz worked in New York for a company that made kitchen equipment. He noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special coffee makers, which caused his great interest. Schultz went to Seattle to see what Starbucks did. In 1982, the original Starbucks owners hired Schultz as the company’s head of marketing (市场营销).

In 1983, Schultz traveled to Italy. The special environment of the espresso (浓咖啡) bars there caught his eyes. Back in the USA, Schultz created an environment for Starbucks coffee shops that was comfortable and casual, and customers everywhere seemed to like it. Starbucks began opening more stores across the USA. Then the company opened coffee shops in other countries as well. Today, there are more than 16,000 Starbucks coffee shops all over the world.

However, that does not mean Starbucks has not had problems. In fact, many Starbucks stores have been closed over the past few years. On the one hand, this is because there were too many coffee shops competing for business in one small area. On the other hand, stores in some countries were closed because the coffee culture there did not match with the “feel the same everywhere” environment offered by Starbucks.

1.The underlined word “ran” in Paragraph 3 probably means “             ”.

A. closed    B. managed    C. left    D. sold

2.According to the passage, which is the right order for the following sentences?

a. Schultz helped to make Starbucks a huge coffee company.

b. Starbucks began as a small coffee company in Seattle in the USA.

c. Schultz went to Seattle to learn about the company and later worked for it.

d. Schultz noticed Starbucks ordered lots of special coffee makers.

A. a-b-d-c    B. c-a-b-d    C. b-d-c-a    D. d-c-a-b

3.Why were so many Starbucks closed in small areas?

A. Because the coffee in these places was too expensive.

B. Because the style of the coffee stores seems the same.

C. Because people like to drink coffee at home with friends.

D. Because there were too many coffee shops in one place.

4.Which of the following shows the right structure of the passage? (P=Paragraph)

A.     B.     C.     D.



“Hi! How are you?” The woman smiled as she took the seat next to me on the airplane, She had to lower herself slowly, trying hard to push her fat body into the seat, filling all available space.

I didn’t reply and moved a little towards the window. She repeated her greeting in a friendly voice.

“Hi!” I replied.

“My name is Laura. I'm from Britain. How about you?” she talked excitedly. “Malaysia.” I said coldly.

Laura started a conversation with me, taking no notice of my unfriendly reactions. Her voice was warm and caring. She was thoughtful. When we were served drinks and meals she made sure that I had room to move in my seat. “I don't want to make you uncomfortable with my elephant size!” she said with great sincerity(真诚).

To my surprise, the face that I had disliked hours before slowly showed a nice smile -- lively and calm at the same time. I couldn’t help but let down my guard.

Laura was interesting. During our conversation, Laura managed to make every person on the plane who served us walk away laughing at her jokes.

I asked Laura, “Have you ever thought about losing some weight? You aren't worried about the diseases that come with being overweight?” “Not at all, because I eat healthily and walk regularly,” she said. “This may not be scientific, but I believe in my heart that the people who get diseases are the ones who worry all the time. I’m this size because I was born to be big! There is more to life than worrying about weight all day long.”

She drank her wine. “Besides, God gives me so much happiness that I need a bigger body to hold all of it! If I lose weight, I'll lose my happiness.”

Surprised by her unusual reasoning, I smiled. 1 suddenly realized that Laura was the most beautiful woman I had ever met in my life.

1.Why did the writer move towards the window at the very beginning?

A. The writer was not very happy that day.

B. The writer had hoped to enjoy the trip alone.

C. The writer didn't like Laura's size.

D. The writer was not good at making friends.

2.What made the writer feel comfortable later?

A. Laura's warm and caring voice.

B. Laura's kindness and sincerity.

C. Laura's lively and calm look.

D. Laura’s interesting conversation.

3.Laura thought that ___________.

A. being yourself is important to keep healthy

B. losing weight can help people feel relaxed

C. worrying all the time can help to lose weight

D. being overweight will lead to diseases at last

4.What can you learn from this story?

A. No news is good news.

B. The early bird catches the worm.

C. Don't judge a book by its cover.

D. One tree can't make a forest.



Some English words have more than one meaning. These are called multi-meaning words.

Multi-meaning words have the same pronunciation with different meanings. For example, let’s look at the word “ball”. You could have a “ball” which means you would have a good time. You could toss a “ball” which means you throw an object. You could be on the “ball” which means you know what is happening. You could go to a “ball” which means a dance.

__________Take the word “can”. You “can” ride a bike which means you are able to ride a bike. You have a “can” of soup which means the soup is in a round-shaped holder. You can do the “can-can” which is a dance from the 1920s. And you might get “canned” if you do a poor job at work, which means you might lose your job.

How about “fly”? You can “fly” an airplane or you can hit a “fly” that is on your food in your house. Or, you can “fly by the seat of your pants” which means you don’t make a plan before taking an action. And, you know that “fly” of a zipper(拉链)is the top part of the zipper.

There are hundreds of words that are multi-meaning words. The word “set” has more meaning than any other word in the English language. When you have time. Why don’t you try to think of all the ways the word “set” is used?

If you look at the title of this book Can a Fly, Fly? …you know that the answer is “Yes” because you have seen an insect named a “fly” go up in the air and move around through the air … which is what “fly” means. Can a Fly? Of course, it can!

1.If Tom is often late for work and fails to finish his tasks, he will ________.

A. do the can-can    B. get canned

C. be on the ball    D. go to a ball

2.According to the passage, the word “_______” has the most meanings in the English language.

A. ball    B. can    C. set    D. fly

3.Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 3?

A. Let’s try another word.    B. Let’s make a word list.

C. Here’s a survey report.    D. Here’s the guessing game.

4.The writer writes the passage in order to _________.

A. tell a story about learning English words

B. introduce a book on learning English words

C. share an experience in learning English words

D. present different pronunciations of the same word



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