满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Jack,I can’t use the digital camera. Co...

—Jack,I can’t use the digital camera. Could you help me

—I’d love to,but I can't,either. Let’s read the ________ first,

A.attention B.instructions C.inventions D.position


B 【解析】 句意:——Jack,我不会使用数码相机,你能帮助我吗?——我愿意帮助你,但是我也不会。让我们先读一下说明书吧。 考查名词辨析。attention注意力;instructions说明书,指导;inventions发明;position位置,方位。根据对话的情景可知,说话两人都不会使用数码相机,所以应该先看说明书。故选B。  



提示词语: goal, tasks, plan, organize, cheek, spend, habit, improve, success


•What did you do to manage time well?

•What benefits have you got from doing so?


Time management plays an important role in our life._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






假如你是李华,你们班正在开展好书伴我成长的读书分享活动。活动要求班里的每一位同学做发言展示,向大家介绍自己最喜欢的一本书。你们班交换生Peter 给你发邮件询问相关事情。请用英语回复一封邮件,告诉他展示的时间,并就如何做好展示给予他一些建议。

提示词语: great, reasons, writer, characters, pictures, confident


When should you do the presentation?

What would you like to share with Peter about preparing the presentation?


Dear Peter,

I'm glad to receive your email.______________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________        _  

If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.


Li Hua






What do you say when you pick up the phone?

You say “hello”, of course.

What do you say when someone introduces a friend, a relative, anybody at all?

You say “hello”.

“Hello” has been for a long time considered to be the standard English language greeting since English people began greeting. But is that true?

It may be the most spoken word on the planet and the English word that most people learn first. The word is so familiar to us that it's surprising how new it is: “hello” has only been in use for about the last 200 years of the 1000-year history of English.

The Oxford English Dictionary says the first published use of “hello” goes back only to 1827. But it wasn't mainly a greeting back then. People in the 1830s said “hello” to attract attention (“Hello, what do you think you're doing?”), or to express surprise (“Hello, what do we have here?”).

But the true breakthrough for this now-common word was when it was used in the service of brand-new technology: the telephone. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it was Thomas Edison who put “hello” into common usage. He asked the people who used his phone to say “hello” when answering—which required people to address an unseen and unknown person. It was simpler and more efficient (高效的) than some other greetings used in the early days of the telephone, such as “Do I get you?” and “Are you there?” However, the actual inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, thought that the better word was “ahoy”, which turns out to be much longer—at least 100 years longer—than “hello”. It too, was a greeting from the Dutch (荷兰语) “hoi” meaning “hello.” For his entire    life, Bell insisted on answering the phone with “Ahoy.”

“Hello” obviously caught on, and spread along with the telephone. Had it not been for Edison, our greetings might be very different today. It could be possible that we are still greeting people with “Ahoy” when picking up the phone.

1.How long has “hello” been used in the 1000-year history of the English language?

2.What was the purpose of people saying “hello” in the 1830s?

3.Who put “hello” into common usage?

4.What word did Bell prefer to use when answering the phone?

5.What is the passage mainly about?



    Taking a gap year after high school is getting more popular among young adults each year. According to the American Gap Year Association (AGA), a gap year is often a year-long break taken between high school and college. AGA stresses that a gap year is a year on, rather than a year off, to oppose the belief that students are taking this time off as a vacation from schooling.

Gap years offer an opportunity for experiential learning. They allow you to leave the classroom and learn new skills and ideas through doing something. You might find yourself in completely new situations that call for special problem-solving skills. Moreover, many students go through twelve years of schooling in the same place with the same group of people. By taking a gap year, they can step out of their comfort zone (区域) and into an entirely new culture. Just like gaining new experiences on a gap year, they can also meet new people of all different ages and walks of life. Finally, a gap year can also be a great way to get yourself recharged (重新充电). Instead of immediately jumping into the next four years of your education, you can take a break from the classroom and focus on your personal interests and passions. Many top universities encourage accepted students to take a gap year before starting college.

