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书面表达 一年一度的班级新年晚会节目丰富多彩,令人难忘。同学们在晚会上纷纷表达了...





Dear Tara,

Long time no see! New Year's Day is coming. Last night our class had a New Year's Party.








Best wishes!


Li Ming


Dear_Tara, Long_time_no_see!_New_Year's_Day_is_coming._Last_night_our_class_had_a_New_Year's_Party. First, we played games together. Then we sang and danced happily. Finally some of us gave performances. All of us enjoyed the shows. Of all the performances, I think Ann sang more beautifully than Betty, but Betty danced better than Ann. And Lucy played the piano best. At the end of the party, we also made New Year's resolutions. My resolution has to do with self­improvement. I'm going to learn another foreign language. I'm going to join a club to improve it. I hope we will work hard to do better at school and stay healthy. Best_wishes! Yours, Li_Ming 【解析】 这是一篇给材料作文,向我的美国笔友Tara介绍我们班的新年晚会。 结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时和一般过去时,人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:Finally some of us gave……,I think……,My resolution has to do with……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。


A. Keep yourself busy.          B. Tell someone your feelings

C. Keep in touch.       D. Bring something familiar (熟悉的)  with you

When you stay away from your home for a long time, you start to miss your bed, your parents. Believe it or not, you are feeling homesick (想家的). You can help yourself to feel less homesick. Here's how:

___ If you're going away from home, bring some pictures of the people who You may miss. You can look at them any time you want.

___ The busier you are, the less time you will have to feel homesick. Spend your free time on music, sports or books.

___ You can make a plan when you'll call your mum or dad. You can also keep in touch with your family and friends.

___ Sometimes, telling someone that you're feeling a little homesick will help you feel better. Maybe you tell a friend that you feel homesick and both of you can do something fun.





5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. How to stay away from home.    B. How to do something fun.

C. How to feel less homesick.    D. How to miss your home.




Apple is one of the 1. popular fruits in our life, and many people eat apples every day. But there are three special apples in the world.

When the world just started, apple was a forbidden(被禁止的) fruit in the Garden of Eden. 2., a girl named Eve stole and 3.(eat) it. Unluckily, God found what happened and drove her away from the garden together with a boy 4.(call) Adam. Later, Adam and Eve had lots of 5.(baby) and became the ancestors(祖先) of us.

The 6.(two) apple has something to do with Newton. One day, when Newton was thinking of one problem under 7. apple tree, one apple fell down from the tree and hit his head. Because of this, Newton discovered gravitation(万有引力) and his new idea of science made people really 8.(surprise) and happy, also he changed our ideas about nature and the way we think.

And today, Steve Jobs changed the world by his apple products. For example, iPhones can be found everywhere in the street. They have become a symbol 9. our times. Although he has died, people still remember him and miss him, because he made our life 10.(easy) than before.




Jason is an unusual young man. He 1.(失去) both arms in a terrible accident at the age of 11, but he still held on to his dream. As a child, he loved music. He wanted to play the piano with his feet, but he couldn't find 2.(任何人) to teach him. So he had to learn it by 3.(他自己). He kept 4.(练习) for seven hours every day. He often said, “For people like me, there are only two choices. One is to give up all dreams, and quickly die 5.(没有) hope, the other is to fight with no arms to live a more 6.(精彩的) life.” So he was more 7.(勤奋的) than others. Three years later, he tried his 8.(尽力) to win the competition in China's Got Talent and was named the “armless 9.(钢琴家)” by people. From his story, we know “Nothing is 10.(不可能的).”



An Indiana mother saved her children's lives by covering them with her own body during a tornado(龙卷风). She has lost parts of both of her legs.

The 36­year­old Stephanie Decker said in an interview that she picked her children, 8­year­old Dominic and 5­year­old Reese, up early from school when she heard the storm coming. They were in the family's basement(地下室) when the storm hit.

“There was wind I had never seen before,” Decker said. “Then the glass broke, and as soon as the glass broke, the whole house started shaking.” Decker made a decision to save her children, covering them in a blanket(毯子) and throwing herself on top of them.

“Everything started hitting my back,” she said, “my children were crying,‘Mommy I can't live without you, I don't want to die, please don't let me die.’ And I said,‘We are not going to die, we are going to make it.’” Luckily they were saved and the children were unhurt. Decker lost one leg above the knee and the other above the ankle.

Decker said afterwards, “I prayed(祈祷) to have the chance to live and I wanted my kids to have a mom and I did want them to grow up with me.”

1.When did the tornado most probably come?

A. After Decker and her family had hurt.

B. After Decker picked her children  up from school.

C. Before Decker went to her children's school.

D. After Decker went into the basement.

2.What happened to the family after the tornado?

A. Decker lost both of her legs in the storm.

B. Dominic lost one leg above the knee.

C. The children were hurt in the storm.

D. The mother lost parts of both of her legs.

3.What's the right order according to the passage?

a. Decker covered the children in a blanket.

b. The wind broke the glass.

c. Decker threw herself on top of the children.

d. The whole house started shaking.

e. Decker told her children not to be afraid.

A. b­d­a­c­e    B. b­a­c­d­e    C. d­b­c­e­a    D. d­c­b­a­e

4.Which word can we use to describe Decker?

A. Brave.    B. Strong.    C. Outgoing.    D. Hard­working.




An oyster(牡蛎) that was very proud was talking with a fish. “Let's be friends and we can look after each other whenever the fisherman's net comes along,” the fish suggested.


The proud oyster replied, “I have a strong shell and I feel safe when I close my shell, for no danger can happen to me.”


“But when you close your shell, you may not know what is happening,” answered the fish.

Still the oyster said that he was perfectly safe and he needed no friends to care about him.

Suddenly, there was a great splashing sound and the oyster closed his shell and very quickly kept quiet.

“What could the splashing have been? Was it a net, and was the fish caught?” the oyster wondered. When at last the oyster opened his shell, he found himself in a strange place.

“Where am I?” he looked for the fish but it was no longer around.

Sadly the oyster found he was at a market. A ticket on his back marked, “For sale!”

1.When the oyster closes the shell, what does the fish think will happen to the oyster?

A. The oyster will be safe.

B. The oyster may not know what is happening.

C. No danger can happen to the oyster.

D. His friend will look after him.

2.Where was the oyster when it opened its shell at last?

A. At the restaurant.    B. In the fish's home.

C. In its own home.    D. At the market.

3.What's the ending of the story?

A. The oyster made friends with the fish.

B. The oyster and the fish were caught by the fisherman.

C. Only the oyster was caught by the fisherman.

D. The oyster was safe at last.

4.What can we learn from the story?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B. He that is proud eats up himself.

C. Doing is better than saying.

D. A good beginning makes a good ending.



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