满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


上周五,你们的学校为无家可归的儿童举行了一场慈善义卖活动。你的老师请你为大家写一份英语的演讲稿作 总结并表达你自己的看法,内容包括以下要点。


1、参考词汇:慈善义卖( Charity fair),无家可归的( homeless);

2、字数 80 词左右,开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数;


Dear teachers and classmates,

It's my honor to be here to share my thoughts with you today.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

That’s all! Thank you for your attention!


Dear teachers and classmates, It's my honor to be here to share my thoughts with you today. Last Friday, we held a Charity Fair on the school playground to collect money for the homeless children. All the teachers and students took part in the fair because we really would like to help the children in need. During the Charity Fair, we sold a lot of different things. Some of us sold lots of food and drinks. Some sold their old books, such as storybooks, magazines and so on. Some even sold their favourite toys. We were so excited that we totally collected about 3000 yuan in the end. All of us enjoyed ourselves very much. It was such a wonderful day I would never forget! That's all! Thank you for your attention! 【解析】 这篇作文要求我们对学校为无家可归的儿童举行的义卖活动写一篇英语的演讲稿,总结这次活动并发表自己的看法。题目中利用图表的形式,展示了这次活动的相关信息,这也是写作的一个提纲,我们应根据这里的内容,组织语言,充实细节,串联成完整的短文。写作前应仔细观察这一图表,弄清楚里面的内容,确定文章的要点和主体以及短文中应使用的时态、人称等。通过分析可知,这篇短文应使用一般过去时态,注意谓语动词形式的变化,尤其是不规则动词的过去式形式。写作时应注意英语表达习惯和汉语是不同的,不能逐词翻译汉语,而应从句子的整体结构出发,选择恰当的句型和词汇表达。可以使用较容易掌握的简单句结构,如主谓宾或主系表结构。穿插使用较长的句式,如并列句、复合句以及其他复杂句式,提升文章档次。同时注意语句之间使用恰当的连接成分,使文章意思连贯。


1.我妈妈每天花 30 分钟去上班。

________ ________my mother 30 minutes ______  go to work every day.


We ______ _______ _______our school sports meeting last Friday.


It's ____ ______ _______to finish the work.


The hotel will  ________ us  ______   free dinner.


There are many places of interest in Guangzhou,  _____ ______ the Guangzhou Tower and the Baiyun Mountain



Cathy was fourteen years old. She didn’t like going to school. 1. She couldn’t stand (忍受) that. So she left home quietly on a cold morning.

Cathy’s dream is to be rich, but she was in her high school for just one year. She couldn’t take a job.  2. Her parents  missed  her  very  much.  They  walked  onto  the  streets  and  posted  as  many  photos  as  they  could. 3.

Everywhere she went, she could see a big photo of herself on the wall. “Is it my mother? ” She moved nearer and read the words below: I still love you, my dear daughter… Cathy cried. 4. To her surprise, the door opened itself. Cathy came in and saw her parents sleeping in the living room. 5.

A. She hurried home in the evening.

B. And they never stopped looking for her.

C. So she had to ask for food in the street for several weeks.

D. Her parents were always strict with her.

E. The door of parents' love for their children will never be closed.



For many foreigners. Chinatowns give them their first impression (印象) of China. What are Chinatowns like in their eyes? Three foreign writers share their stories.



Jordon Shinn, 28, US

In a local public park, groups of middle-aged Chinese women dance in rows in loud music. Next to the big lake, some people are playing different instruments, like guitar, violin and erhu. Two women sing along to the music in Cantonese( ).

At that time, I feel like I am in a public park in China.


Jordon Shinn, 28, US

In a local public park, groups of middle-aged Chinese women dance in rows in loud music. Next to the big lake, some people are playing different instruments, like guitar, violin and erhu. Two women sing along to the music in Cantonese( ).

At that time, I feel like I am in a public park in China.




Murray Wenzel, 29, Australia

Almost every big city in Australia has a Chinatown. Chinatown in Brisbane is full of restaurants, just like Beijing. But the food is quite different from “real” Chinese meals.

Both of fortune cookies and prawn crackers ( 薯 片 ) are in every Chinatown restaurant. But I seldom saw them in Beijing.


Murray Wenzel, 29, Australia

Almost every big city in Australia has a Chinatown. Chinatown in Brisbane is full of restaurants, just like Beijing. But the food is quite different from “real” Chinese meals.

Both of fortune cookies and prawn crackers ( 薯 片 ) are in every Chinatown restaurant. But I seldom saw them in Beijing.