However, before you get too excited about the idea of taking a gap year, you should also know about possible drawbacks. If you take a gap year, you could fall a year behind your peers (同伴). To catch up, you have to come up with a plan to graduate in three years. For the most part, studies show that students who take a gap year find themselves more driven when they arrive at college. However, you might find it difficult to return to an educational environment after taking a year away from the classroom.

There is no set time-line for your education, and going straight from high school to college definitely isn't for everyone. For me personally, I still benefit from my gap year experience traveling in European countries. Cap years can take a number of forms, and they require a good deal of intention and planning. So if you have a will-thought-out plan for taking a gap year, then you should feel confident in your decision. Taking a meaningful gap year could be one of the best life experiences you ever have!

1.According to the passage, by taking a gap year, students can __________.

A.become more popular among their friends

B.catch with their peers at study in college

C.build a stronger relationship between learning and doing

D.realize the importance of staying in their comfortable zone

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Students should be encouraged to have a time off for a vacation after high school.

B.Colleges should require students to spend their gap year traveling in Europe.

C.It's better to recharge yourself by going straight from high school to college.

D.A gap year provides students with an opportunity for personal growth.

3.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Take a gap year on

B.Gap years: a perfect holiday

C.The risk of taking a gap year

D.How to take a meaningful gap year



    Old habits, especially bad ones, can be hard to break.

People often make fun of New Year's resolutions (决心). However, resolutions present a big opportunity for self-improvement. Fortunately, social science has some ideas about how to start a good habit and stick to it.

Gary Charness and Uri Gneezy, two scientists at the University of Chicago, did some research, where 120 students were asked to take part in an experiment about exercise habits, and each of them would get $175 in the end. The students were randomly assigned (随机分配) to three groups. The first group got the money for just giving researchers permission (允许) to record their gym attendance. The second group gave permission, but had to go to the gym at least once the next month. The final group gave permission and had to go to the gym eight times that month.

Unsurprisingly, the group that had to make eight gym visits to get paid exercised more than the other two groups. After the payments stopped, these students kept going to the gym at higher rates (频率). They went to the gym about twice as often as the other two groups.

In another study, researchers invited 151 students to work out in the gym, and randomly assigned 75 to a “temptation-bundling” group. As they exercised, they listened to the start of an attractive audio-novel (有声小说). At the end of their workout, students were told that if they wanted to hear what happened next in their book, they would have to come back to the gym. They could only listen to the audio-book while exercising. The other 76 students also completed the first workout but without any kind of temptation bundle.

It turned out that the students in the temptation-bundling group visited the gym 27% more often than the control group over the next seven weeks. Sadly, the temptation-bundling trick fell apart over the Thanksgiving holiday when the gym was closed.

The studies show that trying something new quite often for as little as a month can kick-start a lasting change in behavior. Moreover, “temptation-bundling” may also be a useful method for changing behavior, particularly when used together with other methods. Even if you cannot promise yourself to stick with something for long, there is a huge benefit in putting in a lot of energy for a few weeks. It may pay off for longer than you think. So, why not challenge yourself with next New Year's resolution?

1.What can we learn from the two studies?

A.The students got different payments according to their gym attendance.

B.The temptation-bundling group loved audio-novels more than the other group.

C.27% of students in the temptation-bundling group exercised more often than before.

D.The students who exercised more often at first were more likely to keep working out.

2.The third paragraph is mainly about __________.

A.how the research was performed B.what was found in the research

C.why the scientists did the research D.who took part in the research

3.The underlined word “temptation-bundling” in Paragraph 5 probably means __________.

A.forming new habits by trying something you didn't like before

B.connecting something you like with something you have to do

C.improving your workout skills by listening to audio-books

D.pushing yourself by doing two tasks at the same time

4.What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?

A.To encourage people to go to the gym more often.

B.To present a new way to do scientific research.

C.To offer advice on how to develop a good habit.

D.To stress the importance of New Year's resolutions.



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