满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

“Who did this?” asked the teacher. Thirt...

“Who did this?” asked the teacher. Thirty children made no answer.

“Who did this?” she raised her voice asked again. She _______ became angry, but she was this time.

Charley _______ the window, but he did it by accident. He threw a baseball to the window. “_______ I said I did it, I would get into trouble,” Charley thought. “How would I be able to pay _______ a big window like that ?” But something much stronger in his mind pulled him up. “ I did it.” Charley________. It was________ enough to say that.

The teacher walked to Charley with a _______ in her hand.

“I know you did it, and I know________ interests you are birds,” she said. Here’s a book about birds. It’s _______ now. I won’t punish you. But remember, it’s only for your honesty.”

Charley couldn’t _______ it ! The teacher didn’t punish him, but gave him a book which needed much money.

1.A. never    B. sometimes    C. always    D. often

2.A. opened    B. broke    C. closed    D. cleaned

3.A. Because    B. As    C. If    D. When

4.A. on    B. for    C. in    D. at

5.A. left away    B. came in    C. took out    D. stood up

6.A. angry    B. happy    C. hard    D. friendly

7.A. book    B. ruler    C. knife    D. pen

8.A. how    B. when    C. why    D. what

9.A. mine    B. yours    C. ours    D. hers

10.A. think    B. agree    C. hope    D. believe


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D 【解析】 本文讲述的是查理打棒球不小心打烂了窗户,在老师面前他最终勇敢地承认了错误,老师没有惩罚他,而是给了他一本他最心爱的书的故事。 1.句意:她从不生气,但这次她生气。never从不;sometimes 有时;always 总是;often 经常。从后句“但是她这次生气了”可以推测出她平时是不生气的。故选A。 2.句意:查理打破了窗户,但他是无意的。opened 打开;broke 破坏;closed 关闭;cleaned清洁。从后“他向窗户掷了棒球”可以推断出他把窗户打烂了,故选B。 3.句意:查理想:“如果我说是我,我会惹麻烦”。Because 因为;As 当…;If 如果;When 当…。这是描述他的心理活动,是他想出的一个假设条件,故选C。 4.句意:我怎么赔得起像那样的大窗户呢?短语pay for…意为“为…付款”,这里pay只能和介词for连用,其他介词on/in/at均不可,故选B。 5.句意:查理站了起来。left away离开;came in进来;took out拿出;stood up站起来。前句说查理头脑中一些强有力的东西让查理有了勇气,承认了这件事,所以这里是站了起来,故选D。 6.句意:那样说是很困难的。angry生气的;happy开心的;hard困难的;friendly友好的。当着全班同学和老师的面承认错误,是一件很难的事,故选C。 7.句意:老师走向查理,手里拿着一本书。book书;ruler尺子;knife刀子;pen钢笔。从后面可以看出老师把一本关于鸟类的书给了查理,可知老师手中是一本书,故选A。 8.句意:我知道是你做的,并且我知道让你感兴趣的是鸟类。how怎样;when何时;why为什么;what什么。这里是宾语从句的主语部分,指的是“使某人感兴趣的东西”,用what引导这个宾语从句中的主语从句,故选D。 9.句意:现在是你的了。mine我的东西;yours你的东西;ours我们的东西;hers她的东西。从前面可知老师是给查理一本他喜欢的书,书现在是“你的”了,故选B。 10.句意:查理不敢相信!think想;agree同意;hope希望;believe相信。生气的老师没有责罚他,令他不敢相信,故选D。

----My watch doesn’t work. I don’t know how to repair it.

----Why not ______ in Bob’s shop ?

A. getting it fixed    B. get it fixed    C. to get it fixed    D. getting it to fix



----Hi, Tom ! Can you tell me when ______ for London ?

----Yes, tomorrow morning.

A. leaving    B. leaves    C. to leave    D. are you leaving



We have no coffee. Would you like tea      ?

A. alone     B. anyway         C. neither            D. instead



----I wonder if she _____ us in the activity.

---Don’t worry. I believe she will come as soon as she _____ her work.

A. will join in, will finish    B. will join, finishes

C. joins, finishes    D. joins, will finish



----Mum, can I watch TV tonight ?

----Sure. If your homework _____.

A. is finished    B. finishes    C. will be finished    D. will finish



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