Hani N. Khan. 26. Singapore

When you walk into Singapore, you can see different signs ( 招牌) in Chinese everywhere. Three-floor houses stand along the streets. They are like the qilou buildings found in Guangdong and Fujian provinces. In the past, homeowners would live on the  upper floors. They would run a small shop on the ground floor.


Hani N. Khan. 26. Singapore

When you walk into Singapore, you can see different signs ( 招牌) in Chinese everywhere. Three-floor houses stand along the streets. They are like the qilou buildings found in Guangdong and Fujian provinces. In the past, homeowners would live on the  upper floors. They would run a small shop on the ground floor.


1.How many people are sharing ideas about Chinatown?

A. 1    B. 2    C. 3    D. 4

2.Where does Jordon come from?

A. China    B. America    C. Australia    D. Singapore

3.What does Murray think of the Chinatown in Australia?

A. Something is different.    B. Every city has a Chinatown.

C. Chinese women are interesting.    D. There are many qilou buildings

4.What does the underlined word “upper” mean?

A. Low    B. Top    C. Front    D. Back

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A. How to go to Chinatowns.    B. A Chinatown in Singapore.

C. Good places to visit in Chinatown.    D. Chinatowns in foreigners’ eyes.



We all wish we could have just one more hour of sleep.


For lucky high school students in England, they’re now going to reset their alarm(闹钟) and get one more hour of sleep. Instead of starting school at 9 a.m., students will begin their school day at 10 a.m.

This is part of a huge study by Oxford University. The experiment( 实验) will see if later classes can help them get good marks.

“We know that something funny happens when you’re a teenager, "a sleep researcher Colin Epsie told The Telegraph. “When you get bad marks, your parents think it is because you're lazy, and everything would be OK if you could get to sleep earlier. Science is telling us that teenagers need to sleep more in the mornings.”

In 2009, some scientists did other similar experiments. They found that 19% students got better marks in Maths and Science.

Is one more hour's sleep good for all students' studies? Yet we’ll have to wait until 2018 to find out these exciting results!

1.Why do the students in England reset their alarm?

A. Because they are too lazy to get up early.    B. Because they want to start school at 9 a.m.

C. Because they can get another hour of sleep.    D. Because the time of their alarms are wrong.

2.Which of the following is True about the experiment?

A. It is studied by Oxford University.    B. We can know the result now.

C. It shows that all students get better marks.    D. It tells us more sleep is bad for students.

3.The scientists do the experiments to      .

A. know more about students' sleep

B. see if it is good for students’ study

C. help students keep healthy

D. see better marks of Maths and Science

4.What does “it” refer to in Paragraph 4?

A. you get to sleep earlier

B. you want to sleep more

C. you do not do well in study

D. you are a teenager

5.We can find this article from       .

A. a travel guide    B. newspaper    C. a cartoon book    D. a food magazine



Here comes autumn! Autumn is a season of change. It brings new scenery and different experiences. You can easily fall in love with it.

Plants change in autumn. Leaves turn red, gold and orange, and fall down with the wind. But beautiful autumn flowers celebrate their time. Chrysanthemums and sweet osmanthus are in bloom(开花).

Animals get ready for winter in autumn. Birds fly to warmer places. Squirrels collect lots of nuts. Those are their food during the winter. Deer grow thicker fur. The fur can keep them warm in winter time.

Autumn is also the harvest season. Farmers are busy harvesting apples, pears and oranges. After September in the US, people are busy picking pumpkins. They make them into everything, from pies and soups to jack-o'-lanterns on Halloween.

Cool weather and Fresh air make autumn a good time for outdoor activities. Hiking, biking, camping and having picnics are all good choices.

So what are you willing for? Go out and enjoy the beautiful fall season.

1.According to the passage, what flowers can you see in Autumn?

A. Leaves and chrysanthemums.    B. Leaves and osmanthus.

C. Chrysanthemums and osmanthus.    D. Leaves, chrysanthemums and osmanthus.

2.Why do squirrels keep so many nuts in winter?

A. Because it's cold in winter.    B. Because they need a lot of food to eat.

C. Because they can grow thicker fur.    D. Because they want to plant some trees.

3.When do people harvest pumpkins in the US?

A. March.    B. May.    C. July.    D. October.

4.What activity is a good choice in autumn according to the writer?

A. Go swimming    B. Ride a bike    C. Plant trees    D. Make snowmen

5.What does the writer think of autumn?

A. He likes it very much.    B. He doesn’t like it at all.

C. He has no idea about it.    D. He loves the food best.



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